Sumatra 2500 .22 50...
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Sumatra 2500 .22 500cc

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Saddle Mountain tuned that shoots .22 46gr. Mr. Hollowpoints between 970 -980fps.  That's about 98ft. lbs. of energy.  Leupold 3-9x33mm was laying around so might as well mount it in $8 rings.  .217 45gr. on the left, and .217 46gr. on the right.  Has anybody tried the Griffin boat tail slugs?  I've only see variations of the flat base.

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Tried 46gr. Mr. Hollowpoint slugs in this gun, but groups turned into a shotgun pattern.

The only weight down I have is 34gr. Jumbo Beasts.  Shot 10 rounds.  These are the last six at 25 yards:

Another 10-15 rounds will gun will be a tack driver.  The one to the left was sight-in, and the one above that was me.  The remaining four shots are below.  I haven't chronied this gun yet, but I bet it's somewhere between 950-1050fps.  Not too many pellet options at this speed and weight.  Either Eun Jin 32.4 pointed or JSB 34gr. Jumbo Beast.  Otherwise you have to go to a custom slug maker like Griffen.

Anthony Storey LDC.  Db at shooter:  105.2; at muzzle:  108.7 


IMG 20210103 160120

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10 good shots with this rifle.  200 to 100 BAR after 15 rounds.  .22 34gr. jumbo beasts in a five shot group @ 25 yards.  Getting there...

IMG 20210114 175532

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Looks like there needs to be a shootout between ZAN .218 33gr. slugs vs. JSB 34gr. beasts.  Now I'm wondering if the 35gr. ZAN's will outshoot both of them:

ZAN .218 33gr. slug five shot group @ 30 yards full power.  Only tested for group size.


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I was gonna suggest the 32gr EunJin, those old sumatras run a bit bigger bores and the Eun Jin are a bit bigger.


you might even want to test some .22 lr rounds, might have to size them down a bit but who knows ?

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If you slug your barrel then get this .22lr bullets and you can size them down to the perfect size.


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Thank you for the suggestions.  I know the Eunjins were designed for these types of guns, but the slug BC at this power level is too hard for me to ignore.  I've also noticed all pellets/slugs fall right into the bore without any coaxing.   

These guns are more difficult to group too, mostly due to the heavy trigger and uneven weight distribution.  I find the whole setup a bit odd, but have gotten used to it.  They are not like an AA or Daystate guns that fit like a glove that have wonderful triggers and seem perfectly balanced.  "Acquired taste" is probably more accurate.  I'm not expecting MOA with this gun.  Minute of squirrel will do for me (five rounds in a 1/2" @ 30 yards).  I suppose spending more time with my Korean guns I'll get to that happy place. 


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That is why I would go the cast .22 lr direction.


Slug the barrel so you know exactly what sizer you need and then size down .22 lr cast bullets that btw are cheaper then airgun ammo

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The Eagle Claw successor to the Sumatra works pretty well with the 35 grain cast slugs from MP Moulds that were made for the Huben's. Granted the eagle claw needed some tuning to get them to the point where they would fire them fast enough, but with a change to a shorter length PEEK poppet and cleaving off 1/8" from the power adjustor screw mine pretty consistently flings them out at around 850-860 fps for about 20-25 shots from a 2.9k fill. Shorter distances they definitely pull in pretty good, though still reasonably hunting accurate at 50-75 yards.

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Posted by: @nomadic-pirate

That is why I would go the cast .22 lr direction.


Slug the barrel so you know exactly what sizer you need and then size down .22 lr cast bullets that btw are cheaper then airgun ammo

   You completely lost me there. A .22 lr uses a heeled bullet. Do you mean a .224 cf bullet?

Puerto Rico
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Nice post, but I don't like Sumatra airguns. 

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Quick five shot gut check for groups @ 30 yards.  JSB 34gr. Beasts on the left, 33gr. ZAN slugs on the right.  One of the slugs must of went through the exact same hole.  Without that one flier the group is minute of squirrel.  I want to try heavier ZAN slugs to make certain the right slug is picked for this gun.  


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Still, 35 yards I like to have no paper between holes, those guns can do better then that.

