Have an older one that I bought new back in Dec of 2011. Enjoy shooting it. It's putting out around 540fps with the 7.33gr AA Falcon pellets and is pretty accurate, too. Most of my shooting is at 9yds in the basement and when I'm on my game it will put 5 of them thru the same hole and can do it fairly consistently. (That's sitting rested, not freehand. I'd be lucky to hit the side of a barn freehand these days, lol.) The 240's T05 trigger is a different animal compared to a T05 in a 34, due to the 240's smaller/lighter mainspring. It feels much better/lighter and except for a minor adjustment mine is still as it came from the factory. The T05 in my 34 has been polished and still doesn't feel as nice as the 240's.
Not sure what the newer ones are like. There was a flurry of activity about them here maybe a year or so ago. Should be able to find some posts here about it from then. The downside to the 240 is there isn't much for them by way of aftermarket stuff. But I have read that an HW30 spring is supposed to fit it so I have one in reserve in case it's needed. I haven't tried it yet to see if it fits, though. If it does, great. If it doesn't, no biggie. I'll save the 30 spring for use in my 30, lol.
BTW, I have read that some find the stock isn't all that friendly for use with the open sights because the comb is a bit high. I can't say about that because I despise fiber optic sights on a rifle and took mine off right away. Mine wears an older 2-7x32AO Hawke Sport HD IR and I'm very happy with that combination. But given it's power range the 240 would make a nice peep sight gun if one could adjust to the sight/stock combination.
I'm breaking my rule here about not posting without 1st hand knowledge, (kinda.) One of my shooting buddies brought a 240 to our last shoot up on the mountain. I didn't take the opportunity to shoot it, but we were shooting side by side at spoons and spinners and such, at 15-25 yds. I was shooting an extremely accurate Daisy 887 with match sights, and he was shooting the 240 with (I think) a low-power scope. He and I were pretty much matching shot for shot. One thing I will note, there was noticeable buzz from his rifle, even though I wasn't the one shooting it.
But there seems to be potential there for an affordable low-power spring gun.
I've owned a few 24s, which I miss greatly. My last one was given to my daughter, so at least I know where it is. I've also owned a few 27s, ALL of which I regret selling! Low-power Dianas are just a dream to shoot. The best balance of shot-cycle, power, weight, and handling. What a spring gun should be.
@jim-in-swmo Hey thanks Jim, for some reason I like shooting these youth rifles. I recently acquired a X5 that is a pita. Little by little it's coming around. Opened up cleaned up, added mylar to spring guide and crytoxed. Put a peep on it and nocked out the front sight red thingy and can now look through a to a very tiny target. Still looking for the magic pellet.
I have one I bought a couple of years ago. It's the only Diana in my safe, and I actually enjoy it quite a bit. Mine is 100% stock and shoots Meisterkugeln 7.0 at 610, or about 5.8 fpe.
There is a bit of crunchiness when cocking and a little buzz when shooting, and the trigger has a long second stage - definitely not a rekord. But the trigger is smooth and predictable, its super easy to cock, and the stock feels considerably more grown up than HW30's. I too hate the fiber optic sights, but have left mine as is.
Despite its shortcomings, I can shoot better offhand groups with the 240 than just about any of my other rifles. I can't explain it, other than it just seems to come together just right. I love my HW30's - they are amazing, precision machines. But this is one of my favorite guns to grab if I just want to do some random, relaxed plinking.
@jim-in-swmo Hey thanks Jim, for some reason I like shooting these youth rifles. I recently acquired a X5 that is a pita. Little by little it's coming around. Opened up cleaned up, added mylar to spring guide and crytoxed. Put a peep on it and nocked out the front sight red thingy and can now look through a to a very tiny target. Still looking for the magic pellet.
"Put a peep on it and knocked out the front sight red thingy..."
YES! Fiberoptic front sights can actually become extremely accurate aperture front sights, simply by removing the fiberoptic tube. That leaves you with a relatively small front aperture. Actually, the cruder front sights with the bigger fiberoptic piece work a little better, but the principle is the same. Combine that with a match rear sight, and you're in business for some precise shooting. The problem is usually the match sights won't get low enough, but sometimes you get lucky. The other option is if you can get a Williams or other peep to work height-wise, go to Lowes or Home Depot and get a 1" rubber fender washer with the right size hole for your rear sight insert. It turns a regular Williams peep into a reasonable approximation of a match sight. (At least in terms of what your eye sees.)
Personally, for no more than what PA is asking for them right now I'd probably give one a go if I didn't already have one. It is a nice little plinker and I do like mine. Unfortunately, as I said before I can't offer much personally about what the current issue 240 is like. But if you're interested, here's a bit of reading about the 240 from a couple years ago on the DWC.
IIRC, the original 240 was called the "Schutze" and had a simple direct sear type trigger. Being as you said the one you were looking at was an "RWS 240" it may be an older model that has that style of trigger. The 240 Classic, like Pyramyd sells, has the T05 trigger and would, in my opinion, be the more favorable one to get. BTW, if you should decide to get one from PA I think for the small difference in price I would just get a new one. I've always been a little leery of buying refurbs 'cause you just never know about them.
My Diana 240 Schütze ... Tuned by John in PA
I like my 240 so-much ... I purchased a second-one recently.