There was a auction here last week- online only and I saw a rare version of the HW50s with a cheek piece and a buttplate- and the finger groove fore end- it was a close twin to oneI own n cherish that M. Driskell had told me was pretty rare.... I quit at 240 plus tax and online fees of about 30 percent... I hope one of ya bastages got her.... I saw it when I picked up a couplelittle things I did win- did not touch it but saw it on the table. If I did not have an old standard my fancy twin to it and 2 ARH headquarters era HW50M and a HW55 AND we weren't in the middle of this mess I would have gone higher 🙁
well the reality is we can't own everything and we are only the caretakers anyway
there will be something just as nice or rare or both coming down the pike
life is full of i should done this or that
but after saying all of that it has a value of 850.00 in 95% condition .177 smooth bore
Last week I watched a 3rd variant Diana 58 maybe 85% go for almost 1200. A little high?. And a decent model A Sheridan sold for about 1700. I landed a pretty good 1919 BSA Standard .22 for 250. One sold on eBag Friday missing several key parts for the same money. You never know what romantic collectors are going to do at auction.
A romantic thing, collections in general aren't the best financial investments Good investing does not involve emotions.
@marflow... I thought thiswas rifled... likely 90 percent... unless it could clean up real well...
just what i read in the Blue Book
it stated that air rifles after WWll late 40's were not allow to be rifle but i'll be the first to say i'm out over my ski's
the hw 50 I was looking at was the V model
there is a model that was sold from 1972-86 but it is nothing special value wise and a HW 50 M/ll a little more value
and of course the HW 50s
but again i'm using the Blue Book for information
sorry for the confusion
@marflow ... No problem whatsoever- I was not thinking that it was a goldmine by any means. I and a few other guys do however think they are some of the best airguns and most pleasant to shoot that exist 🙂 Not super powerful but great for plinking-target- pesting and just pure ease n shooting enjoyment. Its just my hoarder nature I guess thinking I should have kept bidding 🙂
hoarding nature, oh i wouldn't know anything about that LOL