Joe B Alpha Filter ...
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Joe B Alpha Filter Help

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The check valve is now leaking air. I called Joe and he charged me $12 for one oring and I need them all. He is not very much help. I guess my options are to buy another different filter or start measuring o rings and buy them from the o ring store.


Have any of you all had to replace the o rings in the PMV Valve on top of Joe B's Alpha Filter?


BTW:  I just pre-ordered an EDGun Leshiy 2 Long. Can't wait to get it... 



I just found the regulator for sale and the kit to rebuild a real kit not just one single o-ring 🙁 . LOL That Joe B guy is a rip!!! Charging $12 for one O-Ring... LOL


Now to out source the filter. Or sell this thing and get one from aliexpress more support out there for them Chinese one for sure. 🙂



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A better pic to see what I'm talking about. I did up ordering a whole new rebuild kit for $19 and I guess I am stuck with my $12 single o ring that was worthless. 


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I can't offer any help, but I've been thinking of getting one of those filters.  I can't believe that there's only one source for them in all of the pcp world. Seems odd. I'll listen and watch to see if anyone else offers any advice. Thanks for the link to the PMV.

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Posted by: @deepbass9

I can't offer any help, but I've been thinking of getting one of those filters.  I can't believe that there's only one source for them in all of the pcp world. Seems odd. I'll listen and watch to see if anyone else offers any advice. Thanks for the link to the PMV.

Your Welcome. If I was going to do it again. I would not buy anything from him. Kinda of a pain. I sold my shoebox and was going to get that Alpha-Carette Compressor but I don't want to even deal with them anymore. I will probably get an YONG HENG I know they are Chinese but there is way more support and info out there that what Joe can offer on his products. Honestly I would get stuff from Aliexpress and save money and buy more airguns... There are plenty of HP Filters out there that work well.  






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Well I don't see any HP filters that have any back pressure like the ones he sells.  I've heard his reputation..both sides.  I'm using the Hatsan Spark for direct gun filling and I'm happy with it.  I don't get to marathon shoot and I have 3 going on 4 pcp's so I can just switch out if I need to keep shooting ( I get the time...), but after one gun fill the Spark is spitting water out of the fill nipple.  And the fill hose, when disconnected from the gun, drips it, too.  I've had my guns apart, some of them, and the internals are fine, but I'd like to take some steps.  I had a big Chinese air tube, but it took to long to was doubling the fill time at least.  Took longer than the gun itself.  I also just put the silica beads inside it and Joe was very much correct, as they pitted the inside of the tube.  The, do they really do that much?  There is crap for info out there that I can see unless you go the full blown SCUBA comp route.  I just don't shoot enough, though I really want to, to justify that kind of a setup.  I guess if I can't find a good solution I'm going to wait until something trickles down to my current level.  I figure the $1200 range comps will eventually get some good filtration, right?


What kind of quality HP filters are you seeing out there?  Or anyone?


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Posted by: @deepbass9

 The, do they really do that much? 

Why not upgrade toiletries? (this is a joke, don't use it at the pressures in question)

FWIW, the "toilet paper air filter" does get wet, and does need to  be dried out, but works on output, not input side, so a tampon COULD do something to trap liquid water (not vapor) but would need to be dried out periodically.

motoguard tp

BTW, the silica is reusable by re-drying on a sheet pan in the oven (I use the toaster oven)


Could someone explain the desire for backpressure? Easier on electric pumps due to reduced freewheeling?


While we're at it, I notice the talk about filtering the output side.

I'm assuming that filtering the INTAKE side leads to reduced pumping efficiency, since pumps are better at making pressure than making vacuum. Is this accurate, or am I misunderstanding?

Poor pickup of water vapor through available filters?

Thanks in advance (and again, I'm probably the only member who doesn't know this) and welcome to the forum Kendive!

