Nate with the Airgun Channel had done a video review on this gun and then I bought it from him. I'd also bought a Hatsan Flash in a .177 from him. I was impressed enough with it to be interested in the Vectis. I have to admit I was disappointed in it. Freaking LOUD. I shoot in my backyard a lot and it was just too noisy to use. It just felt like the price break gun it is. The Flash exceeded my expectations the Vectis left no option that I could see to make it quiet. It has a fixed shroud with a combination baffle/air stripper end on it. On top of that the fit and finish was weak. It's mostly synthetic and the molding had ridges that are annoying to the touch right where you touch it the most.
At first I was hesitant to address it. then I just thought "it's my gun and if it bothers me try and fix it". So with a little sand paper and follow up with a propane torch to smooth the finish I was happy.
Next was to see what it would shoot at. Not regulated so it does have a growing shot spread as the pressure drops. Here is starting at a 2 bar fill with JSB 18 gr.
This was just before 1 bar.
Here is where I was the most disappointed. It just didn't shoot as well as I had expected. Again I chalked it up to the price break of the gun. It was so loud I didn't want to try different pellets.
I went to work and thought about it. I googled disassembly instructions for the Vectis. It's so new nothing. No suggestions for taming the bark either. After work I tore into it. Little head scratching on how to get the shroud off but got it figured out.
Turns out there are two grub screws on the breech and then the shroud barrel combo will pull out. The barrel is then screwed into the shroud in the baffle area. Unscrewed it and was so happy to see standard 1/2 inch threads for a Donny FL moderator. I cut the shroud end off and then had a threaded exposed barrel tip. This is the inside of the cut off shroud end.
With the new Tatsu installed. Night and day difference in noise. Completely backyard friendly. ?
The thing to watch for now is that the barrel was once secured by the front of the shroud and two rear grub screws. Now it's just the rear screws so it could be possible to slide. If it slides back you would know it because the magazine wouldn't fit. If it went forward it will be loose. It seems secure for now. I may put a bead of silicone at the end of the cut shroud.
Here is the amazing part. Check out the new grouping. Same pellet with the floating barrel and Donny FL. Now I'm impressed with the gun! ? It stacked 5 in the same hole!
I'm just guessing but maybe if you had covered the muzzle area with 2 side covers some of the noise might have been lowered
I can't find a picture of the top and bottom of the muzzle area so lets say all openings, know a little late but for the next person
now is there a way to install a metal insert, collar, in the shroud, tightly fitting around the barrel and if so you could epoxy the insert in and then use a grub screw or two through the insert to help secure the front of the barrel
just ideas from a distance no more
I'm just guessing but maybe if you had covered the muzzle area with 2 side covers some of the noise might have been lowered
I can't find a picture of the top and bottom of the muzzle area so lets say all openings, know a little late but for the next person
now is there a way to install a metal insert, collar, in the shroud, tightly fitting around the barrel and if so you could epoxy the insert in and then use a grub screw or two through the insert to help secure the front of the barrel
just ideas from a distance no more
My original thought was to make a moderator that slipped over the factory end. It's square. Then I'm dealing with a longer gun than I wanted. The next thought there are two roll pins holding on the end cap. Maybe try getting it off and putting more baffles inside. Once I found out the barrel end was threaded that became the easy button and I went that route. Nice suggestion on securing the barrel. I'm going to shoot it more and see if it's an issue or not. One concern is the grub screws are in the synthetic stock. I'm afraid to really crank on them and risk stripping the hole. There is room for a larger diameter grub if needed. Test it first and hope it's "Ain't broke, don't fix it" scenario.
Here are photos of the removed shroud. There is only about 3 inches of baffle.
The rest is just open slots.
but with the slot sealed up there might have been a difference, my first choice would have been black tape
I like to do a little RD when I'm sorting things out and of course you could replace the shroud down the road to keep the rifle in it factory form
now on the grub screws, now they are metric and I would epoxy in some brass inserts, something like this
once upon a time I bought a Hammerli 850 and it had a muzzle brake on it with black tape wrap around it and it was so quiet but so tacky so I took it off and then it wasn't quirt any more
and that is when I learn RD work can take all shapes, tape in this case, so what did I do, I found some tubing with the right ID
good luck and take care
Thank you for the thread insert link. My dad was a machinist with a full home shop. I never picked much up and all but gave away his machinery when he passed. I often have head bang moments thinking about it. I think I could have knocked the sound down some tinkering with a few shroud mods but I doubt I could have got it anywhere near what the Donny FL did. The starting point was just too loud. Hatsan claimed to use their "QE" technology on it but doesn't look at all like my Flash set up. I'm also wondering why the accuracy improved so much too.
I shot four 12 round magazines though it this morning to see if it was a fluke and had similar great groups. Barrel did not shift either. I'm glad I didn't give up on it.
i was wondering if the noise was the accuracy problem, in effecting you as you shot
if you tested without the LDC you might find the answer but if it works who cares as long as the barrel stays put
Interesting theory. I was using the same rest for all the tests. I'm half tempted to screw the cut off shroud back on and see what it does. Maybe even try some of your sound reduction ideas. I'm getting a small back log on some other projects. It may have to get in line. I appreciate the insight.
Great post. It was interesting to read even though I an not interested in the rifle. It sounds like you and Nate are friends. I think he could learn a lot from you.
