Hello Yellow, long ...
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Hello Yellow, long time no see.

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Hi Guys,

Been out of the game for a while...life hasn't afforded much time...I've been working a job for the last four years 60+ hours a week...after 30+ years in the Marine Corps, I made the decision that money wasn't worth it...I'd forgotten what working just 40 hours a week was like! So while the bank account isn't as fat, the ability to live is a LOT better!

I welcomed a close friend into our community last weekend. He's a buddy of mine from the Marine Corps Shooting Team, and like most serious PB shooters, he never took my conversations about airguns seriously...until he and his wife came over for a visit four years ago and he got his hands on a couple of mine...lol! He was easily ringing 2 inch spinners at 75yds with everything I owned, and shotgun hulls on fishing line at 100.

His Birthday is this weekend, but his wife sent me a text a month ago and said she's heard him talking to other hunting buddies about airguns over the last four years and she wanted to surprise him with one....I of course explained to her that airgunning was a lot like archery...a bit steeper to get into than many hobbies, but inexpensive to maintain and enjoy once you were through the door...but I also explained that knowing him, with us being a lot alike, this could cost become an addiction!

Since I'm intimately familiar with mrods, having wrung a few of the Gen I's out thoroughly (2 of which I still have), I decided to get him one in .25 with HDD. I got the gun and tank here, filled the tank from my 6000psi Nitrogen tank rented from the local welding supply shop, cleaned the gun, pulled a decent scope out of a box that I had, installed it and set up the chrony. In a couple of hours, I had the gun running pretty good...from a 3200psi fill, 24 shots from 848 to 890 back to 854. The gun shot JSB Kings on top of each other out to 50yds, so I was pretty happy with that...not sure if Crosman is making the barrels now? I've only gotten on in the last few weeks to research, but I understand they're choked now? I believe that Green Mountain made the original .25 barrels if my memory is still intact?

The wife and I drove over and met them in Biloxi to surprise him since they're going to be out of town for his Bday...he was definitely surprised when I pulled up next to them in the Harley Davidson parking lot! But, he kinda knew the jig was up and had an idea what we were up to.

We drove out to some friend's property to re-familiarize him with the functions and he was absolutely happy. We discussed a regulator since I've discovered that technology and manufacturing has served us well over the last 5-7 years with inexpensive regs available as well as balanced valves...I've got some more research to do in that regard, but I plan on running one through my very-tuned .22 before long...hard to beat a gun that runs 40 shots on a 3200psi fill with zero POI shift at 50yds...I'm a little afraid to mess with it! I literally haven't done anything but occasionally pick it up out of the corner to shoot a pest squirrel or bird with it in over 5 years...zero is still on the money, and it still stacks predators at 50 yards.

I just wanted to say hello. I see a few of the old breed are still around. I received my first big bore, a 70-45 yesterday...I shot it twice...with the size of the shroud and the can on the end, one would think it would be a LOT gentler on the ears! A couple of additions since I was here back in the day is an old lathe and mill...I may see what I can do with the guts of it...if not, I sure hope Neil Clague is still around!




Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 231

It's about time you decided to pop in here for a visit!

And YES, it has been a long time.  Most of us old timers miss the adventures of squirrel team six, or whatever you called them.

You have been missed, brother.  Don't be such a damned stranger.


Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 22

Welcome back!  Well actually I didn’t know you were gone.  I too haven’t been here much. Occasional lurker. Good to hear you are setting limits and reprioritizing!

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 281

Good to see you back USMC Jamie - was just thinking of you and those great squirrel hunting adventures you & the Verm used to go on - great to see you back and posting again, and still spreading the Airgun Gospell!





Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 575

Good to see you.

I hope your buddy enjoys his new rifle.

David Enoch

West Virginia
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 377

Welcome back Jamie.

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1882

the adventures of squirrel team six

That is brilliant!

Welcome back!


Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 199

Remember your posts...welcome back Devil Dog.

Camp Pendelton 1964



Airgun Warriors