Crosman 1077 Walnut...
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Crosman 1077 Walnut fun fun fun

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Just got it in walnut and previously had one in a plastic toyish stock many many years ago and this one is much much better. Mounted an old Bushnell Trophy 6-18x40AO in Sportsmatch rings plopped in a Daisy 12gram co2 and loaded the 12 round rotary magazine with Crosman Premier match wadcutters and gave it a go. Surprise surprise surprise! It shot high, not low like your typical barrel drooper airguns like my first plastic 1077 which ran out of elevation trying to zero it. At 6 yards zeroed viewing at 6x and AO at its minimum just under 10 yards, it keyholes even with the rough trigger action. At 15 yards it shot high so adjusted the scope and got under 3 magazines 30 shots until it started to peter out. Had not run it over a chrony yet but I have to say this is a much better 1077 than I had many many years ago and it will be a keeper in my airgun collection. I was plinking off hand with it at 15 yards on a hanging soda pop can shooting at the logo and letters on the can and the holes were mostly touching once I got used to the trigger. This was not shot rested, yet... I expect it to shoot even  better when rested... The scope is a little overkill IMO so I am probably going to switch it out with a different one with lower magnification range.

I am thinking of converting to HPA and run a regulated bottle rather than buying a Wildfire.

Would save some serious money by not having to buy all these 12gram co2s...

It is so much fun to shoot that I can see using up a 40 piece box of these co2s in one sitting.

The accuracy is a lot better than I had expected. I am probably going to replace the scope with another older Bushnell Trophy using a 4-12x40AO or even possibly a generic illuminated 1.5-6x30 instead

which would make it a great ratting gun.



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Posted by: Hotair

Just got it in walnut and previously had one in a plastic toyish stock many many years ago and this one is much much better...

What, no pics?

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Try to get some pics later on today and maybe in the evening, I am swapping scopes.

The Bushnell 6-18x40AO is a bit overkill...



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Quick in progress pics... busted up can 30 yards off hand

0226191426 00

many mags, pellets, and co2s later...

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That can busting at 30 yards was with open sights after I took the scope off. I like the green fibre optic front sight... very easy to see and quick pointing too...

I used both Crosman Premier Wadcutters and also just tried Crosman Pointed pellets which shot fine. I like how you can quickly shoot all 12 rounds as fast as you can pull the trigger.

Time to buy more magazines!

The shot report is not at all offensively loud, it sounds a lot quieter than my P17. I would say it is backyard friendly.



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Nice fun Hotair.

I have a iron sight one with black/grey laminate. It compares nicely with my Gary Cane Field Target stock that I paid $1800.00 for in early 2000. I like this rifle too. Especially with adolesents. Steve in NC has a trigger improvement for sale. I gotta get one sometime. I have heard good things about it.

The same kit called Wildfire is compressed air.

By the way, my magazine has NEVER jammed or faile to work perfect. I own somw "high end" kits with rotary magazines that have failed.



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Posted by: DonC

Nice fun Hotair.

I have a iron sight one with black/grey laminate. It compares nicely with my Gary Cane Field Target stock that I paid $1800.00 for in early 2000. I like this rifle too. Especially with adolesents. Steve in NC has a trigger improvement for sale. I gotta get one sometime. I have heard good things about it.

The same kit called Wildfire is compressed air.

By the way, my magazine has NEVER jammed or faile to work perfect. I own somw "high end" kits with rotary magazines that have failed.



How on earth would you obtain a laminate stock for it? I have never seen nor heard of one.

I would like to buy it if you decide to sell it.




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I was thinking about buying the PCP Wildfire before I bought this 1077 Walnut but read too many complaints about leakage and figured on converting this one to HPA using a regulated bottle set at 850psi or maybe up to 1100psi after I do some research to see the safety factor.

I would have seriously put a HUMA regulator in the Wildfire (kinda silly don't you think?) after watching reviews on the gun stringing down with every shot.

That trigger mod is something I have to look into. Some folks say that the trigger gets better after it gets broken in and with extended use. This thing will get broken in real fast since it is so fun to shoot!

I think this would be a good ratting gun up to 20 yards. Perhaps even further out when converted to HPA. Probably need a TKO after that though...



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