My first airgun
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My first airgun

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When I was a boy I asked Chris Kringle for a pellet gun. I woke up early Christmas morning and had to "go". I snuck downstairs to answer nature's call (the old farmhouse only has one bathroom on the first floor). We were supposed to wait for Mom and Dad.  As I passed the tree in the living room I noticed a rifle leaning against it. I remember how heavy and real it seemed when I touched it. Then scurried back to bed to await the time Mom and Dad got up. Forever. I told one of my brothers I shared a bedroom with "I got my pellet gun". I have 5 brothers. Finally we were allowed to go down to the tree. Turns out my "pellet gun" was a military surplus Mauser 98 30-06 intended for my oldest brother. No wonder it seemed so real? Things weren't all bad I received his hand me down Daisy 1894. A little disappointed at first. Later BB's were flying and I adopted my first gun. I don't know how many tubes of BB's I put through it. And yes, I took it apart just to reassemble it again.

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