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Anyone else here have Logun rifles?

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Although I must confess that at heart I'm a springer guy, I own a few pcps.  My affinity for them began with the old Logun Solo rifles. When I converted my 22 Cal to a rotary, I began to have a healthy respect for them.

At only 6 pounds with a scope, and under 40 inches, the Solo became my "other" rifle. Lol. The sleek figured English Walnut stock and the shiny blue Lothar Walther barrel completed the seduction.  Topped with a nice Leupy, she can shoot a flea off a dogs ass at 30 yards and group quarter size at 50.  I'm sure it can do better than I can shoot it.

These days I also have another 22 Solo and a Sweet 16 in 22.  The 16 is still incredible to shoot.  If it weren't so heavy, it would be right there with today's pcps.  The weight is due to the stout construction.  If you don't kill what you're aiming at, you can always beat it to death with this chuck of metal!  But what it does do, is shoot and shoot extremely well.  Super quiet and spot on.  And why not?  Loguns are basically a kicked up FX rifle.  The Verminator is the son of the S16.  

That's the other part that makes the Sweet 16 cool.  It's a break down rifle with its own case.  It even comes with optional extra bottes.  


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Looks like you added a Foster quick fill nipple to yours.

Sure is a looker but the FX has evolved with a trigger

that is no longer like an AR15 and cocking is buttery smooth

compared to the effort required to cock the Logun.

Accuracy was very good and in the right hands with

proper start fill pressure and counting shots, could

just about keep up with todays technology.



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My Logun Gladi8tor is probably the closest kin to the early FX MK1 generation

until the magazines were changed (MK2).


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What I appreciate the most in my observation that the older Lothar Walther barrels seem to be less pellet fussy compared to the current offerings.


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No doubt about that.  Those LW barrels are a finely crafted, machined piece of steel.  The "technology " barrels of today will not stand the test of time.  My Solo is still like new 20 years later.  I've never had to do anything to it but routine maintenance.  

In so far as the nipped conversion,  I hardly ever break it down or take it hunting, so it ease of fill.  

Also, you are correct about the triggers on the S16.  That's definitely one area where today's rifles excell.  But with a little practice,  I still can group em.  

The trigger on the Solo is not the same.  Definitely a match grade.  Super crisp and light.  That valve system and superb trigger put that rifle lightyears ahead of what was out there!  The only "drawback " is no regulator.  Wonder if they make one for it?

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I know what you mean because I have a single shot Webley Raider (UK MFG.).

Your FX manufactured Logun SOLO is a cousin of the FX madde Webley Raider/Venom Viper which is one of the finest PCPs to come out in an earlier FX era which ceased production coming out of Sweden only to be contracted out to a Turkish gun manufacturer. When FX decided to push their own label out. Until not that long ago it was made in Turkey which seems as if Webley borrowed the design and had a cheaper version made which includes multi shot variants using Hatsan magazines aka Webley Raider which is an FX Tarantula/Thor decendant but a really sad story product which was a far cry from the original. They were definitely NOT as good as the ones made in Sweden but they were significantly cheaper and not as pretty. Even the Webley UK manufactured guns were contracted to be manufactured in Turkey. Then the Hatsan came about where you see direct decendants of surprisingly many of the Webley originals. COINCIDENTALLY the Hatsans bear a remarkable resemblance to FX when you compare them recently refering to semi automatics and magazines.

IMO they may have been better off contracting to CHINA instead because I am noticing CHINA seems to be able to make SURPRISINGLY accurate barrels. Must have copied Lothar Walther this time.

I wouldn't doubt that a HUMA could work if you have the right dimensions but I wouldn't mess with a good thing, it is something that can and will eventually go wrong and will require service, repair or replacement.



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It is sad these days that the bottom line is that its all about the MONEY.

Sure hope UK and Germany and Russia and Ukraine and Czech are listening up because air gunner loyalists hope to continue to enjoy quality guns.

Hope that the RAW's transfer of power doesn't affect its long standing UK heritage.

I would hope and guess that the prices should get cheaper when you think really hard about that one going from individualized special attention to a larger scale mass production.




North Carolina
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Got an older Logun G8or that I had shortened into a Verminator.  Handy little gun. 

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I had a gen 1 Gladiator.  I loved it and miss it.  I hope to get a Gen 2 Gladiator sometime.

David Enoch

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I have a Logun MKii that I love but it’s leaking air and I need to get it fixed 

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Let's see that Mk11.  Wasn't the stock a Gary Cane design?

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0F45886B 635F 4DFA BD40 02A336ED0EB4
F398F714 8330 497A 8272 460CA9A57BAA
11262E88 09EA 43E8 AC6C 6F8171BEA12C

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Sure is PRETTY!

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   Have an FX Solo in .22 that has a magazine attached and long moderator. My understanding is that it was designed as a .177 by a couple of Brits who wanted something better for their FT competition. Hence the "Solo" for single shot loading that is critical for preventing pellet deformation. Great trigger. Will have to comb through old Airgun World and Airgun Letter issues to get the whole story. If I am careful and not over caffeinated, It will shoot 1/2" 50 yd groups with AAs.

   A light, handy rifle. What more could a shooter want?



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That is one beautiful TH stock!  Betcha it shoots as pretty as she looks!

JW....I have 2 Solos.  Love em!!  You're spot on about the trigger.  Plus rifle weighs only 5.8 lbs. Mine have the manual indexed rotary mag from Rowan.  Sweet little rifle!

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Yes the MKii is very accurate. I love the bolt and pellet feed.  I can’t remember who could work on these though.  I think it was a guy that used to work on Theobens. 

Allen zanzaby??? I thought thats who did work on this one. I was thinking about maybe even looking into one of those huma regulators? 

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Allen Zasadny would probably be one of the top candidates to go through your gun however there would be a rather long turn around time.

Dave Slade at Airgunwerks may be the person you mention who works on Theoben guns.




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