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Sharp Ufp

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New York
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Sharp UFP
Sharp UFP

Sharing pics of my much loved Sharp UFP co2 pistol. Not sure how many made it to the States but great design and build quality as testimony to Kensuke Chibas vision. 


JW652 and Citizen_K reacted
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Gotta love the Sharps!

Never owned one of the pistols though. If they are anything like the rifles i.e. Ace, Innova, Pan Target, Ace Target, Earlier pumpers (which no doubt they are), the accuracy and quality are unmatched. None of the US made pumpers compare. Ever heard of a Heirinkan? Another Jap pumper that rivals the Sharp that looks like a late model Benjamin only on steroids. Built like a tank; match gun accuracy. SWEET!



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750 fps? read:         Trevor's articles are great.

I always wanted one of those pistols but never even saw one. Only in catalogs and don't think they were available for long. Cool gun

New York
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@dabick Thx Drew, I have to look at the Heinrikan. The Sharp Ace Target is my grail, I have its poor cousin, the Innova but the build quality is much less though it hits hard for such a light gun. 

New York
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@kwk, very interesting, stock performance is around 500 fps, there is a screw in back to adjust power. Love Trevors site, thank you

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Sharp UFP

Am a Sharp fan as well. Reluctantly sold a U-DII to a serious collector, but thought it would have a better home. Will never part with my Target Ace or U-FP.

Concerning he U-FP, Mine came with three hammer springs as well as the adjuster - and with the heavy spring it produces over 700 fps. So it is useful as a 10M pistol and also for small game. The typical Sharp workmanship exudes quality. It is a tack driver.

Also have a Heirinkan Model A. It is one of the most powerful and accurate pumpers I have ever shot and has a near match grade, non-stacking, hammer trigger. Can't say it is better than my Sheridan A, but it is a toss up. 




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If the Heirinkan A you have is .22 then I sold it to you. I dare say there aren’t a handful of Heirinkans in the US and 99% of those are .177 

That .22 is the only one I’ve ever seen and the model A stock on that one is a rare config as well. 

I too have a Sheridan A and she shoots wonderfully and is a masterpiece in design, detail and function. The Heirinkan is more powerful AND has scope rails which enables you to tap into its accuracy at distances. The tube is double the thickness of Benjamin and Sheridan model C and the linkage is like Tim’s steroid billet linkage. The Sheridan A also has a billet lever linkage. 

I do like the Sheridan A tube and barrel made from bronze/brass so no rust and barrel stays cleaner than steel.

Sharp Ace and Target also came with optional match trigger configs that addressed the harder pull associated with more pumps (blow off valve design) vs typical hammer style valves. The benefit of blow off valve - no recoil, better accuracy. I had an Ace Deluxe in .20 that had a match trigger in addition to the Ace Target Standard in .22 (RARE) which was a side pumper.

The Ace barrels were 16mm match grade ~23” long with recessed crowns and rails. These features made the Sharps and Heirinkans the premier pumpers ever made in my book and I’ve had most all of them at one time or other.

I have not had a Kessler and would like to have one. 



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   Hey Andrew. You are right. Got the Heirinkan and Ace from you. Steve

New York
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@jw652 Beautiful, never saw the original UFP box before, the Heinrikan sounds remarkable, looking for pic if you have. Thx

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Heirinkan Airgun Collection
Heirinkan Airgun Collection

Let me see if I can pull a pix off my phone and add it.

Here’s a couple of Picts I borrowed showing 3 models of Heirinkans: A, C, 120XX (Target side pumper model). Only one missing, model B


New York
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@dabick Stunning, that target model is the loveliest pneumatic I've seen. Thx


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