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Show us your custom stocked air rifles And tell us the story

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South Carolina
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I will start . These are a twenty year project . Bought wood 20 or so years ago bought 2 Fwb124's along the way. Had J M machine wood in there some where. One is his classic stock and the other is a target style that I had him leave the butt undone . I made it fit me . So last winter I got the spark finally to do them . Have been tuning and shooting them all summer. JM internals in both and sporter has JM aluminum trigger and target model has JM stainless trigger. 

Feinwerkbau FWB124 | Jim Macarri Stock

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obsolutely Beautiful Bob

Who doesn't like eye candy, especially on a 124. Nice job.

Question on the Macarri SS trigger, did it make an improvement over the OEM trigger?


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HI Bob

That's some beautiful woodwork!  Love the factory style!!!!

Here's an HW30, R7 and an R1 that were done by Scott Blair.  The R7 is his.  The HW30 now belongs to my friend Ed.  

All are hand chequered panels and are tuned.  

Beeman R7 | Steve Corcoran Stock
Weihrauch HW30 | Beeman R7 | Beeman R1 | Jim Macarri Stock
Weihrauch HW30 | Beeman R7 | Beeman R1 | Jim Macarri Stock
Beeman R9 | Feinwerkbau FWB124D
Feinwerkbau FWB124D
Feinwerkbau FWB124D

Also included are an R7 and R9 song by Mr. Blair.  That's my factory Walnut 124D next to the R9.

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Not real "custom", but a DIY. Mrod was way too heavy. It was a .177 that I put a reg and short spring in. Also did a bit of valve work with the drill press. Got 100 plus shots in the 19fpe range (IIRC). Lost over a pound of weight with the sanding. I did wind up selling the action, but kept the stock. Always keeping my eyes open for a cheap Gen 1 action in .25

Benjamin Marauder | Custom Stock

DRAGON64 and Citizen_K reacted
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Weihrauch HW30S | Michael Mckeown Stock
Weihrauch HW30S | Michael Mckeown Stock

HW30 Michael Mckeown thumbhole stock.

Been shooting and collecting HW30'S and R7's just because I love shooting them. After seeing all JM 'S beautiful guns on his website I decided to treat myself to a "custom". The HW30 seemed the best candidate to me so I contacted Michael Mckeown and he sold me one of his own personal stocks. This is one of the stocks he has pictured on his website in the gallery. Not easy to spend twice as much on a stock than the gun itself, but once you have it you're glad you did.

Rest In Peace
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Not quite what you were thinking, as I've not made any worth mentioning myself.

Evidently,I have the wood working ability of a dull toothed narcaleptic beaver.

Commissioned a C-1 style straight stock for a cheap QB (yeah...kind of odd to spend the $ on what was a $70 rifle then)

('sa much posted I really eneded up liking the result).

Always liked "English"stocked shotguns for fast handling and "up" the C 1 springer for the same type of fast up-in-a-tree shooting (although it was kind of fat).


Wanted something that points well "up" and moves fast....kind of like an upland shotgun fit.

So I gave him my desires for length of pull and a minimal drop for the style,and a plain grade of walnut. BUT I did ask for the gain to tun though the thin wrist for best strength (having broken a few stocks at where the grain ran "wrong").

Worked out well over the years.

Yeah...not most folks cup-of-tea....but most people do pick it up and shoulder it/swing it...those folks got the concept.

South Carolina
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Not much improvement just made me feel better . I broke one factory trigger when I dropped it on my bench. Good clean and moly helped the most . That and the first 10k shots with the old yellow grease to Polish the sears


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I was hoping that the stainless steel trigger with the extra weight would have a positive influence. Possible with a proper polish one could achieve little better results. Got to be a plus with respect to the early offerings of the plastic trigger, though they appear pretty tough.

Bob it appears on the target stocked 124 that you have a trigger shoe. Does it allow the trigger to feel like its lighter? Have been wanting to try one, but having trouble finding the right one.




South Carolina
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Yes I have a shoe on that one and it helps the pull . That one is so smooth it goes off before I am ready sometime 

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I was down at joe brancatos a few weeks ago and he had some blanks that were insane. He was not there so no prices on those.  I can't affords stocks like that but I love them just the same. Jeff C.

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I like the C1 styled stock.  I too like the straight wristed rifles.

David Enoch

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It can be hard to find lefty compliant stocks so I’ve made a couple of my own. 

First one is a boyds blaster stock I bought uninletted and inletted it for my D34 compact. It’s extremely comfortable and a very accurate rifle. 

Diana Model 34 | Boyds Stock
Diana Model 34 | Boyds Stock

second one is a lefty walnut stock I made for my HW97k. The blank was thinner than I would have liked but had some nice grain. It’s currently sitting empty waiting for me to find a new action for it. 

