SLR 98 Thumbhole .1...
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SLR 98 Thumbhole .177

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I read somewhere that 300 .177's where ever produced.  Has anyone ever tried competing with one of these in FT?  Never shot this one.  Think it came with the single shot tray too. 


IMG 20190120 154702
IMG 20190120 154642

North Carolina
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Posts: 230

Been a bucket list gun of mine for a long time.  I dont know about the numbers produced, but did see a .177 on the classifieds some years back. Was the carbine version if I'm recalling correctly.  Was priced reasonable, but funds just wasnt there at the time.  The only other time I had an opportunity to get one was a .22 version at Cecil Whitesides auction, but I was on call for work and got a page during the auction and missed out on a couple guns.


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Been a bucket list gun of mine for a long time.

Mine too!

I've always wanted one in .177; wouldn't even have to be thumbhole. Looking at the numbers from Straight Shooters, I think the .22 would be a pleasure as well but probably more arc than I would want given the extra pellet weight.

I think that gun would be the best springer for a good crow hunt- Ever! 7 shot mag...oh yeah! lol

Sonny, that one is simply stunning! Of all the ones I have seen online over the years, that has the best looking wood grain I believe I have seen.


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Thank you for the compliments, as it did not even occur to me that other SLR's I own have very bland stocks.  I did luck out at one point in time and acquired a Mike Abernathy stock for a 98.  Will have to post that one when it's dug up some time in the distant future, as 98 custom stocks are very rare. 

From what I remember the 98 was introduced with a full length barrel and .177 option.  I had this crazy idea to enter an FT competition and plan on winning 1st in open division.  Then I could mock the community into perpetuity on hold sensitivity difficulties of shooting springers and rams.  Obviously, that dream never came true, but buying a nice gun did. 

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   And the hits just keep on coming. Everything you dig out of that safe is stunning. The best of the best.

   The SLR series was designed for Theoben by Steve Lilly (SL). The first rifle was a single shot made in the '80s called the Imperator which was intended to go head-to-head with the HW-77. Then they produced the first repeating model - the SLR 88. Both had the long barrel and both were discontinued after a few years because of production costs. The SLR 98 came out in the late 90s with new tooling and a few modifications, including the carbine version.

   Concerning FT, a centerfire shooting instructor named James Bair claimed the AAFTA National Championship around 1991 using the Imperator. He was an amazing shooter and we were stunned that he took the national title on his first attempt, using a springer and beating all the PCP shooters. Except one. Nick Jenkinson (four time World FT Champion) outscored him using his custom AA rifle which went on to become the NJR-100. However, he is a Brit and ineligible for our national title, so Bair was the Champ.

   Thanks for sharing and keep it up!


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