Hello guys, as a quick introduction I am a long ago closed airgun dealer (Silver Streak Sports Mfg.) thought I would pop on and see if anything has been changed in all these years away. First thing I found out was that the yellow forum "died" and morphed into this one. I see lots of new airguns out there, and companies I have never heard of. Anyway hello to all, if anyone remembers me give a shout out.
It's REALLY good to hear from you. Just asked a friend last week whatever happened to you. Bought a number of things from you and still have them all. The hobby could use more like you (honest, easy to communicate with, great service, and always willing to talk with over any concerns). Picked up my still new SSS hat the other day and thought about the old days. Hope you're doing well.
@cruisers wow some of you guys ARE still out there! Went through a pretty rough patch for quite some time, but it's all good. Matter of fact just retired (70yo) now. Still have all my airguns that I kept when I shut the business down. I see Hector Medina is still kicking around! Apparently he is NOW in the airgun business in CT? I also noticed a post in one of the sub forums here that pellets are in short supply. I still have cases of pellets JSB. Still sealed in the tins in the 10 tin sleeves. Never did get everything sold off after I quit the business.
Hi Marty, I purchased my EV2 from you along with a few other things way back in time. I was just thinking how much the yellow has changed and wondering what has or had happened to all of the old names the would post on a regular time table. Sonnysan mentioned two that were on the top of my head Russ Best and Jan Kraner along with so many others.
Tim if you mean ol' Van at Airhog, yes we used to bring in cases of pellets direct from JSB. I tried to go to the AirHog site, but it would not let me. Is Van still in business?
Indeed was scrolling through the posts looking for the old crew, Saw a post from Steve in CT. Looks like he is making triggers for the old Crossman's. Hector Medina is in CT I guess he has a blog there and just did a FT shoot there. Last I talked to Hector he was still in Mexico City Mexico.
Hi Sonnysan....Russ and Jan were around before me. And the Career 707 was my first PCP before I got in the business even. Of course they were dying on the vine when I left the business, Shin Sung just didn't get the part that you have to supply parts if you want to continue to sell guns. I'm guessing that they are out of business now, as they are not listed for sale anywhere. Still have three Careers lol. That and a lot of other guns I kept when I left the business. I am thinking of selling them off, as I hardly shoot anymore. If anyone needs pellets I have 50 tins of .177 Blue and 50 tins of Yellow 177 JSB's, and 50 tins of JSB .22 Straton. I think I have more than that, but those are sitting on my radial arm saw in plain sight lol.
Believe it or not.....I still have a few of those hats new lol. They last forever.
I worked for a commercial property management company, did a little of everything. HVAC, electric, plumbing, drywall, carpentry you name it. Retired for 5 years due to medical problems, then they called me back, worked for another 4 years with them and finally just retired hopefully for good; a month ago.
Thanks! In scarfing around the internet on various sites I see that there is several new airgun companies. One of them is RAW. I was looking at the gun and noticed that it looked like except for a few minor changes for all the world like the old Theoben. Watched a "tour of the factory" which is in TN on YouTube and put up a post that they sure looked like Theoben, they answered me and indeed the owner worked for Theoben for 25 years, moved to the states, and started RAW. And apparently just like the Theoben, they are tack drivers. They even use the same magazine or one that looks almost exactly like it. Does anyone own one of these beauties?
Marty, I retired from the photo industry a few years ago.
Lots of time on my hands, so we need to reconnect, still have my AA S410
and the Swift scope that you helped me set up.
Good to hear you’re still in the area
Welcome back Marty,
A bunch of us are still around. I hope you are doing ok and still shooting airguns.
Someone asked about Russ Best. Yes, Russ is still kicking but I don't think he does airguns anymore. He has had a lot of health issues. We are Facebook friends and he post fairly frequently.
Mike Driskill still post here too.
David Enoch
@sssportsmfg Hello old friend, it has been awhile but I remember visiting you and going out to dinner on more than one occasion.
Are you still at the same location ?
Tom Strayhorn
No I retired in 2016 but still living out near six flags, I would like to get together sometime soon
Hi Jan,
Seeing your post reminded me of the time you helped the Yellow Forum buy Randy Gunn a FN8 pistol to play with while he recovered from his brain surgery. I miss the old forum and the traffic that flew through the forum. I miss a lot of the old guys. I still keep in touch with Russ Best and Randy Mitchell and several others from the old days. With all the new airguns out there the old Falcons still hold their value and are rarely sold.
David Enoch
Hi David, yes the old yellow was the place to hang out. I’m an old school guy, give me beautiful wood and gleaming blued metal.
I have no desire for the military looking guns out there today.
I have a number of the original Titans that John Bowkett designed and a couple of the later Falcons.