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Intersting thread. Am a fan of the Korean rifles as they make no pretentions or apologies - and, imho, don't need to. They are what they are -  solid, velocity adjustable, hunting weapons. Plus, they have been around long enough to have a solid track record.

Have two. One is a .20 Career II Carbine that was modified years ago by John Burroughs. It shoots 14.3 gr., original CPs at 920 fps and is marvelously accurate and devastating on pests and small game. The "secret" is having enough power to propel the pellet at a velocity sufficient to realize the potential of the projectile design.

The second is a .50 ss, which is a hoot to shoot tethered and always a crowd pleaser. A club member has a machine shop with a water jet cutter and he builds heavy targets that make a satisfying clang before they topple at 100 yds.

FWIW, AZ sometimes uses Korean barrels for his FT projects because their chamfered lands and U-shaped grooves provide superior accuracy with select projectiles.

A couple of suggestions may prove helpful.

When working with long for caliber slugs, twist rate and velocity seem to be two of the most important variables for accuracy. TJ barrels (as used by Jim Gaska for his WARS creations) can be very effective for mating ammo to a barrel.

The other is that, as with pbs, flat based slugs are often more accurate than boattails at 2-300 yds - so long as the velocity is high enough. 1000 fps and 100 fpe would certainly qualify!

Anyway, thanks for the test results and, please, continue keep us informed and advised.


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I believe I read somewhere that the bores on these guns are oversized.  That makes sense to me since every slug I've inserted into the breech (Whether a Career or Sumatra) sized .216 - .218 had no resistance at all.  If this is the case a larger diameter slug would be more important than weight.  AVS makes .2193 diameter slugs.

Griffen makes 34-40gr. boattails in .218:

I'm sure there is a perfect projectile for these guns.  However, how much am I willing to spend to find out?  $200, $300?  Please send me the slugs for free, and I will test them.

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The time has come to slug my airgun barrels.  The intent is to create a process for the masses to accurately access your airgun slug ambitions, while steering you away from slugs that have a high probability of not performing well in your particular gun.  I have yet to see a step by step process for airguns.  A Mitutoyo micrometer will be my new best friend.

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Slugged this barrel.  Groove diameter is .2191.  AVS carries larger diameter slugs than .218.  Slugging a barrel process will be forthcoming.

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Tried these pellets.  Horrible.  6" @ 30 yards.

Another attempt with 33gr. Zan's:

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@sonnysan Gday..The Sumatra is a tricky air rifle,as you know....Not regulated, multiple dial selections and tank pressure...

I have had the rifle over 4 years..Tested it on multiple different ammo, swaged, cast and purchased..


.217 h@n 30 grain  (185bar)   dial 6...(up from the lowest setting)

MP MOLDS 5,52 mm air pellet - 8 cavity mold - MP-molds 200bar dail 6..Good for first 12 shots. Then dial to 7 compensate.

5.525mm cavity die set | GMI Engineering (  I had custom die made .2165 21grain hollow point....

settings dial 4 205 bar... over 1050 fps surprisingly accurate at 80+ yards....

218-25-RF-D6 | NOE Bullet Moulds (


217-30-FN-BJ5 5 Cavity BT W/HP | NOE Bullet Moulds (  This one i got one hole group at 40 yards ..Had to put each slug through a sizer at .217 and individual weigh each one....To ensure consistency...Each individual rifle sumatra will probably have different results...But in general dial 6 is the sweet spots for 30 grainers at 185-190 bar...can do at 205 at dial 5 for first few shots...


.22 air mold 8 cavity AL mold - MP-molds i tried this mold but it needs sizing down .217..Works ok at long range...

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@bushman1 Thank you for sharing your experience and molds available.  I'm still trying various projectiles off the shelf.  Will be trying Javelin and ring slugs too.

Once I find the right slug, I'll consider a mold.  I'll have to be really ambitious to pursue this route, knowing myself. 

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@sonnysan Thanks mate,you are welcome...I am in Australia so the sumatra is the only thing ive got.I could of got a fx but to me it is more like a space ship than a air rifle ..I will try to post some more pictures of accuracy latter.




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@sonnysan Swaging Eunjin 28.5g into a .217 hollow point 24.1g slug


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IMG 20211227 102317 1
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@bushman1 I know I don't have the will power to do that.  Tried Javelin 30gr. slugs without success:

Since this is a 95FPE gun, all the 30gr. and below slugs/pellets have not worked out.  The are too light. 

