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Need a Scope Mount Recommendation

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This will be for my HW57.

Weihrauch HW57 | HW50S

 The problem is with the front sight sticking half way up into the SS2L's view. I posted on this issue a while back and was going to professionally have the sight blade removed. Now I want to take the SS2 3x off and put it on a .20 50s that is in transit. (bottom has the 4x)

It looks the HW57 is done here in the states (if googled the AOA listing is a dead link). There aren't any front sight replacements to be had here or across the pond that I'm aware of. Funny thing is, I just watched this very gun on ebay, and in spite of my capture here, the ad was edited early on to discose that no box or accessories were actually available, for $455.

Weihrauch HW57 | ebay

I don't want to degrade the gun in case I decide not to keep it so I have decided on the Leupold 3x9 EFR Freedom for the 57.

Weihrauch HW57 | Front Sight

 I would maybe like to try rings. I think any mount will clear the front sight but of course I've come this far and don't want to necessarily go cheep now. The SS2L mounts very low but I don't want to raise the Lupy much. Appreciate any suggestions for good mounting hardware?

Thanks, Bo


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Found this however honestly IDK why they listed it for a replacement for a HW57.

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In case you wanna run a hacksaw...

Or call AoA see if they have that part.

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Hi Bo

In my experience it's not so much the scope/mount height as to whether you see the front sight in the picture as much as it is the scope's power setting. I think all of my scopes are set in medium height rings (BKL single strap or Sportsmatch) and when I run my lower power variable scopes on 2x or 3x I almost always see the "ghost" of the front sight thru the scope. But as I go up in power that front sight image starts to disappear. So you might be ok with the Leupy EFR in medium rings if you set it at say 4x or above.

FWIW, when I was considering the HW57 I had it in mind for a peep sight gun. Have you considered trying a Williams peep on it and seeing how it does?

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Hello Jim,

funny you mention that. Yes, a peep has crossed my mind but I have never used one in all these years. As far as the scope goes, thanks for the tip. The front blade is pretty wide and prominent in the SS2. I think part of me wants to attempt a de-railing of the 57's reputation for myself, or prove it to be correct. I feel like maybe this will require a scope as part of the test bed.

Having completed that, I would still consider it for an open sight setup. At 16.5 FPE it could be a fantastic lil' door gunner. I would still use the scope on something else. I'm thinking next gun will be the latest model HW90. Cool looking stock on these to boot! 

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I had this same dilemma on a Sterling HR-81.  I mounted an SS-3 on a riser mount.  The scope cleared the front sight, but the cheek rest turned into a chin rest.  Since this is a springer, I'd stick with some BLK 257's high rings:

If it was a PCP, I'd say high rings from any maker on amazon.   



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Bo, I did some experimenting this morning. Wanted to make sure what I posted above was correct, lol. So here's what I did. I twist tied the standard HW tunnel front sight on top of the Apex brake on my HW50S. As you can imagine this raised the sight up a fair bit from the factory position and put it pretty much in the center of the scope's view. I chose to start with the 50S because it's nearly the same size as your HW57 and it has a 3-9x40 scope (the Nikon EFR) which would be close to the Leupy 3-9x33 you mentioned. The scope is mounted in a set of medium Sportsmatch rings.

Now, I have to say that this was all done indoors looking at a white wall so the results may be different if this was done outside in daylight conditions. And unfortunately, I didn't think to change the front sight insert to the thicker post insert when I did this so it was all done using the post insert that comes in the sight from the factory. So with that said, here's my results.

First of all, the AO setting made no difference that I could tell and as I posted above, it was all a factor of the scope's power setting. At 3x a blurry ghost image of the front sight was definitely visible. It was still visible at 4x, although not nearly as bad as 3x. At 5x it was very faint and at 6x it was gone to my eye. FWIW, I would have no issue with using my scope set at 4x with the front sight attached.

Then I tried the scope on my HW30S which is a BSA Essential 2-7x32AO sitting in a set of medium BKL single strap rings. Again, the front sight was twist tied on top of the Apex that's on the 30S. And once again, the AO setting made no difference that I could tell. At 2x the front sight ghost was definitely visible. Still there at 3x. At 4x it was faint. At 5x it was barely visible and at 6x it was gone.

So there you go, a little more to "chew" on, lol. Hope it helps out a little. But from this little experiment it appears to me to simply be a matter of scope power as to whether or not you see the front sight image in the scope's view. And out in the field I would think that the front sight ghost would barely be visible against brush and such at 4x.


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as shown those are very low mounts but if your check weld is where you like it, that is where it needs to be 

or you buy a dovetail to weaver mount, pick low rings and a cheek pad and be above the front sight 

have you even determined how much the front sight is in your field of view

i would just raise the scope and be done with it and even if it does not work and you don't  like it try again              we all have boxes of stuff that didn't work on none project but could on another 

even these could work

at some point we get to the point of just walking over to box-boxes and get what we need 

never can have enough stuff or is that just me


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thank you for the time and research. It's funny (not) how these 'little' hurdles can get so high LOL I imagine the EFR's bell edge to center is slightly lower than your Nikon x40? But then you have an x32 obj on the 30, with similar results. Hmmmm.

Edit: I thought this would come up under the dimensions tab.


With your help in research, I may be better off with high mounts. I'll have to look at some ring dimensions along with all the info to see what I can get away with. I'll get to chewin'.

Thanks to all of you guys. I may finally put this rest 🙂

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No problem, Bo.

But from what my little experiment showed me this morning I think that using a taller mount/rings will only change the height at which you see the front sight's ghost image in the scope view. But going up in power to 4x or higher appears to virtually eliminate it, to my eye anyway. So, myself, I would rather use a scope at 4x or above and keep it mounted as low as possible for a better cheek weld. Would make it much easier to get a repeatable eye/scope position, too.

But do let us know what you end up doing. I, for one, would be interested in knowing how it all works out for you.

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You were spot on Jim. Front sight is barely discernable at 5x and gone just under 6x. The ghosting doesn't even bother me at 3x now, with the medium height rings.

Weihrauch HW57



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