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A White Fang 22cal RWS 54

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Is my woman a Godsend or what? This is what she had done for me. Recently I had my 22cal RWS 54 gone through by the one and only and dearly departed White "OC Boulding" Fang. Matter of fact, it was the last rifle that he had worked on before his passing. Now I feel sorry for those who may have never talked to OC and/or not had the pleasure of shooting and rifle worked on by Fang. He, like Nitrocrush, are amazing men when it comes to airgun smith's.

See I really messed up my attempt to recrown my rifle as well as noticing its dramatic drop in fps. Literally in some instances a 100fps+. It had a Vortek PG2 in it. Now many of you probably already know that I like to tinker but always seem to mess something up and finally my old lady took my dremel and threw it away, lol.

Ok, back to business. Fang chopped, choked and recrowned my barrel. He lapped and polished my barrel, replaced the piston buttons, got rid of the PG2 and installed a ARH (Jim Macarri-hope thats how its spelled) ZRT spring kit with piston and breach seals. Fang made fitted guide and top hat out of delrin, replaced all lubes with kyrtox, honed the comp tube and cylinder. Fixed the piston stem or something like that, lol, that was loose (Apologies for the lack of vernacular.). He made a muzzle brake from delrin, made a cheek riser because I had a bunch of black/grayish pipe insulation glued on top of one another and told/asked me what the heck was I trying to do. And to top it off, he polished the stock, which I thought was impossible to do, to a beautiful sheen. He also fixed the "rocking" of the action in the stock to where it does not go no where except forward and back, like it should. I know that I am missing something else, sorry Fang.

Power output is as follows:

Now I used a Pro Chrono with the plug in light shade thing. At first I thought the power output was low for a ZRT spring, but for one, I am not a power junky/seeker. Two, the rifle is basically brand new inside with tight fitting guides and three, its plenty enough for me in a 22cal spring gun.

10 shot strings:

JSB 18gr= 730fps; ES-4; SD-3

JSB 15gr Hades= 785fps; ES-7; SD-2

CP 14gr= 835fps; ES-6; SD-2

H&N FTT= 785fps; ES-25(hey!?); SD-4

H&N Snpr Lht= 835; ES-9; SD-3

Out of these 5 types of pellets I had the best accuracy with the Hades, hmmph, who would have known. Special thanks goes out to Hector Medina who at one time recommended fitting the rifle with a Sightron 4-12x MOA-2 scope sitting in a HM accurized ZR Mount. Hector I haven't forgotten about you. FYI, that Sightron scope is cheap price wise but do not let that stop you from getting one. Yeah it has a front AO instead of the side types that we all love and ok, it's under $200. But its clicks are repeatable and precise. I don't like that between each "mark" is considered 2 MOA and the the crosshairs are thick but for less than $200, I haven't had, used nor seen anything comparable within its price range. I like it...a lot

Well to wrap things up, I am happy with the outcome. It pains me that I cannot express and convey my happiness with the results of OC's work back to him. You know, just talking with him on the phone, he made me feel like we known each other for years. I hope everyone who reads this gets something from it. Take care guys/gals

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I think that was a fine testimonial to a dear fellow airgunner. Enjoy that exceptionally special 54!

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Thanks redfeather

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Congrats Josh!

On BOTH: the Lady and  the gun, in that order.







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@hector-j-medina-g thanks goes to you as well brother

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Among airgunners, TRUE airgunners, we're all family.

Whenever you are ready, let me know and I will ship you a ZR mount.

Again, congrats on the excellent gun you got!

Whenever you can, post pictures of the final setting you decide on (I do agree with you Steve is one of the assets of airgunning in the USA).

Keep well, my best to your lady and shoot straight (at least now you have no excuses, ROFL!)








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Posted by: @josh3rd

finally my old lady took my dremel and threw it away, lol.


Hi Josh

You may of been  one  of  the last rifles O C / Fang did  but Iam fairly sure Tommy Harris  aka  Shambosie  was  the very last maybe  he can  comet  on  it if  he  see 's this post.

I had encouraged  tommy  to  contact fang for the two rifles he needed  work  done  and one was completed & returned  the other fang did not get  to becauise  of  the obvious 

I was to busy with projects and fang really  liked working the rws rifles, so I told tommy he would be in good  hands (Later -  he  could not thank me  enough ) even shared  pictures .

I would say to you ..to stop ? your tinkering !!!  just  leave  it be, ? and enjoy your shooting. 

Not everyone can learn & do as they go its just a fact ! How ever  you are a pretty darn good at your written post when ever  you  share. seriously.. 

Yes Fang was a good close friend of mine and many other airguners

Airgunners may have the comon thread of the  love for  airguns  but I have found in this  sport a lot of Uglyness , did  I say A lot  / Trust me Many converstaion with fang with his  experiences as well, but Ive learned to keep my eye  on the prize 

"My passion for what I love in this  sport "and the truely GOOD airgunners along the way!

 Mike E.




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Mike, from what I remember, you are probably one of the 1st ones who befriended me in this thing of ours and for that I am eternally grateful. As for the tinkering, you have never been soooo right.  I too remember conversations with Fang about some of the ugliness and how it affected himself and others.  But maybe its our job, Mike, to help steer it away with our minor/major contributions. I know/feel that you are and have been a positive influence on myself as well as many others and for that sir I thank you. 

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Hector, I sent you a PM.  As for settings, I settled on 1 3/4 CCW and I place the 54 either 16 or 8 fingers away from the trigger guard onto the sticks.  The 16 and 8 produced the same results but if shooting without sticks, the 8F is better/easier to hold.  But if using sticks, the 16F is way steadier.  HTH

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@josh3rd .- Yes, Josh, got your address. I'm a bit busy now, but will be doing some mounts in the near future. I'll let you know when I ship.

Keep well and shoot straight!





josh3rd reacted
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Thanks Hector

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Posted by: @josh3rd

. Recently I had my 22cal RWS 54 gone through by the one and only and dearly departed White "OC Boulding" Fang. Matter of fact, it was the last rifle that he had worked on before his passing.

Ah I Have the info !

spoke  with tommy  via  email he said fang did his 48 & he was going to start his 34  when fang called asking if he could do  your 48 first and  finish tommys 34  afterwards  because  you needed  yours  like yesterday LOL

tommy did a post  on his 48  also  he  loves it

josh3rd reacted

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