This week, a fellow GTA member posted about a couple vintage Crosman's he was going to rebuild. A model 1 & a 761XL that looked a bit the worse for wear, and the butt stock had been removed. Laying in a parts box for who knows how long besides. I showed a pic of the Crosman part of my collection many were already familiar with. He PM'd me, & we discussed it back & forth. I wound up buying the 761XL Powermaster for $25 + $20 shipping. It's build date was March 1976. The month of my 20th birthday. And some 2 months before Ford hired me. He sent it off 2-day Pony Express. It arrived last Thursday about 1:40PM. I bolted the butt stock back in place, then polished the brass plated receiver with some Nevr-Dull. Let that dry to a haze after a couple rub-on, rub-offs. Then rubbed the stocks, barrel and pump tube thoroughly with Brownell's woven patches and Rem-Oil. Then mounted an old Centerpoint 3-9x32 scope I had in my spare parts. Then buffed the now-dried Nevr-Dull to a bit higher luster. Even the Elm wood stocks looked brighter after a good oil rub-down! Here then, are my initial results...