Feinwerkbau 300s mi...
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Feinwerkbau 300s mini / junior - Raggedy Ann

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Another spring time project, thought I would share some pics, of Raggedy Ann.  A club gun from overseas, a lot of rash from years of shooting.  I had a surplus stock, old style mini, with the stepped for end with beveled front.  Not the late model version.  I pulled an action out of a later model mini, that has the newer step stock (another stock which is currently being refinished on my free time), and sent that action out for hot blue.  This rifle I rebuilt completely with FWB parts and springs.  The stock had several hard hits, 99% of the rash was pulled out of the wood with steam and minimal sanding, but a few small spots you can still see, we will call them character.  One chunk you can see right in front of the cocking arm, it is flush but a dark spot remains.  Also on the left side in front of the trigger guard, a vertical dark line if you look hard from where the stock took a hard hit at some point in its life, it sits flush now, but I was not going to sand down to remove the damage.  I may add a muzzle brake down the road.  But so far I am pretty happy with the results, 640 fps with JSB 7.33 RS pellets,


First 30 yd 5 group shot in the wind, looks promising,


thanks for looking,

Prairie Farmer

josh3rd reacted
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Turned out great!  I'd be thrilled.

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the rifle looks great 

could you tell me the stain recipe 

United Kingdom
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The Universal in the advertisement has a bad case of barrel droop.

Seriously, they are great rifles and well worth spending time and money on. 


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Excellent job!

West Virginia
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Nice job!


Bob in WV


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Posted by: @marflow

the rifle looks great 

could you tell me the stain recipe 

Mike I used four coats of the brown spirit stain, and two coats of the red over it.  I had the color exactly where I wanted it.  But I found the slight amber in the oil changed the color spectrum some.

With that being said, I am on to another stain now from General Finishes, a new color from them.  The original stick off this action is the later model step forend with the square cut on the end, and more rollover comb.  What a bruiser.  I will post it up when done, but I tried another technique and the color has stayed put other than getting darker with the oil.  It is looking real good.  5 coats of oil in right now, will be a couple of months before I am done with it.

I have been rubbing in coats if you will with cloth made in France, no lint.  If not careful, you can lift the stain.  You also can't sand in coats it will remove stain, not good.

The one I am refinishing now, the first coat of oil, I broke the stock into four quadrants, and brushed the oil in gently, and flooded the wood until it wouldn't take any more in.  Keeping it wet.  Then gently wiped off.  This has made a huge difference so far on it.  I am hand rubbing from here.  6 coats min, week apart, 4 week set after the last coat before any buffing.  I will share as soon as I can,

Btw I do not get any oil on the stipple, and stain the stipple last with self sealing ebony.  Liberon 0000 oiless steel wool using the wax as a lube end the end to knock it down very gently.  Wax off, hand buff.

Prairie Farmer 



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Mike here are a couple pics of the stain right before oiling.

And after 6 coats and a month set, before knocking the gloss back.  Taking pictures of stocks is not easy, and look even different in the flesh.

And after knocking it back,

Prairie Farmer 

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Awesome!  What stain do you use on the grip stippeling (<- spelling?? but you know what I mean)

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i'll say it is one of the best looking Beech stock i have seen and the no hurry way of doing it is impressive   


i got a Diana 75 beech stock you can practice on anytime you what LOL

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That is some very nice looking wood work.

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How to bring back the phosphate coating on the front sight, any one chime in please. Oh and showing off the recent refinish of the stock.

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bf1956 reacted
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Are those rifles really that accurate? I'm not doubting it's quality or its ability I am just very curious and my curiosity is extending to the question are they more than just a target rifle? Meaning would you plink with it? Would you hunt with it? Thanks in advance


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Posted by: @josh3rd
Are those rifles really that accurate? I'm not doubting it's quality or its ability I am just very curious and my curiosity is extending to the question are they more than just a target rifle? Meaning would you plink with it? Would you hunt with it? Thanks in advance

Short answer, yes, they are that accurate.  They were designed as a soul-purpose target rifle, for 10 meter range.  At that, they excel.  As a plinker, they are great; as a hunter, that's a hard no.  But if you're looking for a gun that you'll probably never reach the limits of, and you want to take a few squirrels off the feeder inside of 15 yds, then get one.  Recent pricing has gone thru the roof on these things, which I really don't understand.  They made thousands of them.  Nice ones are now in the $6-700 range.  If you want one, find a beater/shooter, if you can.  Rebuild is not that hard if you take your time and follow step-by-step directions.


