Hey guys. Thought you might like some pics of the Vectis. There are a few at Hatsan USA and Pyramid air….I mean like a few calibers and a few units. Last time I checked one place had some .177's (HAUSA) and one place had some 25's (PYA). This is a powerful gun. Its rated to shoot .22s at 1000+FPS. I can tell you from filming my video this weekend that any pellet 14gr or less breaks the sound barrier. If you get one of these order JSB 18gr for best 50 yard results (1/2in 10 shot group) followed by 25gr JSB (a quarter or less). At 35 yards it likes JSB 18gr and JSB 15gr, and of course 25gr's. H&N Barracuda match 21.gr also did as good as JSB's w/ 1/2 in 10 shot one hole groups at 35 yards and it tied with 25gr JSB's at 50 yards. (18 grains kicked butt at 50 yards).
Working on the video review. Hopefully done by this Sat morning.
Hatsan's combo of power and accuracy has produced another great hunting rifle. Green zone is 100 bar to 200 bar. It gets a solid 30 shots per fill although I always always topped off after 20 shots because I was filming. I experienced 0 … that is: ZERO!!! change in POI (Point of Impact) through 20 shots. Hatsan is very good at making a flat shot string that starts at a full tank and is the same on the first shot every time (at 200) ..end every shot after that. Not sure how they do it but it worked on the Flash and this gun is the same.
Thanks for reading! -Nate
Amazing what they're doing with plastic these days, huh? Looks like a Buck Rogers ray-gun.
Looking forward to seeing the 1/2" ten-shot fifty-yard group shot in real-time.
Wow Kayla’,
Amazing! Why just 3 or 4 months ago my impression of your marksmanship was that you’d be hard pressed to print 50 moa @ 10 yds. Now I’ve noted a couple posts where you’re shooting moa or better! I do believe that if ‘tubers would get up off the couch and shoot more instead of ‘tubing they would be better marksmen. Keep practicing!
Word! The real talent of you tubers is being able to sit in front of a computer for hours on end and edit that stuff. I would be shooting my guns everyday but there is no shooting allowed at my house so I have to drive an hour . The only time I get to shoot an air gun is when I make a video. Pretty sad for someone with 20 plus guns . Can't wait to move to the country this summer . It's going to be loud let's just put it that way . - Nate
You’re no kin to ”rainbowsabre” are you?
What is your objective? Are you hoping to someday be another Quentin Tarantino? If you’re looking to get into sales and marketing, I would suggest an education, eventually culminating in the Wharton School of Criminal Science.
Why BB guns? Has someone suggested to you that you have a talent for marketing BB guns? Why not stand up paddle boards, assuming they’re not illegal where you live? Do you think that you have something unique to offer that the other BB gun tubers have missed? You’ve chosen a pretty tough audience and many if not most that have been in the hobby for any length of time can smell BS from a mile away, i.e.: the bass ackward scope.
I do wish you the best of luck and can only imagine that someday you’re career as a tuber will be rewarding.
scratchit: I'm already rich so I don't do things for money. I'm 44 and retired. No one will ever have a career doing air gun videos on YouTube. Ted has 1/2 million subscribers. ..that's pathetic when compared to your average Vlogger. ....so that would not be a way to make a living.
I never went to college...your suggestion that I should have...or whatever you said, to help with, whatever you said....just goes to show you don't learn much in college...(I'm assuming you went).. Going to college to work for someone else is not where it's at these days dude. These days it's better to start a small business. I appreciate your post though. It was light hearted and ammusing. Your cool.
My end game is I want free guns and I want to get invited to that fancy house with the crazy pool at EBR. I'm also doing it for the power...which I have already been enjoying on a minor scale.
...and do I have something other YouTubers don't? Yeah dude. I think that's pretty obvious. I've watched alot of boring airgun videos so I know what sucks and what rules. When it comes to air gun videos: Airgun Channel rules...hands down the best air gun videos on YouTube.....especially the recent ones. There is definitely no one like AGC. I actually subscribe to my own channel...it's that good.
Also, you may notice I don't have commercials on my channel. That's because I care more about my viewers than the .0000001 cent I would make if you watched a whole commercial. I know that's over $13 a month I would make...but like I said, I'm already rich.
P.S. everything doesn't have to be about money . Some people do things out of love. You should try it sometime. Like when I typed up this written review even though my elbow hurt....so people like you could find out about a new and interesting gun. ..your welcome by the way.
P.P.S. see you in Hell. -Nate
I've never been "worthy" ? ? I did just increase Nate's net worth by buying this gun from him after his testing was completed. As most know he enjoys trying something new on the market, makes a video and then sells the gun. I also bought a Hatsan Flash he tested a few months back. Guns are like new and there is a modest savings over a retail vendor. I also enjoy trying something out, make an opinion review here and then put the gun on a shelf. It's just a hobby and fun to share thoughts.
I missed out on increasing his net worth when I waited too long on that Ataman Pistol I drooled over... then saw one for trade on the Classifieds and cant seem to find it either there or in the Boneyard so it must have hit a black hole.
In any case... fun hobby for sure!
You and I both. I went for that one too and we spoke of a trade situation and I think Nate was still to attached to it at the time. It was just a lust thing for me. Reality is I seldom shoot pistols. What's odd is when I do I'll leave the FX Ranchero in the case and shoot an Airmax. ?
ha! That was my issue. I have two AirMax pistols that I rarely shoot along with a few Crosman conversions that dont get shot... but you summed it up perfect. I actually lusted over that pistol.
The Ranchero is interesting to me simply due to the arrow shooting capability and I tried (and failed) to make one out of a HiPac on a Crosman. It would shoot out arrows about 20 yards and that's it.
ha! That was my issue. I have two AirMax pistols that I rarely shoot along with a few Crosman conversions that dont get shot... but you summed it up perfect. I actually lusted over that pistol.
The Ranchero is interesting to me simply due to the arrow shooting capability and I tried (and failed) to make one out of a HiPac on a Crosman. It would shoot out arrows about 20 yards and that's it.
Well, might as well finish the thread hijack. ? I don't have the arrow barrel for the Ranchero but I do have a Verminator Extreme with the arrow barrel. It is so accurate! Noisy though. It's seldom shot in the yard because of the bark!
Pellets just bounced off this spinner. I had to use a vice to remove the arrows.
You’re no kin to ”rainbowsabre” are you?
What is your objective? Are you hoping to someday be another Quentin Tarantino? If you’re looking to get into sales and marketing, I would suggest an education, eventually culminating in the Wharton School of Criminal Science.
Why BB guns? Has someone suggested to you that you have a talent for marketing BB guns? Why not stand up paddle boards, assuming they’re not illegal where you live? Do you think that you have something unique to offer that the other BB gun tubers have missed? You’ve chosen a pretty tough audience and many if not most that have been in the hobby for any length of time can smell BS from a mile away, i.e.: the bass ackward scope.
I do wish you the best of luck and can only imagine that someday you’re career as a tuber will be rewarding.
WOW! Somebody piss in this guys Wheaties?
So scratchit,, where is/are the link(s) to your award winning videos????
I should clarify. I’m not rich...but it doesn’t take much to keep my life going. I have a lot of disposable income. I own a junk hauling company. I work about an hour a day and get to screw around the rest of the time. To me, that’s retired. I’m selling the company this summer and then I really will be retired. Then I’m moving to the country and I’ll spend the rest of my life doing charity work (and possibly trying to win EBR). -Nate
(and possibly trying to win EBR). -Nate
New game in town with a very large purse. Try this one..