he will not ship to the states the last time i tries to get something
the because was his liability insurance would be too high because we like to litigate too much
a real head scratcher
after that i emailed him about something that i knew he would know about and got a very curt answer
i did buy B96 mags from him and they were first class
if he is still in business i would find a person in the UK to help you purchase the part and ship it to you
he did use Pay Pal for payment years ago
is there any other source for old model 4 and b96 or the old RWS models, the answer is simple NO
i have looked and looked
100 pounds for that sight top wow that is about 135.00 with shipping
find someone that can micro welding
it can be repaired and if you can do that for less then 135 bucks you have your problem solved
owner of both a B96 and model 4
just a note it is a very complicated rear sight, many small parts
if you need a parts diagram i have that, just message me with your email
i just went to Aeron Brno's site and it doesn't seem to work
i believe they use this sight on new guns but not sure which ones
i have emailed them at Brno but can't remember if they answered
i wonder if a Tau 7's sight parts could work but then you would have to find them
i know that Tau Brno will answer your emails and they still sell the Tau 7 so it could be an option but an unknown option
just click produces and there is a menu but the sight part would have to be asked for
also one other idea is email Matt at Sure Shoot in the UK, he did help me with some parts
the Aeron Brno ACZ101 spider looks to have the same rear sight, LOOKS to have is the key
i think that is it for me good luck with your rear sight repair