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Post pix of those fantastic groups!

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Not limited to Zbroias pictures!
Ok , Mark, Zasyl, Alvaro, and all the rest of you guys saying the Zbroia are shooting "Lights Out".  Let's see some pictures of the groups, and of the guns!  Let's not keep these Zbroias accuracy a secret!

And if you don't have a Zbroia, show to us one of your groups in which you take pride, regardless of price, brand, etc.!

DSC 0180 gotovo2

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THE best group I've achieved in over thirty years of testing over 400 airguns of every kind, as documented in five books. This is a five-shot group at 60 yards yards shot with my .25 CF-tuned Kalibrgun Cricket bullpup with 33.95 JSBs at 915 FPS and 63 foot-pounds. The group measured .15" c-t-c... which is less than 1/4 minute-of-angle! 

Crick & group

One of my best air pistol groups was five shots with 8.4 grain JSBs that measured .34" c-t-c... at 50 yards. The pistol is an AZ modified Steyr LP1.

LP1 group

But my home-made, 1960s-vintage Crosman 187 co2-rifle-to-air-pistol conversion has also shot 50 yard groups measuring under 3/8"... and captured 3 State and 3 National Champion titles! Yes, I am proud of her; and yes, that is with the original barrel (cut shorter with a hack-saw, then dressed and re-crowned with simple hand tools). These five consecutive five-shot groups at 50 yards averaged .66" c-t-c, and the smallest measured .34".

Crosman Model 187 | PFT groups

For more details on such Awesome Air Pistols capabilities and feats-


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Here is a picture of my kozak:

IMG 20181130 161020019

And 5 the group I shot with it at 50 yards using Nielsen 15.5 grain slugs.

IMG 20180518 162514516

6'th shot to the side is me using wrong hold over point.

Here is 10 shot group with crosman premiers at 50 yards:

IMG 20181130 153903593

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For 55 yds my best 5 shot groups were with my .22 Cricket pup.

1 6 17 cricket n bird

Shot this 5 shot group with it the morning before I sent it to Derrick in Texas for a power tune. I was aiming at the pellet dent on my burn barrel with about a mildot of hold over and 5 pellets stacked hard enough in what looks like those two holes at 33 fpe to penetrate the steel drum.

cricket pup best 55

Then the morning I got it back from Derrick I shot these two 5 shot groups at 55 yds.

The dent above each group was my poa as I had zeroed the scope at 28 yds. The group on the left was the 18 gr and the group on the right was the 25 gr

Both groups tightly stacked to penetrate the steel drum.

The group on the left had 4 pellets go into the same hole with fifth one just a pellet width high.

cricket 18 & 25gr

Tried my luck at 100 yds, but could only manage a 1.2" group.

cricket 1.20
cricket 1.20b





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Nate’s 50 yard groups with the FWB300S on a calm day and a 9x scope.

73CE7F96 F894 465F 859A C1D4E5DDD9E8
B0BCCED9 4B2B 4207 89ED 5392D82BC7D0



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Wow Brett, you've got that Streamline dialed in. I don't know if I'll ever make the NUAH club?

Nate is killin' it. He can already outshoot me! Awesome shooting guys!

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Posted by: CampFussell

Wow Brett, you've got that Streamline dialed in. I don't know if I'll ever make the NUAH club?

Nate is killin' it. He can already outshoot me! Awesome shooting guys!

Thanks Fussel!  

I will say that this Streamline is exceptional!  I am soooo pleased with it.  I have not even cleaned the barrel since I bought it.  It truly makes me a better shooter than I am.  I love shooting this thing.  I bought it to fill the longer range air rifle shooting niche and it has done very well for me.  

Nate is a funny kid.  He seems so inattentive and out there but then he jumps in and pulls things off like this seemingly without trying.  He’s like that with school too.  He  just gets it.  He’s very creative also and loves to draw, make things with his hands and designs some pretty cool stuff on the computer using SketchUp.  


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My newly acquired HW77 in .177.  Target was at 34 yards and rifle was front bag rested. 

7F817435 91F8 4F47 9747 4B60D5A22127
2AAF85D3 F224 48F6 803D FC9F4B35D708
7F817435 91F8 4F47 9747 4B60D5A22127
2AAF85D3 F224 48F6 803D FC9F4B35D708

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Wow Mr. Higgs. That's better than some PCP groups. Fine looking rifle btw.

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Brett, tell Nate I think that group he shot was awesome! I hope I can shoot as good as he does some day. Love the pic too. It’s great to  pass on the love of shooting sports to our next generation. 

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Posted by: CampFussell

Wow Mr. Higgs. That's better than some PCP groups. Fine looking rifle btw.

Thank you Sir, even a blind

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5 shots 50 yds,,,,,,,drops the mic!

