It goes in phases, but I figure I only average maybe 100 a month.
That number is likely to go up soon, so I wanted to stock up on my favorite JSBs and H&Ns, and couldn't help but notice that stock levels are low or non existent on some of the popular brands. While there are still plenty of options outside of my go-to pellets, it just got me to wondering how the events of this year have effected your buying/shooting? Have you seen an increase due to extra time and the economy of pellet guns? Maybe a decrease because you don't want to burn through resources? Or have you been totally unfazed by it all?
Pellet usage has always been the same for me since age 12.
Sight in gun at a specific range. This will take 25 to 50 pellets per pellet type.
Once gun is sighted in with pellet it likes, the gun will sit until I can put another pellet into a live target.
For example, if I only see one squirrel in a given month, I will probably only shoot one pellet that month.
This pattern has allowed me to stockpile massive quantities of ammo.
Since I've decimated the squirrel population in my two hunting spots, the guns sit until the need arises.
I've done some soul searching on what I really wanted out of shooting, and have gotten into paintball in the last couple of years. Paper target do not interest me. Live targets are the ultimate application.
Paintball is a different skill set, plus you have the intended target shooting back. The game will improve your reflexes and follow through. Further, paintball will humble you after getting shot a good number of times your first time out. Highly recommended if you can handle it.
Letting a springer or a gas ram pellet rifle for extended period of time will ruin it. They are not like a PB's. All the moving mechanical parts need to be moved. To keep seals supple., lubrication drying out. A gas ram that sits the seals in the ram will dry out and you will lose your pressure.
I would suggest you shoot your break barrels at least 25 times each month.
I budget myself at least 100 shots a day to shoot my 10M pistol. Above that I often shoot 2 cylinders from my LP-50 at sihouettes which adds up to an additional 160 shots
I crush a tin of pellets every couple days. 3-5,000 pellets a month. I buy my pellets in lots of 20,000 every four months or so
Wow, Chicken Farmer. That's a lot of shooting. Good for you, I'm glad you have fun with your pistol. What is your pistol? You, like me, are truly addicted to our sport. I also raised on a farm in Illinois.
I have several but my best 10 meter pistol is a electronic trigger Morini that I bought in the
90's. I'm just awful with any pistol. But, like you I shoot a lot.Prolly 100 shots a day. I have a nice collection of rifles. 17 rifles and 10 pistols. I love to "exercise them.
BTW...I just aquired a recoiless Giss system Diana 6M pistol. I SUCK with this pistol too, but I love it. Quality from the 1970's.
I am fortunate to live on an acre in the country, I shoot anytime I like. I am a retired veteran with nothing but time on my hands.
I have a Steyr LP-50 that I shoot silhouettes with. As far as target airguns I have a FWB P34 and a FWB 700. I own a FX Tarantula from 2001 also. I tend to shoot more PCP's these days due to my limited arm strength. About the only springer I can shoot for extended periods of time is my HW-30.
I used to shoot off hand 10M pistol and rifle, but my disabilities limit me to supported shooting now. To keep the challenge I shoot off a rest made out of half a 2" PVC pipe. It is still quite challenging and I only compete against myself anyway.
The powder burners have noted a shortage of munitions nation wide. Airgun forums have noticed the same. I am sure some of it is caused by the government with that virus induced supply disruption causing the major part of it. Looks like we need to consider the next few years useage and stock up accordingly.
Heck if I know... I go through periods where I don't shoot much at all, usually working on other hobbies, and a period where my elderly mom was needing special attention.
But the past few years I have tried to shoot more because I missed it so much... even if its just a short session on my basement range... Iprobably have too may airguns, acquired from 1990 thru 20012... all unique in some way, mostly spring-piston, a few old pumpers, and one PCP, Career II 707 carbine, and looks like it needs new seals.
I acquired a pretty good stash of various pellets over the years when there was an actual local airgun shop not too far from where I worked... I would visit there at least once a month or more at lunch, and always bought pellets.
I recently created an Excel file to keep track of what pellets I have, and what guns like what pellets, and other pertinent data, but the last few years I have bought other pellets online to try with various airguns.
I now have several dedicated pellet pouches (made from leather spring-coin pouches) for various airguns, with a tag indicating what they are and what airguns I shoot with them.
Today, I probably shot about 50 Eley Wasps .22 with my R1TK... beautiful day outside... perfect for plinking !
When the pouch gets low or empty, I put more in it.