Talk about fun. I manually pumped this gun to 235 BAR twice, then had 12 good shots in .22 @ 70ft. lbs. per charge. Topped with a Vector Taurus 3-18x50mm FFP scope. Thingy on the end is a Huggett Mini Magna that has a .28 exit hole that I acquired from another sale. Previous owner said this gun likes the Seneca pointed pellets the best. I was told the Seneca's can go through a golf ball at 100 yards. Guess we'll see what happens to a squirrel at 20.
These pellets grouped quite well at 25 yards after getting them on paper, but think I can do better with these. Will post future groups soon.
Was surprised that my decibel meter registered 104.9dB at the shooter, 108.9dB at the muzzle - thus making it backyard friendly.
You couldn't be more correct Jim. Those gas rams or spring pistons are a complete waste of time. You can't even hit the broadside of a barn with them, and they kick like a mule. Give me a call so I can unload mine to you for pennies on the dollar, while you can turn around and sell them on ebay for a mint.
Perseverance pays off. Last 10 shots (5 shot groups) with 34gr. JSB jumbo beasts @ 25 yards. Never thought I could group a gun with such a small rest (mini X bag) on a folding chair, but it happened. Here is the rest that's very useful in the field:
Tried .218 30gr. H&N slugs to non-stellar results @ 30 yards:
First group zero was bulleye. Second group zero is where right side of diamond meets the rectangle.