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FX Impact .25 600 mm barrel 50 yards 5 shots...

28 yards...
Taipan Mutant Shorty. Has a 12 round magazine so I shot four mags without a refill.

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Kdog, That is awesome. I keep eyeballing the .20 cal. That's all I need is another caliber of pellet to keep up with. Man, that target would be hanging on my refrigerator for life if I had done that!

Pluric, awesome shooting bud. I see I'm not the only one who does a lot of shooting at 28 yds! That's where I zero all my guns at! That 50 yd group was awesome as well. I use some serious hold over when shooting my 50 & 100 yd groups! LOL


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Not my BEST best, a but pretty typical 10 shot group.  Basement shooting, standing, unsupported, match sights, 8 yd range, (All I've got indoors.)  This one was shot 10 minutes ago with a HIGHLY modified QB, with no warm up.  I can usually do a little better with my Tau 200, and better still with my Daisy 753.  Better still if I warm up a little.  This one was literally, take it out of the cabinet and shoot 10 shots.

I shoot a lot in the basement at close range, and I usually only use a rest when changing sights or scopes, just to get things zeroed.  Offhand shooting is a challenge, and I find that when I do get to shoot at longer ranges, the short-game offhand practice really pays off.

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one holer


OK, winters are long a boring..............


JSB Weights

Probably not my best groups but certainly one of the most eye openning. Shooting different weights of JSBs and the changes in POI out of my TX years ago.

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Posted by: ScottMn
one holer


OK, winters are long a boring..............


JSB Weights

Probably not my best groups but certainly one of the most eye openning. Shooting different weights of JSBs and the changes in POI out of my TX years ago.

Lol ?

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Awesome shooting Nate!

Sincerley -the other Nate (from Air Gun Channel)

Screenshot 20181208 065142

That is a hundred yard group shot by the guy that I bought my lg110 from.

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Posted by: T-Higgs

Brett, tell Nate I think that group he shot was awesome! I hope I can shoot as good as he does some day. Love the pic too. It’s great to  pass on the love of shooting sports to our next generation. 

Will do T!


thats a mighty fine looking 77 you got there.  Hope all is well on your end my friend!

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I hope this isn't limited to rifles.  Here is one of my recent 10m targets that had me cursing.  I'm sure everyone has experienced this odd effect.



Lp10 10m

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Posted by: Slingarian

I hope this isn't limited to rifles.  Here is one of my recent 10m targets that had me cursing.  I'm sure everyone has experienced this odd effect.



Lp10 10m

Please tell me that was shot with the pistol rested. ?  ? 


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This target was shot in normal 10m form, (standing one hand only and 75 minute time limit to fire 60 shots).  It unfortunately is the single best target I've been able to put out.   I'm retired from a 30 year military career and I shoot my airguns every day in my backyard airgun range.  I practice shooting at minimum 1 full coarse of 10m pistol (60 shots with a 75 min time limit) every day.  Some days I'll shoot 2.  (of coarse I have to give my air rifles plenty of play time in there, or they get mad at me :)I don't have one of the fancy electronic targets to shoot at, so I use the official paper version, shooting 10 shots per target, and 6 targets in a coarse.   This target I shot back in March, (hence the 3-3 printed on it) and represents my best single target to date.

Have a great Christmas



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Outstanding Sir!

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Posted by: Slingarian

This target was shot in normal 10m form, (standing one hand only and 75 minute time limit to fire 60 shots).  It unfortunately is the single best target I've been able to put out.   I'm retired from a 30 year military career and I shoot my airguns every day in my backyard airgun range.  I practice shooting at minimum 1 full coarse of 10m pistol (60 shots with a 75 min time limit) every day.  Some days I'll shoot 2.  (of coarse I have to give my air rifles plenty of play time in there, or they get mad at me :)I don't have one of the fancy electronic targets to shoot at, so I use the official paper version, shooting 10 shots per target, and 6 targets in a coarse.   This target I shot back in March, (hence the 3-3 printed on it) and represents my best single target to date.

Have a great Christmas



Wow! That is impressive! ?  Much respect. I don't shoot near as much as you and the best I've ever pulled off on my basement 10 meter range with a pistol is this....

  1. [​IMG]

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These are some AMAZING groups! Keep on posting yours!

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A couple groups at 50 yards, HW98 with a BSA 2-7x scope.  Should have noted, these are  five shot groups.

IMG 0844s
IMG 0846s

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This five-shot group at 25 yards with my AZ modified Tau MK08 measured .16" c-t-c; slightly over 1/2 MOA. This lovely thing gets 23 shots per charge with 10.3 grain JSB Exact Heavy at 668 FPS for 10.2 foot-pounds, and averages 3/4" five-shot groups at 50 yards. NO, not offhand! 

25 yd MK 08


Airgun Warriors