Well, no. But you can come close.
I do most of my shooting in the basement at around 8 yds., so I'm always looking for precision. I have a passion for the 10M classics, but a budget that doesn't match the passion. So I fiddle, incrementally, and try to come close.
This gun started life as a green-grip knob-cocker Backpacker 1389. Mods to date include Alchemy Airwerks 6" steel breech, flat-top piston and valve, roller trigger, walnut stock and pump handle, (finished in boiled linseed oil,) brass bolt with home-made extended probe, ice-maker tubing transfer port, Crosman Maximus 26" .177 barrel with re-cut crown, Daisy grooved muzzle weight, Air Venturi front sight with a clear aperture from Elite Shooting Sports, Anschutz rear sight on a piece of a QB79 riser, EVA cheek piece.
It shoots at about 550fps on 5 pumps with RWS Basic 7g wadcutters, and has a sight radius of 32" from front to rear aperture. It is single-hole accurate in my basement.
Is it a viable 10M match gun? No, primarily due to the load-pump-cock-shoot routine, and the less-than-match-grade trigger.
But it is a pretty amazing gun, and the build has been a lot of fun.
It's not just the accuracy. If you were to try it in even a casual shooting event the pumping would be a huge disadvantage. I know it may seem like no big deal to pump it but it's tiring over 60 shots and will affect your shooting ability.
A great starter gun deal is the CMP Daisy. There are threads on getting the trigger better and it did improve mine. Still no where near match quality but for $100 I've shot higher scores than with my match guns, seriously.
well if you installed a 1720 trigger group that would be a good upgrade
so the term 10M gun could have many meanings to different people
if you are shooting at 10M all guns could be 10M guns
if you are in competition only those built for that would be 10m guns
you built a very nice one of a kind rifle and before you asked the question you knew the answer
so could you use this rifle in 10m competition, if it was legal, would the others shooting think you were nuts, more then likely but that would be there problem
are you going to shoot the rifle in a 10M match, well i doubt it
so the the bottom line you have made a very fun rifle that all of us would be proud to own
take care
It's not just the accuracy. If you were to try it in even a casual shooting event the pumping would be a huge disadvantage. I know it may seem like no big deal to pump it but it's tiring over 60 shots and will affect your shooting ability.
A great starter gun deal is the CMP Daisy. There are threads on getting the trigger better and it did improve mine. Still no where near match quality but for $100 I've shot higher scores than with my match guns, seriously.
Funny you should mention the Daisies. I have a 753 and an 887. Both of them have the Pilkington trigger mod. They are the MOST accurate short range guns I have ever owned. And that includes FWB 300S, Anschutz 250, Walther LGR, Diana 66, Haenel 3.121. The Daisies have out-shot them all.
Funny and true story: A few years ago I was at the Findlay show where I had just bought my first Daisy 753. I was taking it out to the car when another gentleman saw it and said to me unsolicited, "I HATE those damn Daisies." I said excuse me? He said "I shoot 10M competition and spent over $600 on my German rifle, and those damn Daisies beat me every week." True story.
well if you installed a 1720 trigger group that would be a good upgrade
so the term 10M gun could have many meanings to different people
if you are shooting at 10M all guns could be 10M guns
if you are in competition only those built for that would be 10m guns
you built a very nice one of a kind rifle and before you asked the question you knew the answer
so could you use this rifle in 10m competition, if it was legal, would the others shooting think you were nuts, more then likely but that would be there problem
are you going to shoot the rifle in a 10M match, well i doubt it
so the the bottom line you have made a very fun rifle that all of us would be proud to own
take care
As I understand, the 1720 trigger group is incompatible with a knob-cock pumper. I could be wrong, have been before, will be again.
For the record, I don't compete, except against myself. This thing is freaking awesome at short range. Best Crosman build I've ever done, and I've done quite a few over the years.
I could tell that was your post without even seeing your name. You always have a knack for finding, making, and enjoying airguns that others overlook.
I enjoyed the post.
David Enoch
Funny thing is I bet everyone on this forum has a Crosman story. Most don't have such a happy ending.
Funny thing is I bet everyone on this forum has a Crosman story. Most don't have such a happy ending.
I did a few 1322's in my day. Still have this one that other than custom stock I don't know what more I could do. All the internals were replaced, 1720 trigger, steel breech, and so quiet. It was my "truck gun" for a very long time. Called it the Terminator. Rats hated it! ? The copper tube holds pellets. Little overkill on the optics.
I own a 1300KT with some mod and performance info in this thread. It delivers massive accuracy at 10m.
I'm an old fart, so yeah, it is a workout pumping that thing. I pump it 4 times for 10m targets. 4 X 60 = 240 pumps for a 60 shot match, but officially, you have 105 minutes, meaning you can rest a bit between shots and do not have to crank them out rapid fire.
This next part may sound looney toons to you: I lift weights with techniques designed to support pumping up that gun. I also trade hands, so I do 4 pumps right handed, then the next 4 left handed. Honestly, my aim is not affected ... but nobody said I was that good to start with. ?
I'm on my lunch break at work right now, but I'll take some pics of my targets and the machine itself tonight. The proof is in the pudding. Accuracy at 10m it's got - other reasons may make it less optimal for matches. ?
Okay - proof is in pudding.
My 1300KT began it's life with long steel breech, a LW 14.6" match barrel and shoulder stock. Now --> Alchemy Airwerks Pump RP valve, larger port, stronger spring, long nose bolt, buffed roll pin, Maximus Hunter LDC, Hatsan Optima 30mm dot sight. Future: I may mess with the trigger, but call me a fool, I am very accustomed to Crosman factory triggers. ?
Indoor 10m range - 75F - H&N Match Green 5.25gr wadcutter - 4 pumps per shot - 5 shot group.
Is it accurate enough for your needs? ?
The machine:
So, can you START with a $50 Crosman and make it into a 10m match grade gun? I would say YES! Although it is pretty much required to find a used, minimally configured machine to keep the starting price tag at $50.