Chiappa AR 611 Biat...
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Chiappa AR 611 Biathlon trainer?

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North Carolina
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I am looking for a good trainer rifle for Biathlon competition. Living in NC right now so I don't get a lot of chance to do it for real (moved from Colorado) but since I am living on 2 acres of forest I thought maybe this would help me keep my skills up; especially during the lockdown. 

I have looked at just about every rifle in the $1000 range and either can't find one in the USA (FX Biathlon or Zbroia Biathlon are impossible to get unless I live in Russia, Canada or The Netherlands)

Anyway the Chiappa caught my eye. It would need some work (gotta extend that front rail so I can put a sling on it) but it seems like it might fit-the-bill.

What are y'alls thoughts? I would appreciate any info on this rifle or maybe even other options I haven't considered. 

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so buy it from Krale air guns

North Carolina
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Wish I could, but they won't ship it to me. 

FX doesn't allow it because there are already distributors in the US. 

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oh that's right

so i found this but out of stock

here's one, i like spending your money LOL

the 611 doesn't have any sights like the rifle needs and the front sight is like a 6004, a blade of metal ready to snag something 

so if you take the price of the 611 and then add on a good set of sights that would run 300.00 to 400.00  i think i would pass 

that Steyr is pricey but i bet it is worth every penny 

good luck and take care 




North Carolina
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Yeah, I suppose you are right. If I am going to do this I am going to have to kick in a few more $$$. I did find a used FX Biathlon, but it is in Slovenia of all places. I am waiting on that shop to email me back about shipping, but that one is a looooong shot. 

North Carolina
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Here you go, throw a dart at the choices here and buy one.

Virgin Islands, U.S.
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Another, perhaps not quite as dear as the above.


North Carolina
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I would LOVE to buy an Anschutz, but I am just a poor nursing student. 

Also, it looks like Air Arms is going to be shutting down their factory because of Covid-19. So, it seems I have plenty of time to figure something out. 

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A couple of years ago I was interested in the 12 ftlb version of the 611 and my interest declined and I never bought one.  There is very little info available and only a couple old reviews.  I have never seen one  and never saw or knew anyone who owned one.  That indicates to me that there has not been any interest in the gun and I think only one US vendor was carrying them and that was some time ago.  They are fairly nice looking guns but I ended up going with something that is more popular and proven.  There has to be a reason there are none around.  I would stick with something that is a little more common and others are using.

Rick B.

North Carolina
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Yeah, at this point I have abandoned the Chiappa. 

Is it possible to put diopter sights on an FX dream classic? The Aeron CZ stock looks like it would make for an awesome setup. 

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that Northicmarksman has a lot to offer but there prices are high and the chances of getting a gun shipped from the UK to the states are slim to none 

doing thing on a budget is a hard thing to do but i look at things in a different way 

i used to sell power equipment and people would come in with a budget and i would always tell them pay more buy up 

if you buy a 1000.00 gun and keep it 10 years you spend 8.33  a month in the case of a 2000.00 it would be 16.66 

is the extra 8.33 worth it to you, it would be to me, always buy up because you will tell yourself i'm glad i did 

that what my customers told me 

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Posted by: @version3-6

Yeah, at this point I have abandoned the Chiappa. 

Is it possible to put diopter sights on an FX dream classic? The Aeron CZ stock looks like it would make for an awesome setup. 

I sound like a Utah Airguns broken record around here. ? ? 

Give them a call. They build some very cool guns. They are also connected with Sabor Tactical that makes the trick accessories. Pretty good chance they could make what you are looking for.


North Carolina
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Nordic Marksman is in Canada.

Not a big deal shipping to US from there.

Agree prices are high, but it gives a great overview of what’s available for biathlon.

North Carolina
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Actually, I have been I touch with Utah Airguns. It was to ask about getting an FX or a Zbroia. 

I sent an email about sights on the FX Dream Classic, have to wait and see what they say. 

I know some people have used an IZH-61 for biathlon training. I have talked to this guy a few times: and even bought some of my race/ rifle gear from him. 

I have a line to a few IZH-61s, but have read the polymer receiver isn't great as far as accuracy is concerned. 


North Carolina
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Ok, I think I found a way to mount a front globe sight to an FX Dream Classic

Seems like this should get the job done if I can find it in stock. 

North Carolina
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After a lot of searching and working I have found an FX Biathlon mark I for $650 shipped! 

I will post pics once she gets here 


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