I have a strong feeling a .22 slug in the 35gr. - 40gr. weight will find this gun's sweet spot on full power.  This also goes for the Career 707 .22 55FPE I own.

Will be trying the 35gr. ring slugs soon:

Another slug in my sights for the guns above, along with a Wolverine HP .22 70FPE.



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@sonnysan I have tried with the MP mold ring slugs at 35g soft lead...Max power will loose accuracy...MAX accuracy still in the dial up 5-6-7 area depending on reservoir pressure due to being unregulated. ...5,52 mm air pellet - 8 cavity mold - MP-molds.


I agree with you....a hollow point in the 35gr + region should massively improve speed/accuracy..


Online store -

These guys sell a 40 and a 50 grain mold for .22 sumatra


I tried the 40 hits like a hammer but accuracy not awesome...


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@bushman1 I do have 45gr. and 55gr. slugs from mr. hollowpoint that came with the sale.

The 45gr. shot ok.  The 55gr. horrible.  

Shooting the right slugs accurately out these guns has been the most difficult challenge I've come across in the airgun world. 

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@sonnysan Yes agreed...up to 50 yards with pellets or slugs dialing in the settings for accuracy is ok

But as soon as you want to reach out 80 yards+ with accuracy ,it is a real challenge...That's what i like ? 

But i believe it can be done..


So if i get you right,you want max power and max accuracy together correct?


Im trying to go more like this guy with max speed 


With a smaller optimal weight, shape and size for a transonic wacking..

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@bushman1 Yes, max power and accuracy in every gun I own.

The real challenge past 80+ yards will always be the trigger.  These guns have heavy triggers, and play a significant role at those distances.  For those types of applications I will always pick up a Daystate unless I'm really ambitious.  

I forgot the upnorthairgunner.  He's the hammer X airgun guy to me!  Compare the similarities: 



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@sonnysan Yeah right..I see the similarities ? ...Bit hot here at the moment at 41 degrees Celsius..Waiting for a cool day to do some accuracy tests..


I'm calling these my Zebra Slugs...Hand swaged from eungin slugs..Leaves lines on them..


Don't know,the lines might help their flight.... 


Will post my results latter...


Using a

ATN X-Sight II 2 Smart HD 5-20x Day & Night Vision Scope
IMG 20211227 135605 1

As far as i know..The bore size is 0.216 internal and 0.222 external....That is 0.003 rifle groove...

from my research 0.217 are getting the better results..

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comparison with aircraft engine housing also designed for subsonic flight


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IMG 20220101 084616 1

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IMG 20220103 184040 1
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50 yards  23grain hollow point cast slug sized to 0.216.. 200 bar 6 clicks up...... windy  

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Tried the 35gr. ring slugs and 30gr. Javelin slugs.  How does 3.5" sound at 20M?  It doesn't.

Out of desperation, I tried the 25gr. redesigned JSBs lubed with krytech:

Five shot group shot at 15m, only focused on group size.  First two shots were supersonic.  Have to push it out further with sight in, but I'm definitely onto something.

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Ran out of elevation with a Leupold 3-9x33mm EFR.  Never happened before.  The scope was used, so maybe use another scope.  Pulled out a Discovery 6-24-44.  That too ran out of elevation.  Need to droop the scope:

Remembered I have no limit rings somewhere.  Couldn't find them, but found a drooper rail in the meantime:

Hitting bulleye's now at 30 yards with:

At some point I'll write out all the pellets and slugs I shot through this gun in an attempt to find the best projectile. 

Will now chrony it since the first two shots shoot supersonic.

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Bushman1 reacted
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wow  3.5inch at 20m is crazy..I know you are after full power and full accuracy ..

No Man should stand in your way 🙂

Yet to try 40 grain Patriots or 40 grain ZAN.......

This guy is doing slug trials at 100m with the sumatra in 22..

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His results are consistent with mine.  Perhaps the new .22 heavy slug offerings from H&N will be the most promising:

I bet this is the slug weight range that will rival 25gr. JSB redesigns in these guns.

