I have recently acquired a Feinwerkbau 300 from a friend that passed and will never use it. I was looking to sell it and pass it on to someone who knows more about it and would use it. All the local gun shops in my area have no clue what this is and will not give fair value. Please let me know some information on it and what you think it is worth. Also if you are interested in purchasing. Thanks
That appears to be what is known as a MINI due to the slim forearm of the stock and no barrel weight which makes it lighter than a regular 300. From the pics of the breech open the piston buffer are deteriorated due to age which is common on older unused gun. It will need rebuilt before its unusable and kits can be sourced from ARH for about 30 bucks.
As it is right now in non functioning condition it may bring a couple hundred bucks but if rebuilt could be 400 plus depending on the buyer since some prefer the Mini. It is also one that was made for the youth target shooting in clubs that was distributed by daisy hence the stamping with their name.
I'm somewhat familiar with these FWBs....
You have a Daisy marked FWB300 not the 300S....so it has the earlier model 150 design cocking handle and shorter rear sight mount rail....two features considered less desirable for owning (less scope mount options and less than ideal cocking arm relatch)
What you have in your favor is the original box all the tools, manual and goodies....the gun needs servicing as in complete tear down cleaning and resealing.....those parts with fresh springs cost about $50 plus labor....the picture of the breech seal may be indicative of some rust pitting in the breech area, possibly barrel.....but this too shows the gun is "unmolested" a desirable trait...
Your gun is by no means rare...it most likely is 1972 ish vintage....I've always gotten less money for a FWB300 than a FWB300S.
Needing a rebuild sets the sales tone as "broken" gun for sale...$350 to $400 is my estimate...because after the repair you may be hard pressed to get $425...
my two cents
well if that is rust that's too bad but if that is just a seal that turned to crap, that's all together a different story
the minus is that it needs rebuilding
the plus is in is a complete gun with box and has factory tools and things
so if it a seal-----seal and buffers and labor would be in the 150.00 or so plus shipping add a spring set
and looking at sale prices resealed and as a complete package someone will pay 550.00 to 650.00 all day