Ataman BP-17 Update
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Ataman BP-17 Update

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I had the BP17 for about 1 week (after I unwrapped it). 

Day 0: No machined fill probe in the box, manual plastic pack split, missing allen wrenches as well.

Day 1: Safety fell completely out of the gun before I could even shoot it.

Day 2: Cylinder leaked from 300 BAR to 250 BAR overnight. In addition all three of the extra mags I ordered would not fit in the gun unless forced. Once in they would not cycle. They were obviously defective. Mags that came with the gun slid in and out like butter. 

Day 3:  The gun shot 8 inch off flyers every 5 shots or so. I shot my $600 Galaxy S8 while filming a video (flyer) 

Day 4: Trying to "settle the regulator" by shooting 500 it would do under 50 cent piece size groups at 35 yards (if you don't count the 20% flyers) …the cocking handle became permanently stuck forward with no magazine in the gun after about 100 rounds. 

I'm sending it back to PY Air for repair. Hopefully round 2 will go better for me and the BP17. 

…just DON'T BUY ONE. 

Also: I was gentle with the gun, never abused or it or harmed it in any way. I just sat down at a bench on 3-4 occasions and shot it. None of the problems indicated above were caused by misuse. 

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PY Air is fixing it for free. Thanks PY!!! -Nate 

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You have to stick the safety rod back into the gun to make it work properly again.  It is totally NORMAL for the safety pins to fall completely out with ATAMAN rifles.

That is added safety when completely removing the safety pin from the gun.

That pin should just go right back in then go shoot and have fun with it.

Are you inserting the magazines the correct way?

You probably want to send it back anyway due to the leak and suggest you ask

someone like Tyler to test it out before shipping the replacement so you don't end

up with a double whammy. OOPS hold that thought, I just noticed PA doesn't

have any in stock so you might have to wait for them to FIX IT for you.

Just too bad, that looked like an interesting alternative to the Edgun Lelya.

Perhaps your gun will be featured as one of their typical Ataman REFURBS

for cheap. Notice they have REFURB Atamans.

I have an Ataman AP16 Compact Pistol and it works fine  and accurate as heck but a bit overpriced IMHO for what you get. It is SUPER LOUD without an LDC. Have a threaded barrel adaptor with a mini Huggett which makes it extremely backyard friendly.

I REALLY worry about the higher 300BAR fill pressure causing the seals to leak so I just fill to 250BAR MAX and usually only to 200BAR.

Noticed that PA has many Atamans priced cheaper than KRALE.

I have a Walnut Ataman M2R Carbine ultra compact side folder on its way and after reading your problem with your brand new gun,  I'M  WORRIED!!!

It is just like the one TED reviewed and really though it was a very cool mini carbine that can be folded up and put inside a small bag.


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I had that one Ted reviewed for a short time. Super accurate at 50 yards. I think that was the first time I had shot a 1/2 in group at 50...with the folding stock .22 M2. 

I have got alot of refurbished PY guns. I used to grab semi-auto Evanix from the PY refurb section when they started becoming hard to find. The refurbished guns I got were always like new. I even got the AP16 standard for $799 and it was as new. 

Also, sometimes it's just 10% off so you may want to consider buying new...but there are some rare guns that come thru there...not sure how they get it's always worth checking out. 

I got enough footage for a review...and the BP17 did tighten up the groups with a little practice and break in. So it's a good gun. 

Eric, from PY is taking back the BP17 and I'm going to put the money toward a pre-order of the new RAW LRT. ..coming some day soon I hope. 

50ft pounds in .22 / 60ft pounds in .25


Im going with red to match my Red Wolf . ...which I do plan to actually shoot some day. 

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I have a blue version of that. I think I need a red one too!

You are going to really like that Red Wolf!


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HA,  I'm leaning toward Red but it's a hard decision.  The Blue seems like they got too much grey in it. Red Wolf .25 vs RAW .25 would be a great video. I'm glad I could put my BP17 money toward a RAW. By the way...anyone got $600 I can borrow? 

PY 4794 RAW HMX1000 LRT Air 1548183352

P.S. How about that Yellow Jacket Crown?  

fx yellowjacket crown


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