Anschutz 8002 10 me...
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Anschutz 8002 10 meter one more try

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I just picked up this gun. Still hopeful a few of you will join in a online informal 10 meter funtest. (contest)

Pistol or rifle here is a link,

Tonight was the first time I've had time to shoot it. What a trigger!!!

anschutz 8002 s2 black wood 12

I was happy to keep most in the black. Don't we have a few willing to play? Shut down fever? Anyone.

Ac a

North Carolina
Rest In Peace
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 108

For informal fun you sure got a nice gun! You have some good shots on that target. A pattern of 9 shots are low meaning you are probably "muscling" the gun up rather than a position with proper relaxed support. I used to play that game back in the early 90's but iron sights are difficult these days. The two bulls in the center are for sighter shots you can shoot multiple times and the perimeter are the record 10 shots. A good 10M jacket makes a big difference too. Great competition because you can practice in your home. I miss it.

Joined: 7 years ago
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I have lesser 10 meter guns. I just like trying stuff out. I really have very little idea of what I'm doing. ?  I wouldn't know where to put the barrel weight or if I even need it. Just kind of winging it looking for advice and participants.

The thing about the sighters is I can't see where I've hit anyway. I have to walk up to the target and look. 

I have this Hammerli as well has an AirForce edge. Surprisingly the Daisy 853? single cock hangs right in there with them. Not the trigger on it.


You don' have to "miss it". Shoot what you have and post it in the other thread.



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