let me just say that there is nothing wrong with the trigger on the Chaser, but let me tell you if you want it can be improved
1. so what did I do, I replaced the pins that hold the sear and trigger and the cross pin that holds the trigger end down
2. I replaced the sear spring with a .3mm by 10mm stretch out to 13mm
3. I shimmed the sear and trigger with .25mm x 3mm ID aluminum shims
4. I put a trigger stop in the sear using a 3mm x 6mm grub screw
5. made new grub screws for the trigger
6. everything was hand fit
so the detail
1. the pin are too loose, hell they will just fall out and they were in the 2.57mm range form the factory---I replaced with 2.6mm drill ends they would fit through the frame holes but not the trigger or sear and they came in at 2.56mm the sear was bigger then the trigger so the new pins were slowly fitted by using a drill with them in backwards and 225 grit sand paper and I made them all at 12mm in length
2. the sear spring is optional but the factory spring is .47mm at 12+-mm and replaced with a .3mm x 10 stretch to 13mm
3.as stated the shims were added and they fit in the sear area but had to be reduced in thickness for the trigger, the shims use below
4. I decided a trigger stop could be used after stuffing some 3mm urethane under the sear to stop trigger travel so I planned to drill the sear and add a 3mm by 6mm screw for the stop the sear is hard as anything and could never be drilled easily so i torched the trigger end red hot to make drillable and used a 2mm drill first and a 2.5 to finish and tapped the hole and an automatic center punch was used, drill press needed and I put it between the 2 trigger adjustment screws and all screws where Teflon taped in there holes
5. the trigger grub screws got 2mm ball bears epoxied to them and the front screw can be used but the back one was replaced with a 6mm in length and both are 3mm x .50 thread
so now I have a trigger with more adjustments and has no side movement or wiggle
total trigger movement can be made to be 1mm to 1.5mm and be very light
now does any of this make sense in the real world maybe not but my goal was to see what could be done and would I do it again well sure I have 2 more Chaser waiting for there work and yes they are mine
I'm sure some will say it isn't needed and to them i say this post wasn't for them
it is a post about what could be if you try and all or most of us have been there
take care