Hello, thank you for giving me the opportunity to join the group. I inherited a rarely used Beeman FWB 65 pistol & I'd like to sell it. Having a hard time figuring out what ask for it. I know it depends on condition. Is there a Blue Book type guide for pricing? Even a range would be great.
Thank you !
these have been going a LITTLE nut over on Ebay and other
but my point is list it there
you go to that item and then at the left side and look for complete listing and you will see what has the pricing in green sales
you need to know something about the pistol to which model it in the time line and if it has extra front sight inserts the screw and plate for the sledge clamping which grip it has, sports or target, things like that
here are some pictures at the Vintage
message me if you like
good luck
normal pricing would 500.00 to 700.00 but condition is a factor and if the seal and buffer have been replaced
Yes, there is a Blue Book of Airguns, now up to its 12th edition.
IMHO it is not always totally realistic, but a great resource and good reference point for any sale.
This reminded me of something else. I've been trying to think of this individual that seemed to be the Beeman historian on the old yellow. Don't remember his name but he certainly had a deep knowledge of all things Beeman. Can anyone inform me as to who this might have been?