The custom stock came a few years after that !
Great Idea and execution. Same for the stock. Is it usable by a lefty? And the period correct Bushnell looks just right.
THX for sharing.
@jw652 Thanks... No, the Tyrolean stock doesn't work both ways... gotta fit your cheek right into the saddle of it... but I never tried shooting it left handed !
The old Bushnell Trophy 4-12x 40 scope is my favorite... it could only be better if it had a mil-dots... but the marks on the reticle have always been good enough for my needs.
Excellent rifle. Love the 124 and the tyro myrtle stock is a wonderful addition. I have a close cousin to the stock. Jim left the front end uncut and I had the stock inletting extended about 3 inches with a Schnabel.
I like the dedicated imaging stand. Looking for a similar setup to photograph my rifles. Something that is quality, but minimally impairs the view of the rifle.
@chardosmith Hi Arnold... I looked online to see what kind of rifle cleaning cradle's were available.
I was considering this Hoppe's No.9 Cleaning Cradle... seemed simple enough, and giving a good view of the rifle.
But decided just to build one with the wood I had laying around, and using sturdy U-Hooks from Home Depot.
I had a piece of soft rubber hose laying around that fit on the U-hooks, allowing for a more stable resting surface.
I did bend in the U-hook on the front barrel rest to make it narrower to hold the barrel.
I spent way more time on it then I thought it would by the time I cut up all the pieces, and got them all glued together.
Then I had to add long wood dowels through the pieces to better hold them together while the glue dried.
I tried various air rifles of different lengths to get the best distance and height of the barrel and stock rests.
I do like to tinker so it was a fun project.
i must ask what kind of glue did you use
just a tip for gluing wood for strength, when i was a lad back in the 50's and we were work on boats we always used a glue powder that you mixed with water and it is still being made
cleans up with water and can be scraped off after drying and it is brown in color or it used to be
@marflow I just used some Elmer's Wood Glue that I had handy...
The problem that I had was the wood board I was using already had a coat of varnish or whatever already on it when I cut all the individual pieces for the rests.
I should have sanded it all off so that the glue stuck better instead of sliding around.
I would not have needed the wood dowels... but I didn't want the blocks coming apart.
I was in too big of a hurry... and ended up spending more time than I should have !
Live and learn !
@arkmaker Nice display piece !
I made my rifle cradle mainly so I can take photos easily, instead of improvising with a rolled up towel or pillow, and having the rifle topple over.
I'm putting together an excel file with all the info on my airguns, with photos and links... and they can be stored in the Onedrive cloud for remote access.
I did this with my kerosene lantern collection over the winter... helps to look up photos and info when I'm out antiquing or flea markets when I see something that I may not have... hard to remember all the variations with about 150 lanterns !
But have way less airguns that are harder to store and display ! ?
Yup, made for field target about 10 years ago. Made an awesome spring compressor too. I'm kind of a wood worker with an airgun hobby.
Nice wood working skills Chip... I'm just a hack who can piece things together... wood is a good example... I rarely throw anything away, knowing that it may come in handy some day !
I remember Dick Otten making air rifle totes for field target from aluminum plate... I thought about getting one, but decided just to use the scrap wood that I had handy...
Your FWB-124 and TX200 are exquisite... so is your gun tote !