Hi gang! Looking for some feedback on possible causes for the issues that I've been having with my Shoebox Air Compressor.
I bought it second hand from a Yellow member a couple of years ago and it was performing perfectly for several filling sessions. That is, until a couple of months ago when the pin on it's crankshaft sheared off at the weld. I took it apart and re-welded it, reassembled and I was good to go again for a few weeks. Then the pin on the piston side of the connecting rod sheared off at it's weld. Back to the welding bench and back in business. This time it lasted for one fill of my scuba tank and then the crankshaft arm spun right off of the shaft which connects it to the drive gear tearing apart yet another factory weld and bending the crankshaft arm in the process. I've ordered a new crankshaft and will repair the unit once again as soon as it arrives.
I fill my tanks to 3400 psi which is well within the limits of this compressor. Wondering if anyone else has run into this and if so, did you figure out what was causing the problems?
Thanks in advance.
For a competent answer, I would consult Tom (the designer) via email at info@shoeboxcompressor.com and describe your problem to him as you have done here. I'm not an expert, but I own two of those compressors and am quite satisfied with their performance. From my limited experience it sounds to me like you may be feeding too much pressure from your shop compressor and overworking your Shoebox compressor. If your first stage compressor (your shop compressor) is over charging the second stage (the first stage of the Shoebox), it will overload it and strain the drive train of the Shoebox and damage parts. There is a safety mechanism built in to the Shoebox compressor that should be shutting it down in the case of overcharging, but it may be out of adjustment and allowing the Shoebox to continue to run in an overcharged condition and tear itself apart. In that case, you'll probably have to send it back to Tom to be re-adjusted because it is a very precise adjustment that most users are not likely to do correctly. Just email Tom and ask him directly. I've found Tom to be very conscientious and quick to answer his email queries from customers.
For a competent answer, I would consult Tom (the designer) via email at info@shoeboxcompressor.com and describe your problem to him as you have done here. I'm not an expert, but I own two of those compressors and am quite satisfied with their performance. From my limited experience it sounds to me like you may be feeding too much pressure from your shop compressor and overworking your Shoebox compressor. If your first stage compressor (your shop compressor) is over charging the second stage (the first stage of the Shoebox), it will overload it and strain the drive train of the Shoebox and damage parts. There is a safety mechanism built in to the Shoebox compressor that should be shutting it down in the case of overcharging, but it may be out of adjustment and allowing the Shoebox to continue to run in an overcharged condition and tear itself apart. In that case, you'll probably have to send it back to Tom to be re-adjusted because it is a very precise adjustment that most users are not likely to do correctly. Just email Tom and ask him directly. I've found Tom to be very conscientious and quick to answer his email queries from customers.
Sounds like good advice.