Rest in Peace Steve...
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Rest in Peace Steve Pope

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Virgin Islands, U.S.
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An airgun legend left us on November 26. Rest in Peace Steve Pope.

Condolences to his family and friends.

Member of Trade
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 739
Posted by: @citizen-k

An airgun legend left us on November 26. Rest in Peace Steve Pope.

Condolences to his family and friends.

Steve was truly an innovator. Some of his parts and methods are still being copied today, including by yours truly. I use a little bit of what I learned from him on almost every gun I tune. That's literal.

I suppose such things are some of the legacy by which we can remember him. But, when it comes to that, I must defer to a comment made by Woody Allen in one of his books. Don't let the humor make it seem like I'm making light of Steve's passing in any way. I most certainly am not.

You'll see what I mean:

Woody Allen said he was once asked if he hoped to attain immortality through his work. He said, "No. I hope to attain immortality by never dying". Steve might have shared the same sentiment, if he had been asked.

RIP Steve Pope. Thanks for your many valuable contributions!

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Posts: 19

Steve got his knowledge, skills and artistry from his father Dave Pope and Dave's business partner Ivan Hancock, the two Venom Arms founders. I enjoyed and still cherish their work done to 2 of my weihrauchs.

Steve inherited these assets and continued their contributions to our sport. 

A truly acknowledged gentleman generally liked by his customers and other contacts.

Hopefully his work will be continued under the name he used.

May you RIP, Steve !


Airgun Warriors