josh3rd reacted
North Carolina
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Posted by: @josh3rd
Are those rifles really that accurate? I'm not doubting it's quality or its ability I am just very curious and my curiosity is extending to the question are they more than just a target rifle? Meaning would you plink with it? Would you hunt with it? Thanks in advance

Read this: http://www.airguns.net/reviews_fwb300s.php

josh3rd reacted
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Posted by: @bf1956

How to bring back the phosphate coating on the front sight, any one chime in please. Oh and showing off the recent refinish of the stock.

20200902 093508
20200902 093522
20200902 093536
20200902 093544


Well I will say I like it!  No clue on the sight, I have not tried to darken one.  What did you end up using on the stock?

Prairie Farmer

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@prairie-farmer   Fiebings leather dye, light brown& mahogany 50/50. I did 1 Tbl spoon each blended and was more than enough. Top coats of True Oil,1st coat was 24hrs. 2nd coat 36hrs. and so on compounded out to 1wk. for the last coat of 8. I will wet sand with 2000 grt. some time this winter and add more coats. About 4 drops per coat for the 1st 8, later should reduce to about 2 drops. Oh and thanks for responding, it meant a lot to me.

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@josh3rd  I don't have pics but a couple days ago from bucket & sticks @ 10m. had a incredible for me 5 shot tiny clover leaf with Crosman Premier hollow pnts. I was off the 1/4 in. dot about 3/4in. @ 10 o'clock. Next group made sight adj. and it all went south from there. Really liking the bucket & sticks!

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bf, i tried what most people suggest about placing something tween rifle and stick and it isn't for my rifle. anywho i hear that those 300's are nice.  just when i thought i was done, now everyone has my nose opened lol

bf1956 reacted
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No, you can clearly see in the target that one of the shots went high right by nearly 1/16th, and I would just throw that sucker away. I maintain an FWB disposal facility right here, and there are a couple in it right now. I think he should send it to me, to verify that it has been disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. ? 

Seriously, that is a very beautiful restoration and you can practice on mine, too. Outstanding stain job and lovely performance!

josh, if you want PCP accuracy performance at 10m with no external support (tanks, pumps, etc.) there is nothing like these old classics. And they will kill the heck out of western pocket gophers within range of 85% of my shots.

josh3rd reacted

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Posted by: @daveshoot


No, you can clearly see in the target that one of the shots went high right by nearly 1/16th, and I would just throw that sucker away. I maintain an FWB disposal facility right here, and there are a couple in it right now. I think he should send it to me, to verify that it has been disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. ? 

Seriously, that is a very beautiful restoration and you can practice on mine, too. Outstanding stain job and lovely performance!

josh, if you want PCP accuracy performance at 10m with no external support (tanks, pumps, etc.) there is nothing like these old classics. And they will kill the heck out of western pocket gophers within range of 85% of my shots.

I agree 100%. 

Just keep in mind, finding one that puts out an honest 6fpe is tough. Most are in the 5.75fpe range. So, I know you shoot FT with your Prosport and I can see the gears turning in your head from here.......

I've tried it with my 300s Mini, that DOES do 6fpe, even up here at 5600 feet. IT. IS. DIFFICULT. Yes the gun is capable of PCP accuracy, and can even drop 10 into a sub 1 inch group at 55 on a calm day. But, get just the slightest little 3-5mph wind, and you're talking a foot of hold off and something like 16 inches of vertical adjustment-talk about lobbing them in there. I have enjoyed the experiment of shooting a 300s in a field target match a couple of times, and it has been fun every time. But I've not scored better with it than with my recoiling HW50s at around 9.5fpe. 

In short, the recoilless nature makes it easy to shoot, but that sub 6fpe power level is a deal-breaker for field target. 

(The most frustrating issue was watching the pellets make nice clean marks in the paint on the paddles and the beginning of the match and not have them fall over! The target has to be set really light for a 2-3fpe, at impact, strike to make em fall). 

josh3rd reacted
Rest In Peace
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 113

Super nice resto! Great job! I'd sure be happy to own that one ?


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