Joined: 5 years ago
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I have exactly same issue with my PMV or check vlv. Just go to o-rings or more to see if you can get a replacement o-ring, also in my opinion do not buy a alpha carette compressor especially from joe B, nothin but issues after about 30hrs can’t get help from joe he just said rebuild it???, with what no parts or gaskets sets etc. now find out replacement parts From China are as bad or worse then original! Joe is a shyster!!! In my book, just so you know the alpha is Chinese, do yourself a favor and buy a omega or Daystate two shooting buddies have one of each no problems at all after 60-70 hrs. His filter is A very good filter though, worth fixing!

kendive reacted

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Posted by: 
motoguard tp



Could someone explain the desire for backpressure? Easier on electric pumps due to reduced freewheeling?


While we're at it, I notice the talk about filtering the output side.

I'm assuming that filtering the INTAKE side leads to reduced pumping efficiency, since pumps are better at making pressure than making vacuum. Is this accurate, or am I misunderstanding?

Poor pickup of water vapor through available filters?

Thanks in advance (and again, I'm probably the only member who doesn't know this) and welcome to the forum Kendive!

Well word on the street is the pressure gives the air dwell time so the media can actually suck the water from the air. 

Filtering the intake side gets the ambient moisture out of the air, but the heat from compressing creates more water than that. So the real filtering needs to be on the output side.

All the experienced cats out here...I hope some chime in and don't  let us fumble around in purgatory. 

If Joe's filter is good, maybe an Alph from China via Ali is worth trying to source. They look the same, pretty much.

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Posted by: @deepbass9

 but the heat from compressing creates more water than that

With all due respect, it appears that this portion of your post is not based in science. I am not aware of the simple act of compression generating water, or water vapor, and the water seen is only a condensed form of atmospheric water vapor present upon intake.

If there is evidence showing that compression does in fact produce water, such a the process of combustion does, I'd be happy to be re-educated.

Tampons and toilet paper are covered in the section labeled "Dessicant dryers" and they do actually mention toilet paper LOL


Regarding "dwell time", this can be influenced several ways. The most common is using the largest volume of filter media possible, ie.  to increase diameter as a means of slowing relative flow rate, as in the case of toilet paper, or in water filtration where activated carbon possesses a surface area which will blow you mind. "Due to its high degree of microporosity, one gram of activated carbon has a surface area in excess of 3,000 m2 (32,000 sq ft)"

In high pressure applications, the internal surface area of the pressure containing vessel effects capacity to contain pressure, IOW, smaller diameter vessels handle higher pressure, assuming equal wall thickness. This makes the idea of a toilet paper filter, or a 4 inch filter section, a no-go (within probable weight constraints) and hence tampons in a long tube.

You'll notice that the wiki lists desiccants as a "polishing technique" and I'm curious to see what else has been come up with in this field, as most of my experience is in slightly different fields which don't involve such extremes of pressure.

This is why I was wondering about something stupid-simple, like a huge quantity of silica gel on the intake side. (again, maybe I'm the only guy here who doesn't know)


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Posted by: @deepbass9

Well I don't see any HP filters that have any back pressure like the ones he sells.  I've heard his reputation..both sides.  I'm using the Hatsan Spark for direct gun filling and I'm happy with it.  I don't get to marathon shoot and I have 3 going on 4 pcp's so I can just switch out if I need to keep shooting ( I get the time...), but after one gun fill the Spark is spitting water out of the fill nipple.  And the fill hose, when disconnected from the gun, drips it, too.  I've had my guns apart, some of them, and the internals are fine, but I'd like to take some steps.  I had a big Chinese air tube, but it took to long to was doubling the fill time at least.  Took longer than the gun itself.  I also just put the silica beads inside it and Joe was very much correct, as they pitted the inside of the tube.  The, do they really do that much?  There is crap for info out there that I can see unless you go the full blown SCUBA comp route.  I just don't shoot enough, though I really want to, to justify that kind of a setup.  I guess if I can't find a good solution I'm going to wait until something trickles down to my current level.  I figure the $1200 range comps will eventually get some good filtration, right?