Weihrauch HW97K | Homemade Stock
Weihrauch HW97K | Homemade Stock
Weihrauch HW97K | Homemade Stock

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Top: QB58 with custom inlet Boyds Blaster. Stock was recently shortened for length of pull and had 2" taken off the front.

Bottom: Diana 34 with custom inlet full length Boyds Blaster.

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E8064BC0 A690 4632 A428 5440A69975A6
372FEE34 CF2C 4B90 87EC D7AF2FEF3B41


South Carolina
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Don’ t stop now I know there are some more custom stocks out there . If you had one done by a pro show us and give them credit . Thanks to all for participating I  want to steal some great lines for the next time. Something special about these custom air rifles 

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Here is my FWB124D that I made the stock for. I used a Weatherby blank (factory second) and fit it to my gun.



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Benjamin Marauder

This is my Generation I .177 Marauder. I bought this in 2013 for FT competition. I bought the stock from a fellow up in Paradise, CA and Motorhead did all of the tuning which included a regulator. It shoots right at 900fps with 10.34 AA/JSB for 90 shots. It is wearing a 4-14X Hawke Sidewinder. It has been gone and returned to me twice. Once when I cross-threaded the cocking bolt, I sent it back to PA but after I shipped I called them and asked them to send it back and I would deal with it. Then in 2015 I decided to leave the field of PCP, sold the rifle for $750.00 plus shipping. Sold my compressor and Great White, too. That was in July 2015. In November 2015, the rifle appeared here (on the Yellow) for sale for $650.00 delivered. Scott (Motorhead) saw it the same time as me and stated, “That is Frank’s rifle!” I posted, “It is mine again.” It is home for good. Stainless steel screws in the rings-one of Scott’s custom bolt handles-a custom breech cap from Austin(in Texas) (That is his name)and a Harris bipod-and a custom fill cap from Marmit Malitia..

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Ok-This one's a vintage R10 stock, (so it's not strictly custom) I got at an airgun show and fitted to my 2010 R9 with a tiny bit of work on the cocking slot.

Beeman R9

Next we have a TGAG Scout stock on a CZs200- I got a response to a WTB ad, took one look at the figure and said "mine!" This stock is very comfortable and points extremely well both from sticks and especially offhand. Purists take note-I have shortened the stock fixing bolt so it no longer protrudes from the buttstock.

CZ 200 | TGAG Scout stock

And last but not least, a Corcoran Thumbhole stock for my Gen1 Marauder I got used from the old Yellow classifieds. The gentleman I purchased from sent it out before he even received my money order! Great work and very comfortable from sticks, but the very slim forearm makes the gun feel a little top-heavy when shooting offhand.

Benjamin Marauder | Steve Corcoran Stock

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Beeman R9
Beeman R9
Beeman R9
Beeman R9
Beeman R9
Beeman R9
Beeman R9
Beeman R9

I bought this from Kingfish.  He always has the nice ones.




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FX Monsoon

FX Monsoon

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This is a GinB left handed teak stock I bought from a gentleman in the U.K.  It’s cradling a lefty TX200. 

Air Arms TX200 | GinB Stock
Air Arms TX200 | GinB Stock


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Posts: 93

Those Scott Blair and Gin B stocks are truly gorgeous!

Randy-Fine work on the 124!

Strever-That's a beautiful piece of Maple!

New York
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Weihrauch HW30   Steve Corcoran Stock

Asked Steve Corcoran to make me a stock for my HW30s at the beginning of Summer so I got one of the last ~ he built in a twist at the butt pad so it nestles into my shoulder like my target and trap guns, it's lightweight and pretty. Very happy with his work. 



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FWB 124 in a custom stock (courtesy of Beeman) Beeman Custom Shop from 1982 purchased from original owner. Included original receipt and warranty card. 

Feinwerkbau FWB124 | Beeman Custom Shop Stock
Feinwerkbau FWB124 | Beeman Custom Shop Stock

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Hey faucetguy....I forgot about that one!  Pretty,  pretty!!  Is that the Von? Lol

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Lots of beautiful guns in this thread. There's just something about a nice walnut stock that really brings out the beauty in a gun, especially a springer.


Nautique1 , that factory 124 is stunning. .

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John L

Here's another couple from Scott Blair. HW95 carbine ...started out as a JM DIY.  Added Ebony caps with Holly spacers and hand cut checking.

R9 22 on left. Steve Corcoran stock redone by Scott.  Right is one of my factory Walnut 124D models. Also included, my other factory Walnut 124D.

Weihrauch HW95
Weihrauch HW95
Beeman R9 | Feinwerkbau FWB124D
Feinwerkbau FWB124D

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QB78 | Daisy 753

Does retrofit/refinish count?  Top one is a much-massaged QB with a .177 barrel I will never part with.  Bottom one is my most beloved Daisy 753, the most accurate rifle I have ever owned.


Airgun Warriors