It looks like we'll be getting either a R7 or HW30S for my friend's 50th birthday. Please help me decide on the scope. The gun will be primarily used for plinking and some close range pesting.
I'm thinking these are the requirements and some priorities:
1. No shifting POI problems do to recoil with this springer. (Airgun rated - pretty mild recoil, but still a springer?)
2. Good match for the size of this air rifle which probably means:
a. No more that 3-9 X.
b. Max of 40 mm objective.
3. A reticle with multiple aim points for elevation.
4. Adjustable objective.
5. Pretty good glass, sharp and bright.
6. Budget - not sure at this point, I'll see the others tomorrow, but they will want quality. Let's consider up to $150 and up t0 $300 for 2 categories.
Thanks in advance for any input.
Roger Barker
Middlefield, Ohio
It doesn't have a Mil-Dot reticle, but I'll stick with my recommendation in your other thread, the 3-9x40AO Nikon EFR and a set of BKL rings. To be honest, I think you'd have to spend a fair bit more on a scope to get anything with better glass. Here's a write up I did on the Dianawerk forum when I got mine.
FWIW, I have the budget priced 2-7x32AO BSA Essential on my HW30S and am very happy with it. This scope doesn't have a Mil-Dot reticle either, but the glass is nice & clear considering the price paid. The clicks can be a little soft on some of these but I haven't had any problems with it holding zero. Here's a pic to show you what that combo looks like.
The one in the pic above is my HW30S (standard model) with a 2-7x32 BSA Essential on top.
I have the Nikon EFR on my HW50S. Here it is.
The Nikon is about a half inch longer than the BSA but is still a good fit on the R7/HW30 size rifles. There was a post on the old Yellow forum by Jason Garvin with pics of his HW30 wearing a Nikon EFR and it was a good looking combination. I was going to link to that post but unfortunately the pics are no longer there. Maybe he'll see this thread and post those pics here.
Not a big fan of huge scopes on smaller guns. For anR7/HW30S, I really like the Tasco Bantam 2.5X20 shotgun scope. Or maybe a Horton 4X32 crossbow scope. Both have reticles that give multiple holdover options, and both are small and light. R7/HW30 is a very handy platform, and (IMHO) shouldn't be weighed down with a Hubble telescope.
Clearidge Ultra RM3-9X32AO
I love my Clearidge and it can be had with mil dots also. It is also light which is important. My gloss one is 12.9oz while specs say 11.9 I think. With a small light gun, you want a nice light scope so as not to ruin the handling. Great optics and springer rated. I think about $250-$275 range. I have a lot of scopes in this price range and really like the Clearidge RM. Do some searches on it.