Hope some of you guys can help answer this potential problem. I've had my Benjamin 397 for a year now (mfg 6/16) and want to buy a Williams 64 peep sight for it, mainly just to help guard against future barrel separation. My concern is that 50% of the reviews I read from the different forums and retail sights all say the sight will not sit low enough without major material removal, yet some say it fits perfect??? How could it be both ways? Anyone have more accurate info please? Thanks
I will send you the Williams 64 peep sight that came off of my mfg 5/02 397. It worked perfect and no material removal was necessary.
No charge to your door.
I know Williams sights are great products. I'm sure if they find a problem they correct it. This being said in the past I have used them and every one of them shot way high even at the lowest setting. I had to remove a lot of the sight to make it work. Like I said, this was several years ago, so I'm not familiar with the newer ones, just the older ones and they did have to be ground down and filed.
That is too generous @thirdshift
Maybe I have something you could use for a trade?
I have a bag of parts I picked up at a flea market 3-4 years ago. Supposedly it is a 1991 1377 Phase II. Anything in the photo you could use for trade?
I raised the front blade on my 392 by lead soldering a short length of brass filler rod to the original blade.
A small amount of file work, along with a spritz of flat black paint, and all is well, without modification of the Williams sight.
I'm more than pleased with the result, as with my eyes, I can't shoot open sights well. Aperture sights near the eye, work just fine.
Not sure if this helps but I put a new Williams peep on my Benjamin 392 P about two years ago. It required no removal of material and zeroed fine. I "think" I read somewhere that the new model sights "may" be slightly different than some of the old ones? Not sure now but I believe the sight I used was a Williams 5D-SH.
Have you tried just pumping less or more depending on distance? If so I have had to sand down a little on some. It isn't much either just a tad.