David Enoch
Thank you David. I met Nate over a Nova Freedom I had. He wanted to test one and agreed to cover shipping to borrow it. Also a bit of a kindred spirit in that I too tend to buy guns to try and then move on. He sells his I accumulate. Sometimes he tests one that looks interesting and I'll buy them. Lately the expensive stuff has gotten almost boring. It's all so refined and near perfect that my expectations are always met. I've become more interested in the new breed of "value" priced guns that can perform close to what the premium guns are capable of. Blasphemous as it may sound they are getting really impressive. When you figure some of these are hundreds and sometimes thousands less money and grouping with the big boys. Not as refined but often surprisingly acceptable or I can learn a few things trying some simple mods.
Thanks Bob. Nate wants the cut off end for some experiment he has so we'll see how that goes. The gun continues to impress me with it's accuracy. My son is trying to decide on a .22 gun to use for a 25 meter event. Between a Verminator, Impact, Mutant, Streamline or the Vectis it's still undecided. It really shoots that well.
You should make videos of your work then post it as Hatsan Masterclass so others can benefit watching your DIYs. I would guess the Mutant would be the most logical choice for 25m benchrest.
My Mutants never ever shot off POA or POI ZERO SHIFT no matter how long they have sat.
You should make videos of your work then post it as Hatsan Masterclass so others can benefit watching your DIYs. I would guess the Mutant would be the most logical choice for 25m benchrest.
My Mutants never ever shot off POA or POI ZERO SHIFT no matter how long they have sat.
Videos? Good lord that's a whole new animal. ? I've tried to do short ones on some motion targets I've made and I don't know how to upload them. This site would be bored to death if I ever figured it out. ?
You nailed it on the Mutant guess. I have a couple Shortys and so far that has been the leader in most consistent hits. I think my son would still prefer the Vectis just for the underdog factor. To show up and shoot a sub $400 gun against the custom stuff. He's like that.
I had some Hatsan springers that I flat hated. I could not get them to group no matter what. I tried everything, Hours on pellets testing, air strippers and barrel cleans. One was a .25 and a bear to cock. I'd go to bed with a sore arm. I literally gave them away because I felt to guilty to sell them. My Hatsan PCP experience has been just the opposite. Well, other than a PCP pistol I tried. Large and almost as heavy as a rifle. First gun I ever returned. Even the vendor, whom I'd bought several guns from, said they kind of thought I might return it.
He should show up with a sub $230 177 Umarex Gauntlet straight out of the box (after cleaning and break in) with JSB 10.34s. It would be more than capable of cleaning house on a budget practically straight out of the box.
If you haven't tried a 177 Gauntlet you really don't know what you are missing!
Let me guess you returned a Hatsan Sortie semiauto pistol due to their typical misfeed, jams and cycling problems? Guess that is why they have many selling for a significant discount as "refurbs".
First, what a great thread. Good input from all, and very informative. Second, Pluric has been right about the Flash, very very accurate. I had one for about two months and got bored with the accuracy at 65 yards. Flash could hold its own against many high dollar .22's. Thanks to all who contributed to this thread, brings back some of the "Old Yellow" memories of similar exchanges, kinda renews my interest ?
He should show up with a sub $230 177 Umarex Gauntlet straight out of the box (after cleaning and break in) with JSB 10.34s. It would be more than capable of cleaning house on a budget practically straight out of the box.
If you haven't tried a 177 Gauntlet you really don't know what you are missing!
Let me guess you returned a Hatsan Sortie semiauto pistol due to their typical misfeed, jams and cycling problems? Guess that is why they have many selling for a significant discount as "refurbs".
The Hatsan pistol was a regular magazine fed not a Semi-auto. HEAVY, I mainly bought it for the larger caliber over my Ranchero. It was just too much of a beast.
Just last night I was delivering some targets to the airgun range and they had a Gauntlet out. I picked it up and shouldered it. My first impression was it felt very front heavy and kind of heavy overall. Now you have me interested enough to ask to shoot it. Thank you for the input. ?
As a reference, I recently purchased a 177 Brocock Sniper HR which cost SIX TIMES as much as my 177 Gauntlet (agreed very heavy gun) and I have to tell you that the Gauntlet shoots neck and neck (using the Marauder style magazine) with this Sniper HR. I have added a Hajimoto barrel band for rigity (the new 25 Gauntlets already have something similar now) and an improved air stripper since the factory one was cracked (typical in these cheap Gauntlets) and had worked the trigger too.
Your 28 yard groups will be ONE HOLE (not a ragged hole) ONE HOLE groups as though you are shooting at only 10 meters with the Gauntlet.
It is not a field carry gun but a bench rest gun due to its weight and size.
Even Allen Zasadny sells and tunes these Gauntlets (he is well known for selling tuned high end FT guns such as Anshutz, FWB, and Steyrs and Rapids and RAWS and is now doing Gauntlets too) and that alone must say something especially using those factory Chinese QB barrels.
Hey love the vectis just ordered DonnyFL thanks for the post help me a lot
Glad you like your Vectis. Mine has been an excellent ratter. Keep it by the garage door. There is a Gauntlet still in the box in the garage right now. I blew my back out trying to lift something that I shouldn't have. So I haven't had the ability to try it out yet.