What kind of quality HP filters are you seeing out there?  Or anyone?


You can order this back pressure valve and put it on any filter.



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Posted by: @sgt

I have exactly same issue with my PMV or check vlv. Just go to o-rings or more to see if you can get a replacement o-ring, also in my opinion do not buy a alpha carette compressor especially from joe B, nothin but issues after about 30hrs can’t get help from joe he just said rebuild it???, with what no parts or gaskets sets etc. now find out replacement parts From China are as bad or worse then original! Joe is a shyster!!! In my book, just so you know the alpha is Chinese, do yourself a favor and buy a omega or Daystate two shooting buddies have one of each no problems at all after 60-70 hrs. His filter is A very good filter though, worth fixing!

Yes I have already measured the o-rings and can order them from the o ring store no problem, but I already found a kit for $19 bucks. A real kit that includes all internal parts.


I agree that Joe is a Shyster. Anyone that tell you on the phone they are selling you a kit for $12 and then ships you one o-ring. I will never do business with him again.


Good info on the alpha carette compressor. I figured if Joe was selling it It's probably a POS.


What I'm working on now is finding the refill cartridge that goes in Joe's Filter setup without buying from him. I will never give him another red cent!!!












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Posted by: @gratewhitehuntr
Posted by: @deepbass9

 but the heat from compressing creates more water than that

With all due respect, it appears that this portion of your post is not based in science. I am not aware of the simple act of compression generating water, or water vapor, and the water seen is only a condensed form of atmospheric water vapor present upon intake.

If there is evidence showing that compression does in fact produce water, such a the process of combustion does, I'd be happy to be re-educated.


Where did I say I was a scientist?  Where did I say I was here doing anything but looking for info?  How about this:  So it seems you have your facts out of order...

Makes me and others love posting...Oh, and I guess the issue is my point of aim, too...don't see that one enough..

Sorry, try this:  people filter on the output side due to the fact that compressing air is related to dew point and temperature and water content in the inlet air and intake filtering does not serve to account for all these factors?

Better, bub?  There was no respect detected in your reply.


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You can order this back pressure valve and put it on any filter.


I saw that.  Thanks again as I will probably make use of it!


kendive reacted
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Posted by: @deep ass

Better, bub?

have a day meme


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Posted by: @gratewhitehuntr


and welcome to the forum Kendive!

Thanks. I have been around a very long time and was on the old yellow for a very very long time. I just don't post very much. More reading...


I just could not hold back the fact that Joe is not helping us airgunners at all.







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Guys there is a china compressor out that's better young heng. It's an xisico   at flyingdragons.

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I found a source for (Joe B 🙁 ) Alpha filter replacement and way cheaper that he charges. I will never talk to that punk again.















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I had a leak in the PMV valve on my Alpha Casssette.

I ordered an O ring kit  (Buna N (Nitirle) 90 Duro) from

Grainger.  It ran about $10 as I recall ( the kit has a total of 385 rings)!

It took me less than 10 min to replace the two O rings

numbered 9 on the diagram above

The valve now works flawlessly

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Posted by: @deane

I had a leak in the PMV valve on my Alpha Casssette.

I ordered an O ring kit  (Buna N (Nitirle) 90 Duro) from

Grainger.  It ran about $10 as I recall ( the kit has a total of 385 rings)!

It took me less than 10 min to replace the two O rings

numbered 9 on the diagram above

The valve now works flawlessly

That's great. I got my o ring kit (A Real Kit) also and all good now. 

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Oh and if anyone wants to know what a real kit looks like for the PMV this is it for 19 bucks. Not just a single 12 dollar o ring. SMH 🙂

Sorry for pounding on this but it just killed me waiting for a week to get this kit that Joe called it for $12 and I open the package to find one o ring so I call and he was a total jerk about it and said it's gonna cost more money and he needs to research to get the parts. I google it and in seconds found a place that sells the real kit to repair the PMV. I thought us air gunners were a tight helpful group. 


