Both the Weaver V16 and V24 are very durable when it comes to standing up to magnum springers with heavy recoil. Their proven track record in the field is very good. The V16 AO focuses down to 9-10 yards, the V24 to about 15 yards or so IIRC. In any case, these two scopes usually go for about $300+ easily, but I see sonnysan is selling a never-used V16 with "Dual-X" (duplex) reticle for $175. That's really a pretty great deal.
If you wonder about the glass on the V16 and V24, and smoothness of the magnification and AO rings, they're all excellent.
Here's the link to sonnysan's ad right here on this forum:
Moderators, I hope I haven't violated any forum rules with this post. If I have, please delete the post and accept my apologies. It just seemed like a good match waiting to happen.