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Estimated value of used Baikal IZH 46 and 46M 10M pistols

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Good afternoon, gentlemen,

I am trying to sell a few airguns for a late friend of mine and am wondering what I should ask for these two shooters, both used but well kept Baikal IZH 46 and Baikal IZH 46M. Apparently the grips were custom made (I am guessing medium or perhaps even large right-handed). In short, I am assisting his widow in selling some of his toys and am not making a single cent in the process. Some of you may remember him, Carl Quick - a GREAT guy all around and is very much missed.

Because the photos that were sent to me on a flash drive are SO large and can't compress them, you can refer to guns #12 and #13 on a Twitter page dedicated to the sale of Carl "Quickster" Quick's airguns (simply go to Twitter and search QuicksterCAPOF).

Thanks for your time and I look forward to seeing whatever any of you can contribute to this thread and potential sale of the shooters. Please feel free to PM me if need be. ? 


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The Blue Book of Airguns Twelfth Edition says $500. It also states add $54 for the 46M configuration. Subtract 25% for the 46 configuration.

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Posted by: thirdshift

The Blue Book of Airguns Twelfth Edition says $500. It also states add $54 for the 46M configuration. Subtract 25% for the 46 configuration.

Awesome - thanks for the reply and information, thirdshift.

I realized later that I posted this thread in the wrong area, so, I created a new thread in the Airgun Talk section.

Thanks once more and have a great weekend,



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More information provided by a fellow member of a different airgun website:

#12 is equipped w/Martens Sights’ ‘Taco Sight’ (made to suit the taco hold style of shooting) and Steve Corcoran grips.
#13 has Rinker grips.

A couple more photos of these beauties (#12 top, #13 bottom):


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