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Still working great. Glad I found a real kit 🙂 I helped out a fellow local airgunner and filled his tank the other day. 


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Picked up an Texan II .457 LSS CF. Man that thing is a beast. Blows away the Career Dragon .50 for power.

Canceled the Edgun Leshiy 2 and Pre ordered the LCS .22 SK-19 Full Auto. It seems to be alot better platform that the edguns. 

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What's the warranty on his filters? Wouldn't the o-ring be free if under warranty? 

I thought his website states he sells his stuff are made in the USA???

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Posted by: @kendive

Picked up an Texan II .457 LSS CF. Man that thing is a beast. Blows away the Career Dragon .50 for power.

Canceled the Edgun Leshiy 2 and Pre ordered the LCS .22 SK-19 Full Auto. It seems to be alot better platform that the edguns. 

Two different animals, if you ask me, but either an awesome choice.  The Eddie is a micro/lego form factor thang with barrel swapping.  If a more traditional auto-indexing rifle is your desire, then the LCS and Huben certainly seem to be ruling that roost.  Can't lose either way, methinks.  Contrats on that and your TII!


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Posted by: @kendive

Picked up an Texan II .457 LSS CF. 


but... I'm working on 458 SOCOM as we speak...

kendive reacted
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I also have the same filter from Joe B. and the check valve blew out the o-ring after only a few hours of use. While I understand that a business has to make money to stay afloat, I refuse to pay that insane asking price for one o-ring. 

I may have missed it in all the posts, but did anyone list the actual dimensions of the o-ring in question? This would be a great help so to purchase them in quantity. 

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Posted by: @kendive

Oh and if anyone wants to know what a real kit looks like for the PMV this is it for 19 bucks. Not just a single 12 dollar o ring. SMH 🙂

Sorry for pounding on this but it just killed me waiting for a week to get this kit that Joe called it for $12 and I open the package to find one o ring so I call and he was a total jerk about it and said it's gonna cost more money and he needs to research to get the parts. I google it and in seconds found a place that sells the real kit to repair the PMV. I thought us air gunners were a tight helpful group. 


Could you provide a link to the PMV kit you ordered?

Thank you.

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Posted by: @airgunshooter
Posted by: @kendive

Oh and if anyone wants to know what a real kit looks like for the PMV this is it for 19 bucks. Not just a single 12 dollar o ring. SMH 🙂

Sorry for pounding on this but it just killed me waiting for a week to get this kit that Joe called it for $12 and I open the package to find one o ring so I call and he was a total jerk about it and said it's gonna cost more money and he needs to research to get the parts. I google it and in seconds found a place that sells the real kit to repair the PMV. I thought us air gunners were a tight helpful group. 



Could you provide a link to the PMV kit you ordered?

Thank you.

Yea I would not give Joe another dime...


Here is the whole valve

And the rebuild kit




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Posted by: @gratewhitehuntr
Posted by: @kendive

Picked up an Texan II .457 LSS CF. 


but... I'm working on 458 SOCOM as we speak...

I had the 50 Beowulf at one time. I heard the 458 is awesome.  

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Posted by: @kendive
Posted by: @airgunshooter
Posted by: @kendive

Oh and if anyone wants to know what a real kit looks like for the PMV this is it for 19 bucks. Not just a single 12 dollar o ring. SMH 🙂

Sorry for pounding on this but it just killed me waiting for a week to get this kit that Joe called it for $12 and I open the package to find one o ring so I call and he was a total jerk about it and said it's gonna cost more money and he needs to research to get the parts. I google it and in seconds found a place that sells the real kit to repair the PMV. I thought us air gunners were a tight helpful group. 



Could you provide a link to the PMV kit you ordered?

Thank you.

Yea I would not give Joe another dime...


Here is the whole valve

And the rebuild kit


 Thank you!!!!!!


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Your Welcome.


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