I did a little gun trading and ended up with a daystate from about 2010-2012. It's a FAC 0177 gun. Of course it was leaking. What would you expect in 2020. It was made right before the switch to the regal model. After looking on line for 6-8 hours for o'ring sizes ? I finally figured out what would work right before I hung myself. It is crazy that some of the companys want to keep o'ring sizes top secret. (daystate, RAW, etc...) That just isn't right. That's one reason to like Air Arms and FX for sharing there o'ring sizes to allow the owners to service there very expensive guns cheaply. Anyway on with what I learned. First this gun did not want to come apart. What a pain.
The front filler was so tight I had to rig this up using my lathe, but finally got it to break loose.
The trigger parts and barrel are pretty much straight forward daystate parts. They are very nicely made. I have had several Daystate rifles over the years. Anyway, the front valve assemble I had a heck of a time with. Learned why later. With the pin and retaining screws out I had to drive it out with a piece of delrin.
After that I kind of learned or figured out you are suppose to reach in the tube and loose the two pieces of the valve assembly to release the pressure on the o'ring.
So to reassemble I had to make a tool.
So what i did was reassembled the valve assemble with the new lubed o'ring. After i tightened it up, I backed it off one turn. It slide pretty easy from the front of the tube to the rear where it was attached with the two screws and pin. I then tightened the end piece with the tool I made. Worked fine. I installed it in the front of the tube because the it was smooth and o'rings would not rub across anything that might damage them.
Everything else went together fine and the gun is holding air just like it should. Now for the important info..the o'ring sizes I used.
*Front end plug used 2x BS117 D70
the quick fill has a little piston that uses a BS006 D90/D70
(Some people use a urethane 006 B90. Some say the softer D70 is better. They are easy to change so it doesn't really matter much)
There is also a Dowty seal under filler.
*The valve assembly uses three o'rings
BS117 D70
BS111 D90
BS007 D70 (fac gun)
or BS006 D70 (12ftpd gun)
*The pressure gauge used
BS006 D90 and a Dowty seal under gauge.
*transfer port uses
2x BS008 D70
Bolt uses BS003 D70? for .177cal (you can use harder D90 but they're harder to change. Never had D70 leak)
BS004 D70? for 22cal
**10 o'rings and 2 Dowty seals total.
Hope this help and keeps everyone from wasting there time looking for top secrete squirrel info....Feel free to contact me if you have question. Chris
Chris - Thanks for the excellent information. Will tag it. S
That's just like my Daystate MKII and 2000FT except they have slots instead of spanner pin holes. They are more like the old Crosman 160/180 valves.
@bigbore after you figure in shipping and all its over $40.00 for 10 orings. No thanks. i can buy 500 orings for less than $10.00.
Take everything out. The valve has to be pushed forward. The tool I made the pins were .165 or so, Spaced .550 ctc. I drove mine out without loosening it. You could make a similar tool with a wood dowel, delrin, aluminum bar, etc...you can call me tomorrow if you want to talk about it. Bye chris
ok..thanksMade note on the SIDE of it, there will be signs of the mag indexing shuttle stopping along side it.
I don't think it matters, but if wanting for it to go in as taken out ... there is your way to tell.
Hi..please see the top photo...
1. The black large o ring for the inner valve is a BS 117 which i have with me .
2. Is the harper seal o ring a BS 111 urethane ?(you can see it attached to this seal as taken out of the pcp plus a new one which i have by its side).
3. what size is the o ring visible on the right of the vent hole (from where it was removed)on top of this valve...is it a BS 006 where the pressure gauge also seats.
4. is there a o ring below this main valve retainer brass screw visible in the right most photo..if yes is that a BS007...and how to remove this brass screw...mine is extremely tight
At the factory, only 2 o-ring are poly ...
The one going around the Floating Peek seat ( Don't recall size, so measure it ) & At the hammer side sealing the stem ( SAE 006 )
Transfer tube as well valves cap Buna/n 70 d
Taking brass retention screw out ... HEAT via small torch or heat gun will soften the loc-tite used.
At the factory, only 2 o-ring are poly ...
The one going around the Floating Peek seat ( Don't recall size, so measure it ) & At the hammer side sealing the stem ( SAE 006 )
Transfer tube as well valves cap Buna/n 70 d
Taking brass retention screw out ... HEAT via small torch or heat gun will soften the loc-tite used.
Motorhead..removed the brass retainer screw.any idea what size is this pressure gauge adapter hard plastic washer underneath which it threads into..its shown in the photo.
..thanksYup RH thread, gunsmith screwdriver tip that Snugly fits slots ... SOME HEAT to soften loc-tite that is present it should easily unscrew CCW
The pressure gauge housing shown in the rt photo in brass (which fits into the air tube of the pcp and on which the pressure gauge is fitted) as also the front valve assembly(shown in the left photo on the muzzle face of the air tube)...are these both to be hand tightened or spanner tightened.i have otherwise finished the reassembly