Beeman R9 .22 Pelle...
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Beeman R9 .22 Pellet Help

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Ages ago I came to this forum (might have even been The Yellow) for advice on the "perfect," most versatile springer in .22. When I factored in my tastes the Weihrauch HW 95/Beeman R9 rose to the surface. I finally got one last summer. It's the previous generation with the more traditional checkering, a stock that covers the breech block and NO sights. These were my preferences; no sights because I'll never use them and no mounting holes from where the sights used to be...just because that would bug me is all.

Beeman R9

A couple months ago I came back here for ideas for the perfect scope. Given my list of mostly rational wants, we came to a conclusion. I have a Leupold EFR 3-9X33mm inbound. I'm excited. This is the culmination of my "Bucket List Air Rifle" project that probably started when I was around 13 years old and sitting under an oak with a Crosman 2200 "Magnum" waiting on a squirrel. The HW 95/R9 didn't even exist yet back then (late 70's.)

Beeman R9

That brings me to pellets. I've been fat, dumb and happy shooting the Crosman "Hollow Point" pellets. They shoot well enough and only cost $6.24 from Walmart and Amazon. At least they used to. The shelf is empty at the local Walmart and the Amazon price shot up to "crazy and highly variable." Regardless, it's about time I put as much thought into pellets as the gun and scope.

I have been reading. Consensus seems to indicate that while HW barrels are very good, the .22 barrels tend to "run a little big." How big I do not know. I have also read that H&N Field Target Trophy pellets are HIGHLY thought of for this rifle. But they run in different head sizes and I don't know how big is big enough. I could experiment and will if I have too but at about $17 a tin and at least three different head sizes in .22, it could get expensive. Nice way to spend a weekend though.

So is there a consensus on the perfect pellet for this gun too? Maybe a couple? If it helps, this gun will get used for everything; hunting, pesting, pop cans, spinners, paper, informal matches. To my knowledge the gun is bone stock except for the sling I added.

Beeman R9

Thanks in advance.


Beeman R9

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Posts: 18

The one pellet that has shot well in every HW95 22cal I have ever owned (4 of them) is the H&N FTS 5.52 and 5.53

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Get the 5.53 or 5.54 or really any of them. All the pellets in the tin won't be that size anyway. 

Superdomes may be worth a try as well. 

Crosmans always ran small in the tins I have bought. 

I still haven't found a Weihrauch .22 that shoots well. But the ones I do have, have shot best with those above. 

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Your R9 looks to be of a similar era as mine. Mine loves H&N FTTs in 5.53 and H&N Baracuda Greens. It also shoots the RWS domes well. 

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The old Crosman Premiers in the carboard box or the black and red 250 count tins shoot well in all my HW .22.

The best is the old blue tin Eley Wasps, but they are not to be found now days.

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I have owned many of the .22, and found the H&N Ftt 5.53, 5.54 the most accurate, and the RWS domes 0-30 yds shoot well, after that they start to fall apart.  I never cared much for the Crossman pellets.

Head size and tins as mentioned above, vary from the ones I have checked.  If you buy a tin of 5.52, you will find samples 5.48 thru 5.55, but the majority may land around 5.52.

Prairie Farmer

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@jim-bentley Yeah, the old blue tin Eley Wasp .22 (5.6mm) were probably the best... I never really tried any thing else back when I got my R1-TK and HW95-TK since Jim Maccari recommended them way back then, and a local airgun shop (now long gone) use to sell them... I always bought a few tins there whenever I stopped in... I still have a few tins, and have been wondering what I will be trying next when they run out.

Eley Wasp Pellets 3



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My R9 likes the H&N FTT in 5.52, but PA hasn’t had it in a while, but the 5.53 works just as well.  

New York
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You might consider trying the Air Arms Falcon 13.43gr. They shoot the best in my HW95 .22 with the H&N FTT 5.54 head size pellets coming in a close second. 

Yeah I know the Air Arms are just rebranded JSB Exact RS 13.43gr pellets but for whatever the reason, the Falcons actually shoot better than the RS in my rifle. Yeah I know they also say 5.52 head size on them but they fit my barrel the exact same as the FTT 5.54's do.

United Kingdom
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@airmojo, Now that's a blast from the past 1960's.  I think we could still get them in the eighties.

I remeber the tin well as for the cost Dad allways got them for his old Diana so I can not say.  Sorry post so out of date but thought you may like to know well remembered here in England

Now under Bisley brand.  Well known Range in SW England.  

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@blueband From what I have heard the new Bisley Wasps aren't quite the same... I haven't tried any .22 or .177... the old .22 blue tin Wasp have a larger head diameter (5.56mm) that makes them more snug in the barrel which is often needed in some barrels... I had a couple old red tins Wasps, but don't really remember them being anything special in any of my air rifles.

I use to buy all my pellets from a local airgun shop, but it's been long gone for years now... the owner always had the best selections of pellets... have to order all my pellets online now, and fortunately, I can still do that !

Waiting for some nicer weather to get outside and do some shooting at my wide menagerie of targets !

United Kingdom
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@airmojo Thank you for the reply, for my sins and after seeing the old blue tin I thought it would be good to try a tin for myself....   No Bisley Wasp Blue in stock, I ordered Reds in .177 .  Now as you and I know the originals were imperial as was Dad's Diana.  But I have to say I have used a tin (well 4/5) of 500 Bisley Practice through a Beerman P17 with brill results.  Pigeons nil sort of, shed Apex 300+.

So as The Shed needs a new apex I thought I would try some wasps.  I do not want to hit the Pigeons (Feral) just want them off the bird feeding tables (well that's my excuse).   As for my rifle its metric so I use std pellets as supplied by the shop (on-line)  to try but never used the rifle as my health put the boot in a bit.  But I have so much fun with my pistol, I have ordered another two types to play with before I hopefully get to go out with the air rifle.

Have fun and keep healthy, David.


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