Dr. Beeman would be proud of this specimen. New, old stock. Santa Rosa markings. I'm sure I kept it this way to be original as possible, as the screws and brake would be replaced by me. For your viewing pleasure:
1. Beeman universal muzzle break.
2. Trigger shoe.
3. Beeman SS-2L 3x scope with skylite cover and red filter in the mounting plates.
4. Rear replacement plate.
5. Professional scope stop.
As the Beeman literature says, all of the above items are highly recommended!
The classic Goudy stock - they sure don't make them like that anymore...and really I wish they did! I have one almost identical, but wearing a Leupold 3-9 EFR.
Sonny, what Beeman era is it from? The forearm on the older ones tapers up every so slightly, so it looks like a San Rafael to me, but it's hard to tell without the rear sight on there.