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NICE SHOOTING GROUP AT 15M MATE...Yep i guess we just keep trying till we crack the code with this rifle....


I know it can be a laser but only by dialing it to suit the bullet...or using a specific pressure in the tank


Even after doing that the super accurate shots will only last for about 6 rounds.


I learned a trick in the Laboratory...We used a magnetic spinner to mix liquids in a flask.What i found was if it spun  too slow the vortex was small but spinner stable...If i spun it too fast the the vortex huge but spinner unstable..But somewhere in between was the optimal vortex size and spinner stabilisation...Obviously this would change if i had different flask or different type spinner, level of liquid etc etc...I guess the same with air rifles and rotating projectiles..There would be a optimal sweet spot for each individual Rifle and slug combination.Which would take testing and trials to decipher.



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Projectiles tested in this exercise:


2nd place:

Did not group (over 1" at 30 yards):


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Found full tin of vintage Eley Magnum .22 solids @ 30.5gr:

Has anyone had any luck with these? 

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20220303 124630 resized

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2022 03 11 (1)

Gday Mate.Thought i would share this with you..I polished the barrel using 4mm dowel and 2500grit then graduated onto 3000 grit sandpaper....Then after cleaning went on with metal polish liquid ,connect the drill to the dowel and gave it a good polish for about 20 minutes..this helped with tightening up the groups.Took off all the nasty edges

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@sonnysan  Online store -

Sumatra 2500 Upgrade Kit 5.5mm

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Thank you for the tips and link.  Not sure I'll polish with sandpaper, as 34gr. beasts and 25gr. monsters perform well.  Just need to acquire some 27.5gr. NSAs to see if they group well in these guns. 

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@sonnysan Thankyou for you tips too mate and for allowing me to post on your page..


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@sonnysan Gday mate..Hope you doing well.

so i have been looking at the twist rate on the sumatra,it seems this is where the fault lies..From my understanding it is a 1/24 twist rate designed for the eun jin pellet ammo the rifle was made for,hence which may suggest why you are getting performance with the redesigned pellets....To go faster with accuracy especially with slug/bullets a faster twist rate is necessary 1/16..

This guy is trying to modify it


We did it | Worlds strongest | .22 Sumatra | 100Ft/lbs | 60Gr slugs - YouTube


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I'm going to try 27.5gr. NSA soon, as I recently found some.  The H&N heavies have promise when I get around to them.  Slugs don't have to travel fast to be shot accurately (900 - 1000fps), as I have many lower powered guns that shoot slugs lights out just fine (600 - 800fps range).  Those eun jin pellets have shoot terribly out of every gun I've used them in.  They are good for initial sight in pellets to get the gun on paper.  

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@sonnysan Agreed..accuracy only comes with the correct speed for which the twist rate will allow..on my sumatra this works accurate with most slugs(27-32grain) on 180bar 6 clicks up from the lowest setting.Don't know what speed that is tho but it ain't fast..

South Africa
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@nomadic-pirate hey man ive got a sumatra aswell did a power tune on it i get 100ft/lbs full power with 60gr custom slugs but with the 34gr jsb beast at round about 1000fps on 54 yards i almost get around 10mm of grouping on a good day. if theres no wind. id also like to say due to the twist rate being 1/24 not alot of slugs work but ive got a guy in south africa making 30gr rbt slugs for me and it did quite well on 100 meters. so id say any rbt type of slug is worth testing these others im not to sure ive started a youtube channel to test all theories on the gun and what it can achieve as a over the counter gun like i said i did a mid tune on it for power and with the stock barrel it makes 100ft lbs.

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@bushman1 sup man yes i am trying to see if its possible getting this gun accurate on a high power since it was made to be powerful it doesn't help if you have a gun that can achieve 70 ft/lbs or upwards but u shoot slugs the same speed and power as a avenger then why did you buy it... so im trying to see what is possible of achieving with high power and accuracy so my journey continues i haven't posed any videos lately  due to being out of the country for work but my next video will be on the eagle claw of my friend did minor airflow adjustments to see if you make the air flow less restricted thru the valve if you get a bit more speed or more constant shots. there after im also waiting for some zan slugs to arrive to test .218 to.217 the whole catalog also i want to see if i can shoot .22 lr ammo if it would work or not and some rbt slugs thats to come next i also found a guy in SA that can build a 800mm barrel in a 1/16 twist rate for me for the sumatra but its a bit pricey for me so that would come in the next year that upgrade hoping to push 120+ft/lbs

