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New scope

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I have always shot with open sights. I do use peeps, reflex, red dots and most recently the SeeAll Mk1 which has found a permanent home on my Hatsan 135 Carnivore .30

With all of us hopefully doing our part in these strange times I have some free time. I have new scopes laying around that never made it on any of my rifles. I thought I'd try one.

This one will be on it maiden voyage on one of my 125's

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Posted by: @septicdeath

I have always shot with open sights...

...I have some free time. I have new scopes laying around that never made it on any of my rifles. I thought I'd try one.

This one will be on it maiden voyage on one of my 125's. 

When I tested the link by copying it, I came up with a .jpg file, not a video with any kind of description. And, you don't mention a make or model number.

So, maybe sometime you can tell us what scope that is. I can't tell from here.

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you mention you had this scopes new in the box just sitting around i wonder how many of of have scopes on hand that we bought just because 

i know i do, too damn many, there is no such thing 

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Posted by: @marflow

you mention you had this scopes new in the box just sitting around i wonder how many of of have scopes on hand that we bought just because 

i know i do, too damn many, there is no such thing 

Except I don't care for scopes much. I've given some of them away. Would much rather use other sights.

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Posted by: @ekmeister

So, maybe sometime you can tell us what scope that is. I can't tell from here.

He who shall not be mentioned.


I've bought a couples scopes recently, some junk, but the two listed exceeded expectations. Both are FFP, I've decided that this is now a mandatory feature.


This one is like a higher quality Bug Buster, maybe a little smaller. Zoom ring is a kinda tight, probably loosen up. I'm OK with 3x for close work (not CQB) and the added zoom of 12x is nice compared to more common 3-9x. Best feature is small size, followed by great looks.


This went on my FireBall AR47 pistol. Low light is EXCELLENT, images line up with both eyes open @1x, good reticle brightness settings.  It was $197 @AMZ when I bought, seller has their own website, accepts offers.

Best feature is allowing use of both eyes, followed by good night time brightness. Just an awesome scope.


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