New Gamo CFR 177
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New Gamo CFR 177

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as I’ve mentioned I’ve been on and off with airguns since around 2000. Now that I live out in the country I’m getting back at it. I bought a Gamo CFR refurb and picked it up today. I took a couple preliminary shots in my tiny backyard. The spring seemed awfully rough and soon as I got the breech open I saw grease all over, thick stuff. Cocking it felt like what I’d imagine a rusted spring feeling like. The Cocking lever seems super tight which could be good.  It’s much heavier then I remember my accu being and harder to cock.  The stock is clearly an adult stock and for being plastic it feels much better than my last springers, primarily Benjamin’s (was not a fan)  

tomorrow I’ll be Getting the scope sighted in and playing with various pellets. I’ll also chrony various pellets just to see what’s up. I’ll most likely post results. Saturday will literally be all day shooting, testing, and recording.

Hoping it’s a shooter out the gate like my accu was. That thing was about as good as I could ask for. 

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So I’ll have to wait till tomorrow to do better testing but I was able to chrono some numbers. It still feels like I’m clocking a rusted spring but it’s getting better. 

I used cheap pellets to test. 

7.9gr Crosman wadcutters. 

High of 777fps and 10.59fpe

low of 758fps and 9.3fpe

ave of 745fps and 9.74fpe

i shot 2 cp heavies at 10.5gr for 671fps at10.1fpe and 665fps at 10.31fpe. 

This thing is heavier and has FAR more twang then my old accu. I’m thinking maybe it will calm down, just hasn’t been used much?  Maybe the FPS will actually increase?  But the 100fps I want?  My accu was used and bought from an avid airgunner, perhaps he broke it in before selling which is why out the gate it was so good. I’ll keep working on it, tomorrow I have all day. Hope accuracy isn’t sub par for my expectations. 

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I've had three or them. All accurate, consistent,  and not hold sensitive.  No trouble with any of them. My old shoulders no longer handle the cocking after a few shots.

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Ya cocking it isn’t a breeze  it’s not hard for me but it’s certainly harder then my old accu  

Well it’s indeed 155fps average slower then my old accu. I was around 721fps with HN ftt where as my old accu was 880fps with far less weight, twang, and force. 

Its very pellet fussy. Shot jsb exacts at a tad under 3 inches at 18 yards. It shot the FTTs second best printing a few 5 shot groups around half inch shooting from a sturdy seated position. As every gun I’ve owned jsb rs shot really well but I don’t have too many more of them at the moment  

I think I’m going to take it apart tonight or soon and clean the internals and use some airventuri moly on the spring. 

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So the spring is bent. I took it apart to instal the GRT trigger and properly live it all. I’m going to order just an E3650 unless I get better recommendations or am informed I need to prefer more then just a spring. 

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You should be good with the E3650 and maybe some shrink wrap on the Gamo Guide. Elite Airguns in Brazil makes gas ram kits with custom pistons. They're about $70, dont know that anyone in the US has used one. I sent my BSA Polaris off to Shadow from another forum and while he didn't make a cutsom guide or top hat for mine ( I had an old tune kit from R in Mich) he can and it is usually included in the tune. How do you like the newer stock compared to the old standard CFX? 

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I love the new stock. It’s a massive improvement for me. Having owned several springers, I liked the old one very well but this one is significantly better for me. The pistol grip is larger then almost any one I’ve used which is still a tad smaller then perfection for me. The lop is great. It’s sturdy too. I’m debating melting some led into the bottom parts of the stock then glass bedding with devcon 10110 then soft bedding that with neoprene. Shouldn’t take me long. I’ve seen “shadow” on the GTA. The biggest problem I have is that I miss the standard rotating breech. Everyone complained about it because while it was possible to cut a pellet skirt when closing (if you’re lazy or dumb (Rick E apparently)) it was unlikely for those of us who seat pellets. Now the breech pivots forward and backward which causes more margin for error imo. 

Im wondering if I could/should use devcon to tailor my spring guide to the e3650 or if it wouldn’t be strong enough. I’ve got it deburred which wasn’t bad, and the piston is clearly not precision machined but the skirt is pretty even, I’ve polished it a tad with JB compound and will lube everything. When my spring arrives. It’s been labeled but USPS says it’s waiting for the package now for several days not that I’m anxious to get it lol


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Not bad guns, they all need a good tune. They respond very well to roper tuning techniques. Do not use shrink tube!!! I have tuned 3 guns that the previous "tuner" used shrink tube and all of the tube had moved and was binding the spring. Either have a spring guide mad to fit, or live with a little twang. 

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Thanks. I wound up utilizing the dollar store cutting board solution for a piston sleeve that seems like a nice fit. I wouldn’t do the shrink wrap thing, I’d go to a gunsmith and have a custom guide made first. I’ll check velocity, accuracy and twang once my spring gets here hopefully Wednesday. I also cleaned the barrel so it’s clean as new so to speak. I figure I’ll have a good break in period required. 

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New spring e3650. New seals. Proper lube. Same velocity. 780 was my highest of ten or so shots with one at 707 and most around 770fps. Is this what I should expect??

on a plus side the GRT trigger is amazing!

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Posted by: @270windude

New spring e3650. New seals. Proper lube. Same velocity. 780 was my highest of ten or so shots with one at 707 and most around 770fps. Is this what I should expect??

on a plus side the GRT trigger is amazing!

A standard drop in tune normally does not increase velocity much if any. You should expect a smmother shooting cycle and it is possible that after break in the velocity will increase.


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Thanks for the info. The only reason I expected a decent increase was the my old spring had about 6 coils that were permanently compressed 2mm or more then the ones on the other side. Plus it was bent. It was pointed out to me though that the accu was rated 1200fps which could be why mine was in the 850s with 7.9s and the CFR is 1100fps where I’m getting 770 with this new spring (I do expect that to change up or down after break in). My only theory is that they somehow changed the size of the breech port on the CFR to reduce FPS to accommodate the absolutely dumb changes to the rotating breech.   

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Your advertise velocity was optimistic I guessing. Plus they use the lightest pellets available to reach high speeds. Velocity is secondary to a smooth cycle and accuracy.

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Ya I agree. I had an accu that I posted the velocity of earlier. I think it was a tad above 850fps with 7.9grn and had a very smooth shot cycle I would have no hesitation shooting on a hard bench. Dead accurate too and I think around 12FPE. My new CFR I was expecting the same velocity but it’s not. Gamo has it rated 100fps slower then their accu model AND I’m seeing 150fps slower. I see no reason for Gamo to down tune a 12FPE model to 10. I guess I’ll find out tomorrow during accuracy testing now that I did a little work on it. Before the tune it was extremely pellet fussy. And as all pellet fussy guns I’ve owned, shot jsb RS the best. 


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