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@slinginlead22 Nice work mate...You are the man to do it,if anyone can do it You can 👍 ...In Australia there is no gunsmith anywhere that will do anything with my barrel or create another custom one..SO...i WILL HAVE TO DO IT MY SELF OR JUST BE HAPPY WITH THE STOCK BARREL.....The twist rate for the new FX barrel 800mm is 1/14 but they said 1/16 does really well... 22lr is 1/16 also..The sumatra blows alot of air,it will need a way of shutting the valve quicker or suffer unnecessary tubulance.Once you hit the 120ftlbs you will definitely be in 22lr territory..


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@bushman1 i agree but maby i spoke to those guys they can ship outside of South africa.

buit i managed to 3d print a air stripper havent test it yet to much due to i dont have the right adapter on my barrel but bussy with a 34d printed adapter so well see but the last i tested it looked all good on 250bar u can see lead on the air stripper so it must work!!! but ill see to make a video this weekend and then ill upload on sunday of the eagle claw!


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slug group

 Home made 23grains 0.216 swaged ZAN shaped slug made with wheel weights.. 50 yards...There is two groupings of 6 here including one flyer in the middle

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@bushman1 Now that is impressive out of these guns.  Did you swap the barrel?  .216 is a very small diameter for these barrels, as almost all of mine are oversized.  What power are you shooting these slugs?  The power wheel must be between yellow and green. 

I have an AA S400 & S510 that shoots lights out with .217 23gr. NSA @ 26FPE, but cannot imagine you are shooting over 35FPE with such light slugs.  My 50FPE guns like the 25gr. .218 h&N slugs.

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@sonnysan Cheers mate..All i did was polish the original barrel...I used 0.216 because the lead i am using is very hard(wheel weights)normal soft lead in 0.217 would be good but then the barrel groove scarring would be slighly more..I did a push through with a 0.216 slug and found the indentation from the barrel grooves is still present but  very fine..

I can confirm The 23 grain slugs are performing at the higher speeds..using 180-190 bar 8 clicks up from the has to be over a 1000fps,i did not use a chrony,but ''Slinging Lead'' confirmed he found 1090fps..which is about 60ftlb range....I don't know why,if it is the shape of the slug or the hollow point is helping to stabilise the projectile in flight?But it is much more accurate...Obviously each seneca may have different settings to achieve same results..

I have done another test with a home made 35grain Hollow point(below) with similar results except had the dial full bore

Airgun Slugs


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Airgun Slug | Homemade

 Home made 35 grain slug made from this mold .22 air mold 8 cavity AL mold - MP-molds then i used a swager to press a hollow point into it....She's a real beauty and hits the bunnies hard.Looks like a normal 22LR bullet

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Ugh, I wish I bought one of these before they got discontinued

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I bought all of my long after they were discontinued.  Wish I bought the .20 Career on Brad's classifieds a few years ago to complete the collection.


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Sonnysan, what moderator are you using? Is it effective? I have an old .22 lever action and it is definitely not a "back yard" gun.



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Neil Clague:

Like all Neil Clague LDC's, it is very effective and backyard friendly.

I stand corrected:  Anthony Storey LDC from above.  Previous owner had it custom made.

LCD's from both of these guys are first rate.



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Thanks much! I see Neil is no longer making LDC adapters....I think that the Sumatra requires one. I will try to search out Anthony Storey.

I had not shot my Sumatra in 10yrs (still holds air!) and had not kept good notes. With 18,1 gr pellets (I was in a hurry and knew that would not be optimal) I got 300fps on low power. Dialed it to max and it was way past sonic friendliness. 1127fps! oops


thanks again!

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Posted by: @sonnysan


Neil Clague:

Like all Neil Clague LDC's, it is very effective and backyard friendly.

I stand corrected:  Anthony Storey LDC from above.  Previous owner had it custom made.

LCD's from both of these guys are first rate.



I have a Neil clague ldc on my.25 Cal Sumatra and even on high power is very quiet. Without it I need hearing protection just as if was a PB.😡 


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