FWB 124 muzzle brak...
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FWB 124 muzzle brake?

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New York
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About to take delivery of an early FWB 124 that has lost its front sight.  Id like to install a Beeman-type Brake on it.   What brake works well on these 124's?  The barrel diameter is .620" or 15.75mm I beleive.  I dont want to install a brake that alters the gun (filing or turning down barrel).

Thanks for any help here.

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how about this one


if a little to big use 1/4 pin strip tape run the length of the area under the brake on four side if to much, just cut pieces of printer paper and you might want to switch to nylon grub screws to protect the barrel

if the sight groves are standing proud then you have a problem but I wouldn't file them but that is just me

South Carolina
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Posts: 113

Hey Dan, been a while. All your grey label jsb 18.1 gone. Congrats on the FWB 124. Absolutely love mine. Stock up on jsb 8.4. you can fine a muzzle brake at Pyramyd air. Tommy.

New York
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Thanks for the advice, guys.  Tommy, I've been dealing with a sick father and put Airguns on the back burner for a while.  This 124 fell in my lap and I bought it last night.  It needed a seal and the owner had just bought a rebuild kit but never installed it.  I made a spring compressor out of my cars jack  and got the seal in today, along with a Moly lube job.  (No tar on spring, just a little Moly). Was a straight forward, easy job.  Just find the sweet spot where the lug screw frees up and the lug comes right out. Rifle shoots as it should now, but I want to put a few hundred pellets through it to settle it down.  Sure is different than my R9.  Noticeably easier to cock.  Will check out Pyramyd, and grab some JSB 8.4's.  Hope alls well on your end, my friend.

FWB 124 Seal
FWB 124 Seal
FWB 124 Disassembled
FWB 124 Seal

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I know that JSB 8.4 pellets have been suggested to you and know others prior to this post have been happy with JSB pellets. To date all my 124's have preferred H&N FTT's over jsb's. If placing an order with PA you might want to add a tin of FTT'S 4.52 head size and let gun tell you what it prefers, just saying.

One of my favorite rifles if not the favorite.


New York
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Will do, Hooligan

South Carolina
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218 Bee


take the trigger apart and clean it. Then put some moly on it. That makes it much better. It is a heavy trigger from factory . It's not hard but Google fwb124 trigger and you will find pictures and assembly help. I did both of mine . I have several Beeman muzzle brakes off my 124 if you want one


New York
Joined: 7 years ago
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Thanks Bob.  Great idea on the trigger assembly . Will do that this week.  

Would love the muzzle brake. Will send you a PM. Thanks again


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