Ok I bought a $1400 EDgun Leshiy 3 weeks ago. It has and was advertised with a nice electronic gauge. Mine works partially and fully part of the time. Very nice when it works which is about 1% of the time. I asked Edgunwest where I bought it and got this answer. "“That feature has been removed, they initially tried to pack too much stuff in the original gauge the new one has been updated but not a new manual”. Now obviously mine was not removed as it works sometime and Edgun still has advertising and YouTube video touting the EDMU gauge.
I was just looking at the manual and kept playing with it and out of nowhere it started to work properly. I had everything that the gauge map shows. I had installed a Huma regulator and set it at 110 Bar but the factory gauge was at 120 bar. I let some air out till I got down to 109 bar and shut the grub screw down. 109 Bar is close enough. Went through all the setting ONCE and then it quit and went back to just the 3 screens I described above. It was certainly nice while it worked.
Someone point me in the direction of who to talk to. If these were sold with the gun and Edgun has some THAT WORK then I want one. If Edgun now thinks they are trash and will not work then he needs to admit it and replace with a gauge that IS WORKING. Am I wrong.
I had the original standard gauge fail. When I checked for a replacement I could have got the electric. I decided to stay with the boring manometer for the exact reason you are having issues with. I also put a Huma in mine. Oddest thing is it will swing almost 150 fps on the chrony. Yet it feels exactly the same as far as kick, sound and accuracy. Any other gun with that kind of mood swing would feel or sound different. I need to try another chrony before I tear into it.