I would like to find another Beeman Professional Tapered Strap, as they were listed in the old Beeman catalogs, catalog #7507, and #7508... or a similar one from whoever may still make them... they have the quick detachable sling swivels that I prefer.
I have the 7507 and 7508 that I purchased years ago that I really like!
I can easily remove and attach them to another rifle, but I'm curious if someone makes the same sling... I've looked online, but couldn't find the same... lots of adjustable straps, and I have a few of those too... I think maybe Bianchi made them for Beeman.
@marflow Yeah, I've looked at those and similar... but I want one just like the Beeman ones... I don't want all the "adjustable" stuff and holes... I have a couple of those on my firearms that I rarely shoot.
I'll be cherishing my Beeman ones... I keep the leather subtle too... use to just do a light coat of Neatsfoot Oil, but Ballistol does a great job now too, on the entire rifle !
@marflow I guess I didn't realize how "rare" the Beeman straps are... makes me appreciate the two that I have.
Browsing through the old Beeman airgun guides, sure make me nostalgic for those days... heck, Beeman doesn't even have a website anymore, that I can find.
I may consider having one custom made, if I can find a local leathersmith... may have to take a trip out to the nearby Amish community.
Looking forward to the return of local gun shows... always fun looking for various items !
I would like to find another Beeman Professional Tapered Strap, as they were listed in the old Beeman catalogs, catalog #7507, and #7508... or a similar one from whoever may still make them... they have the quick detachable sling swivels that I prefer.
I have the 7507 and 7508 that I purchased years ago that I really like!
I can easily remove and attach them to another rifle, but I'm curious if someone makes the same sling... I've looked online, but couldn't find the same... lots of adjustable straps, and I have a few of those too... I think maybe Bianchi made them for Beeman.
If anyone knows, let me know... Thanks !
IIRC, they were made by GALCO, or by Uncle Mike's. IIRC, Allen pioneered this as the "Cobra" design.
You might want to look for "Levy's Leathers" under Amazon's umbrella and ask them if they can make a non-adjustable one. Though that would be suicidal for a commercial product, for a custom they might be able to do it.