Timberwolf is unique in that it has a two shot shuttle system. Not mag fed or single shot. That's the issue with decocking. Mechanically, it would decock the same as any other, but with the shuttle, that presents an issue.
Never had one. I always considered them 'fiddly. But....
To have a full shuttle, does that mean the rjfle has to be cooked and ready to fire, if the safety is off? I believe that to be true.
Also, you will need to have a full shuttle to begin a hunt, as loading a pellet when you see your quarry, is not ideal with this rifle.
Now I guess that means, at this point, you are walking thru the woods with a pellet in the breech with the safety on.
Then you see a squirrel in the tree, presenting a fairly difficult shot. Safety off, aim, fire. This is where the Timberwolf shines brightly! As you have a follow up shot. In this case the squirrel took a hit but ran and hid behind the tree trunk and you work the action for follow up shot. But, as you take a step the squirrel falls out of the tree deader than a door nail.
So now you have a rifle with a pellet in the breech and cocked. No pellets in the shuttle. Can you now, hold the bolt back in the cooked position and pull the trigger, and gently let the bolt forward? Just like a regular single shot pcp.
Found in hunting situations where a round is chambered but no opportunity, can it be decocked? Can't see wasting the air if no good shot.
Pardon my ignorance. Not a PCP guy here. But do you really have to worry about saving the air from a single shot in order to decock a rifle?
When I use a springer to hunt with. I will open the breech just enough to put a pellet in, then walk around with an uncocked rifle that has a pellet loaded.
With a pcp lots folks will just blow the shot off. Why would you want to save air? Well....maybe you use a hand pump to fill. Or it's an unmoderated gun and you don't want to make your presence known. Or maybe you're a practical person.
I use all my pcp's with a single shot tray, and I will only put air down the barrel when I call a safe shot during a FT match.
Sure there is a time when you don't need to put air down the barrel. And the original question was "can it be done with a Timberwolf".