LCS SK-19 First Imp...
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LCS SK-19 First Impressions

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For years I have been looking for a reliable, accurate semi-auto (full auto optional) air rifle.  I am posting here to tell you that my search has ended with the LCS SK-19. The SK-19 gives regulated, adjustable power, consistent accuracy, is almost completely pellet-agnostic, and fully select-fire.

I have shot eight different brands and weights of pellets through the SK-19. Pellets of approximately the same weight all shot to the same POI...or with in a click at most. Single-hole five-shot groups are the norm. (See photo of 25-yard pattern.)

LCS SK 19 Five Shot Group at 25 Yards SQ

Negatives? Well, yes, the magazine cannot be removed from the rifle, so after 19 shots it must be reloaded in place. You'll need high rings for your scope if you want a decent cheek-weld. And the barrel must be removed for proper cleaning--although that's not a major operation.

The rifle comes with a case large enough to hold the rifle with an attached scope and bipod. 

If you can afford this puppy (about $2K), go for it!


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Received mine a couple of weeks ago, it's a blast. I thought the fixed magazine would be a problem, it's not it helps slow down your pellet consumption. Man o man can you tune this puppy in without any hassles or mods. My only complaint is that I would've preferred the safety on the right side as I could than operate it with my trigger finger I would like to find parts schematic and shop manual so I can find out what makes it tick.

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Someone said its almost as accurate as an Impact. Is that true? -Nate 

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First homg is...I don’t give a shit if anyone believes what I’m about today sat Impressions

yes...yes it is. In .22 cal you get a match grade Lothar Walther 12 grove .25 caliber you get the coveted LW Match grade Polygonal barrel. I had the .22 for about 7000 rounds. I now have the .25 because after 3 trips from PA to AZ the case was broken to crap thanks to UPS who really doesn’t give a damn and beats your stuff to death....yes...I’m still pissed about it! But back to the matter at hand. I got my new .25 and it wouldn’t fire out of the case upon arrival. Called Jarred at AOA, and he walked me through it I had to remove the bottle, release the air from the plenum via the grub screw under the “auto” label on the select fire,2.5 mm, and then later adjust the barrel to magazine distance so there wasn’t any drag. Still the difference between the 2 calibers is significant. The .22 fires 16 grain pellets at 915 FPS with only 8 clicks above minimum power setting and the .25 fires 34 grain pellets at 907 FPS with only 28 clicks above minimum power setting. To each their own with this. Like barrels and pellets....all are different. These are state of the art guns and amazingly accurate. You take a chance. You maybe rewarded big time. I couldn’t imagine pesting or hunting without them...meaning one of these guns. Truth is I have a bunch of other PCPs that kick these guns asses! The funny part is that I didn’t even pay a 1/4 of the price and the are just as accurate, more far!, and are a hell of a lot easier to work  on. Nova Vista Liberty’s  .177 and .22 caliber are super accurate and reliable, Air Venturi Avenger in .25, Hatsan Bullboss .25. Or gun costing well under 500$...shit...I don’t know exactly what y’all looking for. EdGun Leshiy 2, Huben K1 zGen 5,$:wer.may be the answer a









 THard reset

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I answered my own question. Review video coming tomorrow at midnight (Sat morning).

My first 5 SHOTS in Semi Auto after I sighted in at 96 yards with the SK-19 .25 cal: 

20201109 060842

33.95gr JSB's 

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I pre paid for one with AOA .22 but still waiting on it... Looks like some are finally coming in. 🙂

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just wow


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Posted by: @kendive

I pre paid for one with AOA .22 but still waiting on it... Looks like some are finally coming in. 🙂

I think I am going to go with the .25 also... I have plenty pellets anyway .22 and .25

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Posted by: @kendive
Posted by: @kendive

I pre paid for one with AOA .22 but still waiting on it... Looks like some are finally coming in. 🙂

I think I am going to go with the .25 also... I have plenty pellets anyway .22 and .25

Well AOA is shipping my LCS SK19 they talked me into keeping my pre order as the 22. But can trade up to the 25 if not happy with it. This is just gonna be a plinking toy so 22 should be good to go... 




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I like the .25. Here is my first 100 yard group


you can find the full review here. The .25 is perfection tuned to 900fps for 34gr will automatically shoot 25gr JSB at 1000fps. Super accurate with both. 

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Posted by: @air-gun-channel

I like the .25. Here is my first 100 yard group


you can find the full review here. The .25 is perfection tuned to 900fps for 34gr will automatically shoot 25gr JSB at 1000fps. Super accurate with both. 

Nice I am keeping the .22 SK19. Cheaper to shoot and I got this just as a toy. aoa said the .22 is more in demand also. If I want to sell would be easier to.


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