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Suggestions for P3/HW40 Sight ?

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Looking for suggestions for a sight to mount on my Beeman P3 with 3/8" rail... mine is probably one of the first ones that came out, purchased in 1998 according to my records.

I haven't shot it in a long time, and forgot how much fun it is.

I currently have a Daisy Laser Sight (similar to the Crosman 0420 Laser Sight) that has a raised mount for the laser so that you can still see and use the manual open sights... the laser sits as far forward as possible, allowing enough room to close the barrel after cocking.

It would be nice if the new sight could also fit as forward as possible for closing the barrel.

Here's what my P3 looks like with the laser sight.

Thanks guys !

Beeman P3 Pneumatic 1


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so it seems using the open sights is important so some rings like these would be needed 

Leupold 2-Piece Rifleman Detachable See-Thru Rings .22 Rimfire, 3/8" Grooves, Matte | Natchez (

and then you could find a 1 inch scope or red dot to fit in them

and the rub is you will be closing the gun with your hand on the optics 

and seeing that the pistol sits for most of it's life and this works for you now, if it ain't broke don't fix it 

just some observations 

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@marflow I don't necessarily need to be able to see the open sights... just kind of a plus with the laser sight.

The laser sight isn't ideal for outdoors in bright light, and adjusting the elevation and windage with an allen wrench (that you have to go look for, and trial and error try to get one that fits... although I did write down the size)... plus I find that I have to using the locking screw after making adjustments, or the laser seems to go out of adjustment... might just be me, but I do lock it after any adjustments... so it is quite fiddly.

Thinking of a red dot or open reflex from looking at the ones on Pyramyd Air... I wouldn't mind some extra magnification with a scope, as long as I can close the barrel comfortably... but I rarely would shoot an air pistol more than 10 meters.

One with the correct size mount to the 3/8 inch base would be nice, instead of stacking adapters.

And having an unlimited eye relief with it mounted as far forward as possible, so I can close the barrel with my left hand after cocking reasonably easy is a definite plus.

I know there are a lot of choices... just wondering what others have used with good success on the P3/HW40 or P17.

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well a reflex sight would work but you will need an adapter because most are Weaver-Picatinny 

like this

UTG 11mm (3/8") Dovetail to Weaver Adapter, 2pcs. Adapters. (

and you can find reflex sight on Amazon, i have 3 of these and mine are black but if you look there are many looking the same Ohuhu Red Green Dot Gun Sight Scope Reflex Sight with 4 Reticles: Sports & Outdoors

open sight are no longer of use and remember low power scope give you very short eye relief   

2x maybe 10-12 inch   2-7x 20-22 inches 

in any case take care


airmojo reacted
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@marflow I was looking at this one last night... it has a 3/8" base... as long as I can mount it all the way forward, like I did the laser, and can see the dot, it might work fine.

It looks like there are a number of these Chinese reflex sights out there that look identical.

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Well, I ordered a "Red Green Reflex Sight"  with a 3/8 inch base from ebay... took a while to get here thanks to the current USPS service.

Cost about $35 with free shipping, and made in China.

Mounted it as soon as I got it... it's fairly short so I could mount it all the way forward as far as the P3 scope base would allow, leaving just enough room to cock and close the barrel.

But it would not hold zero... after examining it, I noticed that the locking screw was not making contact with the part that would keep it zeroed... the threaded hole in the base was not completely threaded so the tiny hex screw could not lock it in position.

The seller promptly sent me a new one after making sure the locking screw functioned properly... seems to work fine now... need to shoot some more.

After screwing around with this sight, I think I like the laser sight better since I can still use the open iron sights, and there is plenty of room for my left hand to close the barrel comfortably.

But I will try shooting it some more with the reflex sight to see how I like it.

Here is what the sight looks like... and before with the laser sight.

Red Green Reflex Sight eBay
Beeman P3 Pneumatic 1
Beeman P3 Pneumatic 5
Beeman P3 Pneumatic 6




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