well this post is a bit lonely
i did look for an answer yesterday and found all sorts of info on Google
it seems to to do a good job but it is an ugly rifle
Just seeing this....
Yes, this gun is ugly for sure. However, it has been reliable and accurate. I now have mine with Brian at Veradiumair for a work up. He SAFELY pushes these to over 300fpe with the ability to also use pellets for plinking and totally transforms these guns.
It's hard to say... I will be having a slightly longer air tube than what is normally done on his tunes, I think. But I have read others reports or 5 shots above 300fpe on their guns. I dont want to talk out out my arse so will need to wait till I get the gun back to make concrete claims.
Sorry Mike I hit the unthank button by accident still new to this site and learning. I agree it is an ugly rifle the ony reason that I had purchased it was because I heard that there where a few people out there that tune them.
Morning, sir. Would be best to speak with Brian at Veradiumair for specifics. I got word that my bulldog should be shipping back soon and is hitting 327fpe right now. Pretty excited about it
I'm working on it. I got it in last week and with rain and to do lists, I've not had a chance to do much with it. I did test out a few projectiles... Bob Vogel 185gr are near touching at 65 yards. JSB's and some random 147gr slugs are acceptable at that range, but not as good as the Mr. Hollowpoint slugs.
Don't want to step on anybody's toes but you can hot rod it yourself for cheap if you are self inclined to work on the Bulldog it's not that complicated and there is the internet. Once you completely disassemble your first gun it will be child's play from then on.
@rob_in_nc my bulldog was tuned by Brian and I get 5 shots. I got my .357 sighted in at 1" high at 80y. I'm shooting. 1/2" groups with 155g HP I mould. Longest shot taken with it was by my wife at 162yards on a Boar that weighed little over 200lbs. that I ranged with a range finder. It entered right below his eye and lodged between Backstrap and spine roughly 1/2 way down his spine. I literally hung every night with mine and love it!!