I am once again needing of your expertise, gentlemen, see, I have a couple of break barrels that don't have a rear sight, and the scopes I mount, no matter how tight ,keep on moving ,so I want to shoot them with open sights only, has any of you made a rear sight for any of your rifles? Or know of any that you can buy that doesn't cost as much as the rifle itself?thank you guys for reading ..I appreciate it. ?
the Archer sight is a good one but we have some unknowns on what you have and you have some unknowns if that sight will work with your front sight at all
as most are setup on the barrel moving it back to the scope area could be a challenge in the elevation adjustment, a diopter sight could also work but they will cost in the 80 to 100.00 and more
so that's all I have with the info you have given
Does your rifle receiver have a shallow hole for a stop pin from scope rings? If it does that will stop the scope from shifting. If there is no shallow hole, a one piece ring with 4 clamping screws should work. If you still have your heart set on iron sights then buy a Williams peep sight. It's money well spent.
here this might work they are cheap enough, I have never bought from this seller but I would take a chance