Hi All,
this may be my first post on this format as I used to post on yellow forum and have been out of the airgun scene for a bit.
I have a new Benjamin Marauder Pistol and I’m new to PCP. I notice a noise and sensation in the air tube when I tilt the pistol from the muzzle to the butt or grip. Sounds like something sliding or rolling back and forth in the air tube.
I called Benjamin and a customer service person said she heard the same noise on her sample gun. Someone else said it might be the hammer spring, but it makes the noise cocked as well.
is this a common noise to these pistols?
Thank you. I thought I was crazy with everyone telling me not to worry about the sound.
I watched the YouTube video on disassembling the marauder rifle, which I assume translates well enough to the pistol. It seems like the best way to access the fill assembly is from the muzzle end. Is that correct?
Thank you. I thought I was crazy with everyone telling me not to worry about the sound.
I watched the YouTube video on disassembling the marauder rifle, which I assume translates well enough to the pistol. It seems like the best way to access the fill assembly is from the muzzle end. Is that correct?
Yep. Just pop off the fill cap and you will see the foster nipple. The foster nipple is screwed into the fill assembly. There is a flat on 2 sides of the assembly that you can put a wrench on, but when I took mine off all that was required was finger pressure. If it's hard to turn (even with a wrench) stop, there is probably air pressure in the tube. Dry fire it a few times to be sure it's fully empty.
Edit - I would unscrew the shroud first as that is easier and what is moving could be in the shroud and not the air tube.